If you're an "incel" and unwilling to be betabux, you are a volcel. End of story.
If you're an "incel" and unwilling to be betabux, you are a volcel. End of story
Other urls found in this thread:
you don't even know what neetbux is
Disgusting, no man should have to put up with being treated as a money dispenser.
Especially not now that feminism has allowed women to be viewed as equal moneymaking machines to be milked of labor for cash.
So many women are unbelievably entitled cunts, I'll never bother with someone like the person who wrote this.
I'd be happy with that.
What she describes is what I actually want, to provide for a woman.
I just want one who hasn't been a gross slut beforehand.
>If you're lonely and not working your ass off to offer a girl your wages for a chance, you want to die alone
It's really hard to get a job in this economy though.. I've been jobless for months.
This is what you incels need to do if you want sex.
>let her know how much money you make
>buy her dinner
>buy her things
If you don't do this, you are asking to be alone. You are suboptimal genetic material; therefore, you must offer up something to make up for what you lack.
>It's really hard to get a job in this economy though.. I've been jobless for months.
It's not hard if you have value, which you do not. Thus, you are not trying hard enough, and thus you are a volcel. It is ENTIRELY your fault that you're not getting laid.
>I'll never bother with someone like the person who wrote this.
Why don't you tell her that then?
Has it ever occurred to you that women can be sub optimal genetic material themselves?
That disagreeable women and women who have personalities that drive men off deserve to be barren?
Because I'm not a redditor and she's not worth making an account over.
>It's not hard if you have value, which you do not. Thus, you are not trying hard enough
I don't think that follows logically
this and that she doesn't go fuck chad and then take half my shit after divorcing
I make 60k a year.
I just don't see why females are entitled to it if they won't cook, clean or suck me off for it reliably.
>Has it ever occurred to you that women can be sub optimal genetic material themselves?
So make yourself better and pursue women you are actually attracted to.
>solves dozens of captchas a day to post here
>is too lazy to do that plus type a string of random text for a username and "password" for a password
>yet will probably bitch in this thread a few more times cause he's scared to talk to a fat woman on the internet
No wonder you're a virgin.
No one cares about volcels you blatant reddit*r.
We're neet here.
You act like you can just get a job.
I'm done pursuing women, even if I become a millionaire there aren't any worth pursuing.
I'll take being a virgin over interacting with them more than I have to.
>You act like you can just get a job.
I've done it 4 times in my life. Quit every single one voluntarily too. It's called submitting more than one job application, and not being a disgusting neckbeard.
Stop linking that shit sub also. Do you really think we give a shit about that dead place?
Her post makes no sense because she ignores divorce. If you're with a woman who only wants your money then divorce becomes an extremely alluring option. Maybe if divorce wasn't such a destructive force then her point would make sense.
End of story.
>trying to prove a point by posting reddit post
>no longer incel
>also get to keep my money
>denying roasties betabuxx
Hell yeah, guys
>there aren't any worth pursuing.
>live in town with no jobs
>have no reliable transport
>only can apply to five places
>takes two hundred on average to get an interivew
>can reapply every six months
>five goes into two hundred 40 times
>ergo just wait twenty years to get hired
No thanks faggot. Not everyone is you.
Nope. You just can't handle the truth.
Not an argument.
>Maybe if divorce wasn't such a destructive force then her point would make sense.
Maybe if you were a good enough man she wouldn't divorce you.
>neets are volcels
yes, yes they are. you still need some money to at least look presentable.
>you should be willing to provide
by this logic femcels should be content with a man who is a provider, just because he provides, based and conservative pilled.
A dead reddit sub no less. Femcels are so rare they have like two hundred users vs the tens of thousands of the male reddit cel subs.
The users are invading but the jannies won't ban them, obviously only a ''''''''femcel'''''''' would that sub to begin with.
Furthermore, prostitution is illegal.
>live in town with no jobs
>have no reliable transport
Get some.
>only can apply to five places
Join the military or move.
>takes two hundred on average to get an interivew
Only if you have a shit resume. I got calls back from 20% of the jobs I applied for. I even ignored half of them cause I didn't really want to work there lol
>can reapply every six months
Okay. Why would you any better the second time if you've changed nothing about yourself?
>five goes into two hundred 40 times
Okay. But you still need to apply somewhere else.
>ergo just wait twenty years to get hired
Or get an education. You clearly have access to internet, so check out Khanacademy and then you can take all manner of exams to get various certifications. It's easy to do and I have numerous friends who are self-taught. You're just lazy.
Women aren't just objects, so I'd have to put up with her personality as well, which simply isn't worth it.
Luckily we'll have sexbots sometime within my lifetime.
i am a NEET that has no money. so it's not about being "unwilling" it's about being "unable"
desu i am a volcel though, but that's because i can only fuck 2/10s and i would honestly rather fap
>the truth
The truth is that you're from that sub and are invading because you know that our own moderation doesn't give a shit about our culture here.
Leave dumb ass literal whore.
>Not an argument
implying i came trying to make one
>Furthermore, prostitution is illegal.
Beta bucks is not prostitution. It is the normal institution of marriage, which modern men are a failure at.
>Maybe if you were a good enough man she wouldn't divorce you.
This is a pathetic and common argument. I have no worries about my girlfriend leaving me.
But you're a totally naive retard if you don't thin that there are plenty of women out there who would divorce their husband for a fat pay out with almost no reasons for divorce.
Marriage is a rigged game now. Divorce is an easy pay out for women. Even if you're like me and have no worries about being divorced personally, you have to have your head up your ass to not think that it's a serious problem.
How do you know she has a bad personality?
All of these are non arguments. You are a little boy with no arguments. You are a volcel and your incel whining is not justified, and one day will be made illegal and/or you will lose your job because the govt will start tracking incel posting.
>Maybe if you were a good enough man she wouldn't divorce you.
>just be homeless and get a job
>have no money but magic a car
>only five places
The military you faggot? Gas the kikes.
Forever neets have no resume you mouth breathing newfaggot invader. Learn our culture. Lurk moar. We are 30 and live iwth our mothers.
What even are you blithering?
No. Some are brainlets. i dropped out already. There are no scholarships here to be had in the USA for older people. There is literally nothing. Nothing. Not even the military is viable for real robots.
>with almost no reasons for divorce.
There is always a reason, and it's nearly always the man. That's why 90% of divorces are initiated by women. Because men are shit.
>Because men are shit
If you had tried harder in school you could have gotten a scholarship.
>dropped out
That's your own fault.
>no scholarships
No, not anymore, cause you fucked up. Now it's time for you to go on khan academy or skillshare or one of those sites, get a free trial or something, and start learning. Or go work at McDonalds. Oh wait let me guess, you're too smart and intellectual to work there, even though a job like that is equivalent to your current value as an employee.
Women are the pickier sex is why they divorce at higher rates than men, initiate the divorce rather.
Women are spoiled. Why they deserve less rights.
Look up female ran society. I dare the.
You're clearly trolling at this point. Honestly the best you could do was two replies before being so obvious?
Awful attempt.
I'm not that guy, but is there a reason you came here and are basically being a cunt to everyone?
>implying mcjobs have high entry rates
They reject statistically more often than Harvard rejects. So does walmart.
Prove why the high divorce rate is women's fault.
And no woman should have to put up with being treated as an object.
>They reject statistically more often than Harvard rejects. So does walmart.
Nice fallacy.
The kind of people who apply to harvard are the kind who can spare the application fee, as well as actually consider themselves worthy of such an elite institution. Thus, the sample they take from is already biased toward being more successful. Walmart, on the other hand, deals with the literal dregs of society. They have almost the opposite issue. Thus their rejection rate is higher.
>telling someone to better themselves and not having patience for their bullshit excuses, is "being a cunt"
Nice sexist insult, and also, no wonder you can't get a job.
Do they actually? You have a chart or something of that?
That would be insane if actually true, maybe they reject people they think are overqualified, or perhaps just have a massive pool of applicants.
The reason women are the pickier sex is because they are supposed to be a harsh judge to make sure the male will be around to take care of the babies. If she made a mistake and divorces
she is the failure.
>You're clearly trolling at this point.
Not an argument.
Sure, but the men they want will treat them like objects. Not my problem anymore.
Women have plenty of options, feel free to choose them.
>The kind of people who apply to harvard are the kind who can spare the application fee, as well as actually consider themselves worthy of such an elite institution. Thus, the sample they take from is already biased toward being more successful. Walmart, on the other hand, deals with the literal dregs of society. They have almost the opposite issue. Thus their rejection rate is higher.
you can be denied a job at walmart for being "overqualified" though
It's just common knowledge that they throw applications into a trash can. Why employment rates are good, the workforce participation is not as good. If you go without work due to being ignored you do not exist.
My remark on your personality had nothing to do with you having a vagina you cunt, it had to do with how you're acting.
I'd call just about anyone who acts like a cunt a cunt, whether they are male or female.
I shouldn't even have to explain this, because it's common sense, but because you see everything through your stupid narrative I do apparently.
Prove why it's men's fault.
I believe that the high divorce rate is actually the fault of courts. They award women with high alimony payments which encourages women to divorce. They know they'll get child custody as well as high alimony payments. The first sign of discontent in a marriage means women will push for divorce.
Marriage isn't an easy thing. There will be rough patches. Women have little reason to work through these rough patches because they can simply divorce and get a big cash settlement.
Lemme guess? He dumped you because he got tired of you being all insecure in your appearance and wanted to get a break from the all drama.
It wasn't meant to be an argument, it was an observation. You didn't actually put forth an argument to respond to in your previous post.
Maybe I'm retarded, but that second link doesn't work for me.
Accidentally the news article. I've seen that headline for the USA, about harvard being easier. It just doesn't show up as easily anymore due to being older news.
Why does OP always run away when someone actually argues?
It's just shitty news articles. You don't actually have to read it, the point is that people make them.
Like a job fair happened and they had worse acceptance than Harvard on this one: businessinsider.com
It's just kinda there.
She's busy laughing with her mates at trufemcels. A place of censorship where they can't be bothered by you. It'd only make them passive aggressively get off on instantly banning you within 5 seconds to two minutes of your calling them out. No men are allowed, go against the male hate narrative and they ban.
So she's off pacing back and forth giggling and circle jerking that she made us rage. Meanwhile we have no moderators that would protect us anywhere online, because le human instincts say let the men drown when the Titanic goes down.
Except her unconscious mind is forced to deal with the things we have stated her. It's the classic case of exposing yourself to ideas that shatter you world view. If she is truly from the femcel board then she's having her entire narrative questioned subconsciously right now.
but she got told off by a guy with a girlfriend lol
Except the young generations of girls were spoiled to hell by their boomer daddies and older fuck buddies. Having some money isn't enough anymore.
>So many women are unbelievably entitled cunts, I'll never bother with someone like the person who wrote this.
and yet so many men do
>older fuck buddies.
This is honestly a huge component that no one talks about. Sugar daddies are prevalent and ruining the sexual market for young men. Young women are being literally handed heaps of cash to have relationships with older men.
i don't know how widespread it is but this type of stuff is def real and depressing as shit
Is that really so wrong?
That's how it's always been, and you can end up being one of those older men later on theoretically anyways.
I wasn't dumped.
It's sadly more widespread than we would like to believe. There are a ton of young women out there who have already been involved in some sort of sugar daddy relationship. It's what spoils them to normal relationships with a man who is just starting his career.
It hasn't always been like that though. The norm used to be marrying in your 20s and being faithful.
Well either you were dumped and don't want to admit it or you've never had a boyfriend, because the way I see it that much salt doesn't come naturally. Who hurt you so much you've come to Jow Forums to bait incels just to pass time?
>if you're poor or unemployed, it's only because you're lazy! Anyone can get a good job if they put their mind to it!
I didn't realize femcels were this naive about capitalism. Have a gf, don't have a good job, good jobs are way harder to get.
they literally have conventions for this stuff.
www dot seeking dot com slash new-york-summit-2018
it is borderline mainstream and clearly hypergamy on overload
No it's NOT how it has always been. This is a change that has come to fruition in the past 20 years. It's awful for marriage and results in more divorces. It is a direct result of the so-called feminist "sexual liberation".
This is exactly what I'm talking about. There is a plethora of websites dedicated to older rich men having young girls as sugar babies.
A young woman in her 20s exposed to this is going to have a very hard time accepting a boyfriend her own age who is just starting his career.
Society is destroying young relationships with this shit.
Yeah, this is exactly as femnists in 60s imagined it! Nothing significant or relevant has happened since '69, and no new world-changing technologies have been invented.
You know I was going to say the you're wrong but the facts speak for themsleves. I'm so glad we have your superpower to read the minds of people who have already died.
What are you even talking about?
A huge portion of women have zero interest in feminism these days. You've deluded yourself into believing that all women are feminists.
Let me spell it out for, crunk:
>bone shaman say women as good as men
>volcano erupts, trible leaves lands
>new lands flood, forced to live on boat
>settle on desert island, no food
>crunk mad! why no food?
>could it be desert island has no plants?
>could it be that flood forced us here?
>could it be that volcano forced us there?
>crunk say, no, it bone shaman!
You could have worded this a lot better or done it in a much less roundabout way.
You're not even making sense at this point. How delusional about women are you?
I'm mad because you are infuriantingly entitled.
I am. As are you. As is everyone on this planet. You just need to compare them to someone who has it worse, it's not rocket science.
But I will humor you. You assume that, being born with a penis I am entitled. Why?
Fun part is I bet most robots would be better off like this.
I get it though, it's a tribalism thing. You get to validate being a failure because it let's you be part of a community. The thing that makes robots angry is the insinuation that their suffering and legitimacy as a group is false as it's a major form of camaraderie in their lives.
For what it's worth, in another time and place you'd be right. Low status men and women were always able to come together to form really long lasting and successful relationships based firstly on the ability to provide. Even the weirdest man could end his life as the happy head of a fruitful household surrounded by grandchildren, and neither he nor his wife would have felt like they settled for anything. A wholesome ending to what began as insecurity.
Times have changed though and agreeing to be betabux isn't the same as it used to be. Agreeing to be a provider for a pretty girl didn't necessarily mean she had fucked everyone else in town 80 years ago. A UK study showed that young women had sex with on average 7 different partners and had cheated on half of them, with half of them admitting to cheating more than once, all before graduating highschool. The majority of marriages end in divorce now with 75% of the divorces being instigated by the women. Divorce courts are so biased that women will in 90% of cases win the house, car AND children, even if the divorce was a no-fault divorce with grounds of "Im just bored I guess x]]]". Don't even get me started on Alimony, a system that makes zero sense now that women are supposed to be equal.
You can't even just be a provider anymore now that every household has to have 2 income earners. A 1 income household is an extreme rarity these days. There's also the absolute injustice of having to settle for a woman that did EVERYTHING sexual under the sun with everyone else, but will only put out once a month for you. Fine, sex isn't everything, but is that fair? She's been DP'd up the ass at countless frat parties but she wont give you a handy every once in a while?
It used to be that men had some assurance, too. You'd be the beta provider but you could at least count on a wife.
tl;dr - beta providorship has more downsides now and less positives. It's not a viable option anymore.
you can buy a wife and kids just by being a homeowner?
Why would a robot want to provide for a fat 3/10 just to get some sex? Might as well get a hooker at that point.
I'm not sure you should trust the person trying to ruin Jow Forums on how robots are better off
Am I a volcel if my anxiety is so bad, I can barely leave the house, let alone talk to girls? I can't even do it on discord, I tried.
Yeah, I noticed it's hard to talk to girls if I know they are girls online unless I've already known them for a while or they've taken efforts to get to know me and we've gotten to know each other beyond that.
It must be something on a mental level, I used to think it was just a physical reaction to being near girls.
I have trouble talking to anyone, just girls in particular. Jow Forums is pretty much my only means of socializing.
Betabuxs is a myth fucking lmao "femcels"
That's unfortunate.
Discord dm's are easier than talking in server, maybe you could branch out to that first as a starting point seeing as you said you use it.
I hope you can make progress with that, it sounds limiting.
I would never buy a girl anything it goes against all my redpill rewiring you know? Me and my current gf split the bill down the middle every single time, then they are times only she pays which gives me the ability to pay the next time. This way she can always respect me for being fair and honest. No girl respects a man that goes and buys her gifts females are wired like males. If my guy friend bought me a new headset I'd be like well thank you very much Tom and respect him and be nice to him as well as mutual respect should be formed. But if I did that for a female she would think to herself what a low life beta I bet he buys all girls gifts, men might as well keep him as a betabux. Nah bro fuck that shit I have never bought my gf a birthday present, valentine, or any random thing. Unless she did it for me but sometimes I still don't bother. Once I got her McDonalds after her job, what I couldn't finish and she almost cried in joy. We been dating since 2015 so almost 5 years strong. I think the secret is that I can break her heart at any moment and do not feel attached to her emotionally at all. I could text her I want to be alone let's break up today and be happy af. Which I've done in the past before lol. Anyways that's my 2 cents.
>subsidize my existence in exchange for sex
so she's admitting femcels are all whores?
I've made more progress in the past few weeks than the past few years, but the problem really stems from having asbergers as well, so I have a hard time communicating to begin with. I get really self concious over the way I talk, and that really doesn't help the whole anxiety thing either. Thank you for the well wishes though.
All of incel """science""" BTFO in one post. With actual links, too, not r9k's sourceless infographics.
Asperger's doesn't really need to hold you back a lot, I have it too and I basically run a server of a couple hundred people or something, or maybe a thousand or so?
Most of them are inactive, though.
You can do it, I think, just keep putting the effort in.
My friend, there are people here with many different backgrounds and difficulties. It is our virginity that unites us as it is our common struggle. What the OP suggests is ludicrous and manipulative.
Funny, you're upset that you don't fit in with losers.