Girls suck

>Be me
>Have 7/10 skinny hyper-self-conscious depressed girlfriend, recently becoming a bitch always getting mad at me when trying to cheer her up, gets mad over petty shit
>Losing feelings fast, trying to save our relationship. Just hit our 10 month anniversary and its not getting better, feels lopsided losing sleep over it
>Just want to break up, can hardly find time to hit the gym anymore. Never says thank you to me when I buy her anything

>Recently make friends with 10/10 qt3.14, thick as fuck
>Click perfectly with her, she's working her way into my friend group, huge tomboy quickly becomes one of us
>Start hanging out with her alone, lay on her bed and talk about life, even complain about my GF once and a while.
>Drunk texts me one night, confesses love, says she can do way better than my GF, totally wants to fuck me, consistently mires my lips whenever we talk in person
>Whenever I show her memes or videos she subtly rests her head on my shoulder to get a better look

This is so fucked Jow Forums. Help me. I think I'm in love with this new girl in my life and I don't know how to leave my GF. I'm not happy

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tell your girlfriend you want some space and go fuck this new chick

I mean if it doesn't work what are you waiting for


Fuck the other girl, gf will find out and surprise will be all nice and begging to keep you. It's a win win. Don't fuck her and both will see you as a simp.

>Hey gf, this isn't working, gfto

Other girl maybe a degenerate due to wanting to homewreck bro

Sounds like you've already made your decision homie. Just break up with the broad you're dating now. If you start cheating on her that will bring implications into your next relation ship and the thick qt will remember you being okay with infidelity. Clean cut.
>b-but it's hard
Breaking up is always shitty, even if you're the instigator. Do it as clean as possible

>10 months

Break up with her. At 10 months there is no significant investment between you two. Start dating the tomboy but keep it lowkey for two months

You’re already cheating on your girlfriend. Break up with her you faggot and go for new girl.

Post lips and body

My gf was also a bitch and always mad, it had been 9 months but I couldn't stand her anymore and didn't have feelings. Broke up with her and I am really more happy now and I can hit the gym more. Leave her OP, it's better for u and you can bang a nicer chick

leave your gf retard

neutral evil

chaotic evil

true neutral

lawful good

neutral good

I don't really care about your pretend suffering and actually hope you get ball cancer and a flesh eating bacteria that horribly maims you.

>Hooking up with girl
>She asks me if I'm gay

>10 month anniversary

Lmao what the fuck.

This is an easy one OP.

Do you live with your gf?
Do you share finances with your gf?
Do you have any real stake in this relationship besides feelings?

No? Then give her a call and end it.

She’s probably cheating on you if she hasn’t noticed or cared that you’ve been spending all this time with another girl.

Also gtfo out of my fitness board with this relationship shit nigger

My issue is that right now we're going good, there was a period where I thought we would actually break up but I told her I wanted to work through it. It's not really working but right now everything is docile which is making it hard to find the courage to break up with her

Perfect timing, no hard feelings.


Here's the thing you know you're gonna fuck things up again, like said, sometimes relationships aren't meant to stick

No she has noticed. She knows of this girl and she hates her because she knows this girl is hotter than her, but she's never talked to her in her life. She knew we were friends but I pretended to cut this girl off, now I'm chillin' with her on the DL.

You're right. I still want to be friends with her but she's too toxic for me I think. Not stable enough. I think she needs to learn to love herself before she loves someone else.

OP sticking around because things aren't good but aren't terrible is how dudes end up marrying their girlfriends and end up in loveless marriages.

Just do it. The longer you wait the worse. You aren't happy with her, do it asap.

You guys helped a lot, you guys are great people and I appreciate all the honesty and genuine advice. As we speak she just pissed me off so now I just don't give a fuck as much as I did when I posted. Thanks Jow Forums!

Why are you such a pushover? Your GF is sucking the live out of you, why continue together? I suppose it's because she's a mess and you pity her, but you don't need to do it. She's emotionally manipulating you and she's dragging you down because she's not able to improve herself. Self-sacrifice is nice if it leads to something better at the end, if that's not the case you're wasting your time. Stop being a retarded faggot, man up, dump her and improve your life.

Maybe she'll realise that she's not doing things right, but chances are she won't. She'll drown in self-pity, maybe she'll try to hurt herself or, even worse, try to make your life miserable. But then again, who fucking cares? She's your GF (or your ex-GT at that point), not your fucking daughter. Ghost her or go to the police if she does something stupid. You shouldn't need a random user to tell you that. Man up, for fucks sake

I'm gonna be the realistic user

Both girls are shit, the one is shit because she treats you like shit, the other is shit because she's actively trying to fuck your relationship up, any decent girl would respect your relationship

Neither are worth more than a FWB Imo, enjoy your freedom and fuck both of them, pitting them against each other to accquire the most sex possible

You're right. That's all I can say. Sometimes I need an extra push to not be a fucking beta

Very based
Glad you're getting your shit together

based adjuticator

>On fit
Boy I leave for a year and this is what I come back to?

I dated a girls like yours op you need to leave now while your aware
As far as that qt goes you should just date her and not jump into anything because you look dumb just going from girlfriend to girlfriend it’s weak and the more anticipation for the said qt will create better results.

Don't think of it as cheating, just have the attitude that you were never monogamous and are entitled to date other people. It won't backfire either because you wanted to dump her anyways
>Fuck the other girl
>Don't mention it, but don't lie about it either.
>Have two gfs as part of your soft harem
>If first girl gets mad act like YOU'RE the one offended, literally recycle the lines girls use to shame men. "Why are you so insecure when I spend time with other women?" "I'm just going out with a friend tonight on the town" "You're acting really clingy, it's creepy"

The mindset you should have is that of a woman who is slowly contacting a beta orbiter less and less over time.

Have sex

Leave the gf. Don’t leave her because of the second girl. Leave her because you are not in love with her.

That's fucking retarded. His GF is making his life miserable, I wouldn't even want to fuck her if I was him. Never date (or fuck) crazy, NEVER

Now don't let this girl dominate all your time like the last one.

wrong, crazy is fun sex.. just don't dig yourself a hole too deep

On the same note you don't want to end it with a crazy woman by going for the nuclear breakup. Just let it fade away. Lest you incur her doing something REALLY crazy


just do it you fucking pussy. get it over with. clean, simple, to the point. it sounds like you both are uninterested.


That's not how it works. Even if some girl is retarded enough to act like this, I wouldn't want to be with someone who wants me to be an evil faggot without conscience and moral code (and neither would you)

Thicc tomboy? Oh boy, that'll be a hot mess in 5 years