Oh my fucking god. I love huge breasts so fucking much. I NEED a big titty girlfriend RIGHT NOW!!

Oh my fucking god. I love huge breasts so fucking much. I NEED a big titty girlfriend RIGHT NOW!!

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imagine putting my cock between those breasts

Big tit story thread? Big tit story thread.

>be me
>be friends with guy
>his daughter is 16ish
>absolutely mammoth tits
>she's a frumpy dork, so she mostly wears t shirts and a bra several sizes too small
>has perpetual quad boobage
>so while the main volume of her breasts stay sturdy in the bra the tops of her chest are always jiggling around
>she's super embarassed of them, which just makes it hotter for me
>invite friends, including her family over for BBQ
>when she goes swimming in the pool she wears a one piece bathing suit and a tshirt over top
>her nipples still pop through and her clevage still creates horizontal ribbons of tension along the front of the tshirt
>she really likes me because music taste
>notice how, despite how shy she generally is about her udders, she sort of presses her arms together in front of herself when talking to me to make them go taut

I have more, if anyone is interested.

Bequeath to us your tales


fuck user, decent story

>her udders

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I hear you guys.

>couple years past
>she ends up interning at a pretty prestigious company, things look great for her
>because I live downtown we see each other pretty frequently
>friends outside of my friendship to her dad
>always sort of lowkey obsessed with this girl's body, but don't want to ruin either friendship
>do sort of get the impression that she's flirting, but tell myself it's my dick talking

>family friend's wedding
>she's wearing this vintage-esque turtleneck type dress but only the body and cups are opaque, the neck and clevage are translucent material
>and holy fuck the line of cleavage must have been at least a minimum of three inches in length
>basically erect the entire time she dances with me
>"Yeah user I liked this on the rack but I was worried I couldn't fill it out."
>"You could fill anything out."
>"Ha! It's the junk food."
>swear to God she shashayed her chest when she did that

>she says the corset on this dress is killing her
>the bride made her do a lot of running around so she's just aching
>asks me if I have a car to drive her to the hotel
>"But don't you have a spare dress in your purse?"
>"Yeah, but the dress is braless, I don't have a bra."
>no car, I flew in
>try to get a cab
>but it's Vancouver, and the city didn't have Uber and all our cabs keep getting poached or the company puts us on hold
>after half an hour she sighs in irritation
>"Fuck this. I am not sitting around missing my friend's wedding. Unzip me."
>her back is this creamy white colour
>I help her pull off this contraption
>briefly see a flash of light pink nipples
>turn away
>she pulls on this long sleeved black fabric dress
>which is pretty tasteful but the fact she has no bra is totally apparent
>the Spinners' "It's a Shame" starts playing
>"user, I hafta dance!"
>she bounces onto the dance floor
>during the slow dance she presses up against me and I feel them all along the length of my chest

I have a hucow fetish. Sue me.

The bigger a woman's breasts are, the better she is.

Cowtit wife is the only kind of wife.

So did anything actually happen between you two or...

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