How the heck do vegans and others get so much protein from beans ? After about a cup of beans I'm farting like crazy...

How the heck do vegans and others get so much protein from beans ? After about a cup of beans I'm farting like crazy. I was eating them for past couple months but my farting and bloating was getting really bad. And yes I do soak them before cooking and also eat beans from several different restaurants. I'm feeling much better now after a few days just eating more meat.

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fuck beans

They don't get enough protein. That's why they are dyel asf

if you're not eating meat make sure you're supplementing the missing amino acids and vitamins.

Your gut flora adapts to what you eat

If you want to commit to beans eat them regularly. Same way you can increase lactose tolerance by consuming more of it

black lentils

Pea extract protein powder and onions usually gives them the protein they need.

The amount of volume you have to eat to hit protein goals as a vegan is nauseating. Honestly veganism is no healthier than being an omnivore and literally everyone knows that

I was eating beans for months every day. I read somewhere that bean protein and getting proteins from too many sources can mess with digestion. I eat beans along with meat, eggs and lots of veggies and grains also a lil protein powder here and there. Dunno what it is but cutting beans cleared all my issues.

i developed lactose intolerance by drinking 1 liter of milk every morning when when I was 15.
I developed lactose intolerance in the morning. I couldn't eat or drink any lactose product before lunch.

Beans are not worth the tooth decay


They don't

that's only if you go full vegan

Op vegans mostly just get survival levels of protein

uuhh... protein shakes are a thing so not all protein has to come from beans also tofu and onions milk is high protein and low fiber if the fiber is killing you

chew your food more and you wont fart

>How the heck do vegans and others get so much protein from beans ?
Fuck if I know, cooked beans have like 8-10g of protein per 100g at most, that is not a lot. So you'd have to eat over a kilo of the stuff just to get to 100g protein! As a source of carbs that also give you bonus proteins, beans are awesome, but as a main source of protein? Nope.

I've been eating plant-based for a bit and get most of my protons from tofu and mock-meats.

Carbs rot your teeth

Lentils, Chickpeas, Quinoa, Hemp seeds.

Plant protein drinks.

>How the heck do vegans and others get so much protein from beans ?

They don't

> After about a cup of beans I'm farting like crazy.

Exactly, humans are not made to absorb nutrients from plants as they absorb from animals

>After about a cup of beans I'm farting like crazy
Exactly. Vegans fart a tonne. My vegan buddie farts all the fucking time.

Eat meat dumb shits

Have sex, carnist.

You soak them but do you wash them properly.
Pressure cooking completely solves it but that is allot of work.

hot braaappp filled vegan sex.

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Not vegetarian by any mean, but currently eating 200g (weighted raw) of pinto beans every day because fiber, carbs, micros, cheap, easy to meal prep and bulking.

I soaked them for ~20h with baking soda. Minor improvement. Give it a try

I still fart considerably but don't really care anymore.

Is right. Diversify your legume sources, some might make you fart less. Green lentils and black beans marginally did it for me, vs pinto beans.



>Pea extract protein powder
Not as digestible as animal proteins.

The virgin gut-health perfectionist.

How about you suck on my cock for some digestible jizz

not vegan but I love beans
if you eat them regularly you'll adapt

also, you should soak them for some time before cooking (get rid of the water after soaking)