Why do people just pick random characteristics and declare them to be bad? Why does someone with a "happy-go-lucky" personality gets praised, but I need to be cured from my "paranoia"? Both are just different ways to view the world, who's to say which one is better? It doesn't concern them how I live my life.
Why are "mentally ill" people so persecuted? Why can't they just be left alone?
Life is hard when you're delusional.
Because paranoia isn't healthy.
Which country do you live in that makes being mentally ill so bad?
Whichever it is come to mine and be mine instead
The world of mental health has very little to do with an individual's mental health. The industry serves to make you function in society. Anyone paying attention knows society is beyond fucked and unnatural, but that doesn't matter. You are a cog in the endless economic growth machine first and a human being second, if at all.
Why is it any less healthy than being happy all the time? If you're always happy, you just become easier to manipulate. All character traits have their ups and downs, but it seems only some of them are treated as a problem.
I'm in Eastern Europe. Where are you?
I happen to know of another eastern european who came to America and is quite happy for it
Because it is unpredictable and therefore scary. We are so routine-based that anything upsetting normalcy is "wrong." However, this fact does not mean that your alleged paranoia is right. You should really consider what people are telling you about your worldview; It usually comes from a place of good intent. Rather than take it personally and try to defend yourself with the non-existence of right and wrong, you should at least try a little to see others' attempts at "helping" you as evidence that you can try to loosen up a little. Take small steps. If you don't want to try their way, assimilate what they say and then use your knowledge of other people's expectations to hide your power level.
Are you enjoying your paranoia? Is it granting you great inner peace and insight into the human condition? Or are you obsessing over bullshit because every single thing could be clue of impeding attack?
To paraphrase the actual definition of mental illness - the illness part is contingent on functional impairment. So a happy-go-lucky person can choose to be serious but you can never choose to actually connect to people.
Because happiness literally results in a better overall health and general group positivity. It will always feel better to be happy than to be paranoid. Humans are a social animal and therefore it feels better to be more trusting of one another which wouldn't happen (as often) if paranoia was the norm.
>If you're always happy, you just become easier to manipulate
How so?
Finally someone who gets it. The mental health industry is not there to help you grow as an individual, but to keep the economy running.
I don't really care about that. I've lived in countries wealthier than USA, it didn't really change anything for me. It's all about your inner self.
I do take into consideration what others tell me, in fact I always try to act as rationally as possible. My "paranoia" isn't even something that I would care about if others didn't tell me about it. Normies literally create mental illness out of thin air.
I don't feel anything towards it, it's just the way I am. The way I observe the world. Nothing wrong with that. I'm not even obsessive, I'm actually very selective over the things I care about. I cut all ties to anything else.
Why does happiness even have to be a goal? I'm fine the way I am. I see no need to display affection towards other people. I don't bother them either, so I don't understand the issue. Happy people lack awareness of their surroundings anyways. Their minds are cluttered with unimportant bullshit.
I wasn't really talking about the wealth of the country, this place could be a lot poorer and I'd still ask you to come and be mine
Well, what do you have to offer me that I don't have here?
My jealous affection, my wavering attention and the chance to talk to me in person
Do restaurants serve gourmet burgers in your corner of eastern europe?
>Why does happiness even have to be a goal?
Because happiness feels good.
>I'm fine the way I am.
Good for you user.
>I see no need to display affection towards other people.
It promotes general kindness which would lead to happiness in most people.
>Happy people lack awareness of their surroundings anyways. Their minds are cluttered with unimportant bullshit.
How do you know they aren't aware? What are their minds filled with?
There are several burger chains. I doubt they're as good as American burgers though. I wouldn't mind trying one.
I suppose I meant that I don't believe happy people. Happiness is an incredibly fleeting feeling and has to be constantly sustained with outside validation. So I don't even believe that truly happy people exist. Not to mention I'm against the pursuit of happiness as a concept. It just leaves people unfulfilled by setting unrealistic expectations on their own brain. Therefore, to be happy, or claim to be happy, you need to have a distorted worldview.
>Happy people lack awareness of their surroundings anyways. Their minds are cluttered with unimportant bullshit.
so cynicism is the only correct view of reality? Is this depressive conformist coping at its finest? jesus
Ever thought about that some people are just happy because they see the positive aspect of all the bullshit that gets thrown at them and they just have the ability to work past it and not get completely obliterated by them
Sorry, I might have rambled a bit too much in that post. Refer here
>Happiness is an incredibly fleeting feeling and has to be constantly sustained with outside validation
Not necessarily. It depends on the person.
>It just leaves people unfulfilled by setting unrealistic expectations on their own brain.
That's a loaded statement user. Not everyone sets out to become king of the world. The trick is to find happiness in small things, such as treating others with kindness.
But it's true. The idea that we MUST seek happiness is perhaps the most devious and cancerous tool of control ever created. Those who propagate that this feeling is somehow more desirable than any other are doing a massive disservice to the development of individuals. No one IS happy, it's just a fleeting emotion that's no more important than any other. Society should not be centered around it.
you have a warped view of the concept of happiness user
Because a "happy-go-lucky" personality leads to a hard working, non questioning, strong consumer, easy to get alon with human. The perfect drone. Whereas a "mentally ill" person is a resource drain and can be prone to asking too much. It's not about normies, well it is but not that much, it's about jews mostly.
This is the same reason suicide """prevention""" services exist, they need you to consume and produce and an investment was made in you (education and other), they need their investment back (you consuming and producing)
I get told that I'm "delusional" or "mentally ill" quite often, so I'm not surprised you think that. I still believe I'm right though.
Well yeah, no one is in a 100% state of constant happiness. That would be insane. I don't think anyone is saying you HAVE to be happy, but to think it isn't important in anyway is equally insane. When you're happy, it means your contempt and secure in whatever position you're in. In fact, I think when you're happy your mind is completely free to concentrate on anything, as opposed to paranoid people who can only feed off their paranoia.
I kind of agree. Being content with the situation you are in is a big part of my core beliefs. I still don't think that happiness should be sought in any case. And I'd disagree that no one is saying that you should be always happy, there definitely is that trend in society. Usually in the form of empty positive reinforcement.
Regarding "paranoia", it's just a label put on me by others. I don't associate it with any of the negative qualities you mentioned. I doesn't cause me any suffering.
>Happiness is an incredibly fleeting feeling and has to be constantly sustained with outside validation.
Not the ones you're replying to, I disagree partially with this. My belief is outside influence is harmful to the pursuit of happiness (which I believe to be an unrealistic goal anyway) because comparissons are inevitable, whether they or you are right doesn't matter. I'm doing X and they're doing Y, could I be wrong if I'm happy doing X? Grass is always greener on the other side.
The problem is not everyone can just fully retreat into his own mind forever, nor forget or "purify" his current worldview built partly on outside influences, it's possible though. We are wired to socialize in one way or another.
Still not quite the same as external validation though, just externally introduced self-doubt and rose tinted glasses.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being contempt, but it can lead to stagnation, which isn't very healthy as it can lead to boredom and eventually depression. If that's what makes you happy then that's on you. Most people set goals for themselves because accomplishment leads to happiness and better self worth.
Depends on the type, really.
Paranoia isn't so bad, unless it's taken to the extreme.
Hell, even schizos are fine, even though people stereotype them as some kind of psychotics for some reason. I think the big issue is lack of understanding, and of course lack of empathy.
The real problem here is Cluster B personality disorders. That's the place where the bad stuff comes from more often than not.
I'd be more willing to date someone with a mental illness than one with BPD.
>The problem is not everyone can just fully retreat into his own mind forever, nor forget or "purify" his current worldview built partly on outside influences, it's possible though. We are wired to socialize in one way or another.
Well, I hope that isn't true. I think it's working fine for me. I hope that one day everyone can be like that.
I'm all for having goals. I just see them more like guides than actual purpose in life. I just use them to know what to do every day.
>I think it's working fine for me.
Not trying to be mean here but I think you're being hypocrite, notice how I said fully. How can you say that when you've been posting non-stop for the last weeks? Seeking either others opinion or plainly interaction with them? Again, not trying to be mean, don't beat yourself over that. It's very, extremely hard yet a noble goal and I applaud you for it. If you can pull it off you'll be one of the few lucky, blessed ones. But if you really want to pull it off I think you need to be honest with yourself first. If you can't no worries my man I'm not telling you to leave, I mean the more non-bait non-normalfag garbage posters Jow Forums has the better.
>I hope that one day everyone can be like that.
Rebels and monks will always exist but the future techno bigbrother dystopia won't allow for many freedoms. I hope shit hits the fan so we have a chance to save ourselves.
True. I haven't yet achieved it, but I think I'm pretty close. The reason I'm still here is because of my goal. I still have a set of questions I want to probe. Asking them here has actually helped me adjust my beliefs quite a bit. Not to seem like an even bigger hypocrite, but by retreat to your mind I don't mean literally not talking to anyone ever. It's all about being comfortable in whatever situation you are, regardless if it involves other people. That is to be complete in your own being. Once my mission is over, I'll likely have no reason to stay.
>they need you to consume and produce and an investment was made in you (education and other), they need their investment back (you consuming and producing)
Exactly this there's not much else more to say. Every relationship in society is debtor/creditor, even parental relationships work this way with their children.
Ah I see what you mean then. No worries. Shouldn't be hard to pull it off, being complete in your own being. I think accepting cycles are part of life, and that lows and ups will come whether you want it or not, whether you're with others or not, is a helpful mindset to have and thus you realize you were always complete but were asking the wrong questions. Maybe not what you're looking for tho, just my 2cents.
>Once my mission is over, I'll likely have no reason to stay.
Imho there's always something new to be learned. Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general sure as fuck are not in their best shape right now but gold nuggets can still be found, diminishing returns are a bitch tho. Dopamines a cunt too.
I can only create so many threads before it becomes too repetitive or before jannies sniff me out hehe.