How to afford food?

How to afford food?

>$5 for a chicken wrap at cvs
>$10 for a salad from grocery store, lunch
>keep in mind this salad has cheese, walnuts, other cheese, cottage cheese, spinach, raspberries, blueberries, yogurt, granola, raisins, croutons. big salad
>$10 for meat for dinner
>literally just a pound of meat from the hot bar from the grocery store

That's $25. Does it really cost $25 to buy food every day? I can't imagine buying the ingredients for the above would solve anything, they're too varietous. Why is food so expenseive Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

just eat rice and eggs if you're poor, basically everything you need

Go to shops that give free samples of fruits for your fruit needs

>Buyipremade shit
>Wonders why it's expensive


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Learn to cook and buy in bulk if you can. It's really easy to make simple meals for gains.

>People will point out premade food is expensive and OP needs to buy individual, unprepared ingredients and put them together on his own
>OP will throw a tard tantrum because he wasn't looking for a solution but instead wanted confirmation that no one can make it unless they're wealthy

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Beans, rice, egg whites, tuna. Scooby has some nice recipes on YouTube.

i buy 6 lbs of chicken breast from Aldi's every Sunday. (Plus 1 lbs of brown rice and 3 bags of broccoli). Make 10 meals with it. All for under $30.

Fuggen got em just eat bacon and cucumbers once a day

A big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is like 45 cents.
A fried egg sandwhich for lunch (with two eggs) is about 1.20
A lentil-barley soup with carrots, celery, cheese, onions, and spices is around 12$, but it makes enough food for about 7 meals, so around 1.71 per bowl. Just freeze whatever you aren't gonna eat in the next 2-3 days.
And there you go, a full day of food for 3.30 ish. If you wanna go full poor mode, you could easily do better than that, but this is both healthy and delicious