Do you have a passion for something

Do you have a passion for something

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No. My humanity died when I learned that I was worthless and unlovable.

Yeah, being a parasitic piece of shit.

Yes, snakes.

wish i could say something. not even anime or vidya interest me

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No passions here. It's one of the very few things that can make me envy another person.

History, literature and philosophy.

Also I like learning languages. I already speak 3 and want to learn at least one more. Would like to learn Latin too.

Not really no. I've been trying to find one but nothing sticks.



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Evidently fapping and surfing porn

Learning new tech shit, I can test shit out on my homelab all day.

Also family, at least the one I thought I was going to have.

Being constantly suicidal
Being treated like shit by my gf that I can't leave because I'm emotionally dependent on her
Why is my life so s

l don't care about anything anymore.

No but in all honesty? I like talking about stories. Like a lot. I'm trying really hard to become a video essayist. Not because it's hot or popular but because it's the only get to get people to hear you out.
The probelm is I love writing and thinking about the scripts but recording and editing are so boring.

I used to. Back in High-school I had a passion for learning thanks to some really good teachers. I also had a general passion for creating things, which I mostly did with Minecraft or graphic design.
Basically since I was happier then, I was able to be passionate about most things. When you aren't happy, you have no passion. That is how it is now.


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im passionate about a lot of things that dont really matter
im passionate about anime. i adore absorbing new and interesting shows as fast as i can, running through all sorts of different plots and settings and characters--i enjoy picking apart the writing as i watch and thinking things like "ah, the parallel here is super neat" or "jesus this is sloppy". it's fun to be critical because it gives you a bigger appreciation for the good anime versus the bad ones
im also passionate about art. im not at all happy with my current level, but im improving a little bit every time i draw. i still have a lot to go with anatomy and construction, but im doing my best to learn as well as refine what ive already got down. there's still a long road to climb, though.
one last passion is friends. i love my friends. i am a very extroverted person and enjoy talking with others--sharing stupid jokes, building them up from bad places, watching movies together, etc. friends are so dear to life that if they did not exist i would have absolutely roped years ago

sorry for rambly

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Learn really good english writing and become a good anime review man. If you love picking apart anime, write down all your thoughts and put them out in a digestible fashion.
There's literal billions of people who write anime synopsises but only a handful do so in a well constructed manner

He doesn't even have to do that. Just be constant and have a good microphone.
Quality isn't related to success

I was talking in a written format, spoken is much easier to express ideas easily but can be a large hurdle for robots to overcome articulation.
Would suggest speech classes if possible if you want to go spoken, and still writing for basic thought structuring.

I think.

I hit the gym every morning during college but I don't really know why.
Like I don't even think twice I just go.
I lost 4kg and I felt like crying. I'm already too skinny.

Writing and singing. Wish I was good enough at guitar or had a nice band to frontline. Too bad I lack the charisma or attractiveness to be just a lead singer for some music act.

I'm passionate about pottery. It's the only tiny light in my life, and I haven't been in the studio for a year and a half now, and it's killing me. And it's also completely fuck-off useless as a life skill or career. Barely any colleges around here offer a degree in it, and the degree would be completely fucking useless anyways.

But ceramic art and pottery is like nothing else in this world. It's such a unique mix of chemistry and artistry, of technical skill and ephemeral taste.

You could probably major in something like Art History with a focus on Pottery/Ceramics and work in a museum or as an educator.

Writing isn't really profitable on the modern internet though.

Yes, but everyone despises me for it. It's nothing horrible or edgy, though

Fapping to long feet with long toes and being a paypig to people who possess them

Wow, you're right. I hate you already.

That's actually exactly what I'm doing. I'm looking at a curatorial or conservational career. But it's intimidating as hell to know I'd probably have to go for a PhD to not end up at McDonald's for the rest of my life.

Computers, storytelling, science, competitions in general, engineering
really I'm a big nerd.

but you can make physical things that can be used and sold, that sounds practical

There's options. You can drive Lyft or something alongside curatorial work.

Getting a PhD is excruciating and will end you in a black hole of student debt as well... maybe a master's degree will be more suitable? Unless you have grants lined up

I have a passion for being passionate.

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I'm beginning to suspect I enjoy making other people feel pain, fear, etc way more than I should. Watch horror movies and relate to the goddamn monsters.

that's not really that weird
you should worry if you're torturing birds in your backyard

Vidya and I used to play piano but depression ect now the only thing I enjoy rn is vidya but probably because of boredom idk i just wanna kms

It's cool, user. At least we have a place where we can hate each other equally

I have a passion for history and will be going in to history at trent university this fall.
Also i have a passion for protecting this smile

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being a mopey little bitch

I like my guns. Also politics. I guess I'm sort of a Jow Forums fag. Oh, and I think fitness is great. Not like a burning passion for it, but it's been a part of my life for a long time.

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I used to in high school but stopped because I was bullied for it. Wasn't worth it should have stuck through, that was the happiest I've been.

What was it you loved, user?

>posts a picture of mosley and makes a flattering comment about him
>"I have a passion for history and will be going in to history at trent university this fall."
mate i don't mean to break your heart but i don't think you're in for a good time

No one who follows him is in for a good time friend.
I swear i really am autistic enough to try and form a blackshirts gang.
If any of you are going to Trent next year then see ya there bud i will be the guy with the shit eating grin.

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No, aside from purposefully pushing aside any opportunity to improve my own life, and gradually descending into suicidal smoker.

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ffs I keep seeing Mosley online but nobody irl knows of him. It's not faiiiir I love this man

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I've got a passion for nigger hate

float in a puddle and grass grazing my testi