Man, feels great to be homeless on my 24th birthday. What should I wish for when I blow out the candle (match)...

Man, feels great to be homeless on my 24th birthday. What should I wish for when I blow out the candle (match), fellow robots?

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Happy birthday user.

I turned 22 three days ago.
Dunno what you should wish for, but I hope you get some decent food and a warm/dry place to sleep.

Attached: homelesswinter.jpg (597x396, 76K)

Thanks, user. Happy birthday to you too. I'm living off apples and sardines at the moment, with the occasional ramen noodle. My birthday twinkie is laying on top of a piece of ramen noodle box. Could be worse.

try looking at your cities homeless help resources. thats how i got out of homelessness and onto government assistance and welfare

if thats not an option then the only other thing is a job. but thats very difficult to get as a robot, and soon with ai and automation we will all be homeless and unemployable. op is actually the future of humanity, not the past. soon we will all be loser bums

im sure one day i too will have my bux canceled and i will be homeless just like you. i dont know what you should wish op

also i feel inclined to say go vegan. animals live in much much worse conditions than you op, and you should understand how much pain and suffering homelessness is, but i dont want to argue on this point too much

also committing suicide is a bad ai because you will miss out on ai and the singularity. honestly the best thing you can do is find homelessness help networks and get yourself some support

i was living in a youth homeless shelter before i got in contact with the government welfare ppl

oh yeah forgot to say happy birthday op. op are you a virgin or no?

Last night was my first day at Taco Bell. There was a group interview on Tuesday but the manager was gonna be a few hours late so she called and told us all it might be better to come in Wednesday. I was the only one that stayed because I had nowhere else to go and she interpreted that as dedication and hired me on the spot.

Got fucking lucky. Too bad this is California and this won't be enough for rent. I'd rather use government assistance as a last resort but we'll see how it goes.

thats GREAT news, honestly. you can find a place if its just a room and you share a kitchen and bathroom with other people. your own apartment with private kitchen and bathroom will be noticeably more expensive

ive been living in boarding homes since 2010 and its very affordable. if you can keep a stable job thats fantastic, you should be able to find a place with your own private room thats affordable. also im pretty sure california does have decent welfare programs, so if worst comes to worst and you're fired and unable to find a new job, there is a government safety net in place

honestly you should just focus your hardest on not fucking anything up in your job and just looking pleasant and showing up on time and being hardworking and reliable. good luck dude

honestly, if i was homeless i know i'd be a longtime career homeless bum. ive never been able to keep a stable job for longer than 3 months, but im a retard who failed everything in highschool. hopefully you're better than me, op. gl

Thanks, user. It's not too bad other than how uncharacteristically rainy it's been. I get bored a lot and feel like drinking too pass the time but that's a slippery slope I don't want to risk. All the other homeless people I've met out here are professional bums and the one thing they all have in common is alcohol addiction.

yeah, if you have a phone and a internet connection then im sure that would make things easier. when i was homeless back in like 2006 and in 2009 i just had a flip phone with no internet access

yeah, staying away from drugs and alcohol is a great decision. my way of escapism when i was homeless is spending all day in the library or wasting all my money in internet cafe's playing videogames for 16 hours straight

can i ask, where do you sleep? do you have a tent? is it on a park bench or something?

i dont know dude, r9k is so fucking spiritually dead these days. threads like there where you have a robot phoneposting while homeless largely gets ignored while race-baiting threads, orbiting threads or whatever other normie garbage are filled to the brim with posters

you'd probably have better company posting on wizchan's homeless thread on the /wiz/ board, or even 8ch r9k

either way gl dude hopefully you can get a roof over your head. life truly is suffering

I've been on this Jow Forums for so long I can't bring myself to use alternatives. For all my faults pre-homelessness, I still managed to maintain excellent credit. I've been renting a hotel off and on for a few weeks to give me some semblance of normalcy in my life but that's only an occasional thing. I actually posted on here a few days ago about a dude who died in the room next to mine. Otherwise I take a sleeping bag and sleep in some foliage by the highway. It's loud as fuck most nights but it ensures I don't get raped by other homeless people. I've been thinking of hitting up the library and improving my education a bit.

I forgot to mention that the hotel stays a are purchased with credit since I don't have enough cash. Hopefully now that I have some form of income I can get my credit union to give me a loan or up my credit limit.

>hotel stays a are purchased with credit since I don't have enough cash

yeah i did the same thing when i was homeless, i ran up my credit card until i hit my max and had 1k in credit card debt that i payed off over the next 7 years

>Hopefully now that I have some form of income I can get my credit union to give me a loan or up my credit limit.

i mean ultimately i dont know what is the best decision, but if you are just maxing out your credit card, over the long term it will hurt you. stuff like this is the hemorrhaging effect of homelessness. i also tried getting a credit card limit increase when i hit the maximum but i was rejected, which sucked at the time but over the long term it was good

but then again when you're homeless you're desperate for any semblance of money you can get

can i ask, how did you get to this point? how long were you homeless for? did your parents kick you out or something?

for me, i ran away from home at 16 and did a cumulative total of 5 months in various homeless shelters on and off between 2006 and 2010.

>I've been thinking of hitting up the library and improving my education a bit.
the library is a great resource if you're trying to get help. stuff like soup kitchens, free homeless medical checkups, homeless support networks, all of such information can be found in the library

im sure california has a lot of support for the homeless. and yes you are right, some homeless bums are aggressive and crazy. i had one guy follow me around in the middle of the night and one guy kept following me around trying to sit very close to me in park benches when i was homeless. if they find you attractive you become their sexual prey

its extremely stressful, if you can find stable shelter it will make life a lot easier. if the noise is very high try buying some earplugs or making makeshift earplugs out of toilet paper. i did that when i was forcibly put in a mental hospital one time

My family got hit with multiple shitstorms at once. We lost all our savings and all of us but my sister lost our jobs because we didn't have time to work them. We got evicted, my sister moved in with her boyfriend, my parents and other siblings moved in with our family in another city, and I moved in with a buddy in another city who fucked me over. I'm really good with money so I think I can keep my credit in check.

I've been also homeless for 2 years, live in a dorm now.
Do you sleep on the streets or in a shelter?

Happy Birthday user ! I hope u will have a great life with comfy house soon. May god bless u

I turned twenty yesterday
I didn't have anyone to spend it with either

I rent a hotel with my credit card every now and then but otherwise just sleep in a sleeping bag in some foliage to keep myself hidden.

Thanks, user. As long as I maintain discipline I think I should be in a much better situation within a few months.

>I actually posted on here a few days ago about a dude who died in the room next to mine.
Not the guy you originally responded to, but that was you? I wanted to check out that thread but I forgot. What happened?

Anyway, since you mentioned going to the library, you should check out a book by Jack Kerouac called on "The Road". Maybe, you could try doing something like what he did. I wish you the best, user.

Nothing much. The guy died, the ambulance took him away, the cops talked to some people, I thought they'd talk to me since I was literally right next door but they didn't, then they left.

I'll check the book out if I find it. I assume it's non-fiction? I used to read tons of books but if I'm gonna indulge in any media from now on I want it to be the kind that I can actually learn something from. Epic fantasy series are great and all but fucking Cosmere or Malazan books are only going to distract me instead of helping me better myself.

It's a book about guy spending several years on the road in the 50's just picking up hitchhikers along the way and sleeping where night fell. That book launched him into a cultural icon and fame.
Were you the guy saying that he got hired at taco bell? You could also look into an online job called mturk. You gotta grind and don't make much, but even a few dollars in your situation could help. If you have bitcoin atm nearby, buy some and send them to dream market. There you can find discounted vendors for restaurant gift cards usually at 80% off prices. Where are you staying right now anyway? I'd imagine it's either dawn on early morning in the state you're in.

Yeah, I started at Taco Bell last night. I'm living in southern California but I don't want to name the city (hint: it's a shithole). Food isn't an issue for me but I'll check out Dream Market; I actually have some Bitcoin I bought years ago but I sold most of it right around the time it hit it's all-time peak. I have a bit of Ether as well.

I'll see if the library has that book too.

Maybe you could get a cheap car and stay at one of those homeless parking lots they have over there. At least it would be a step up from your current situation. Anyway, Take care homeless user.

I've considered something along those lines but I want to live as barebones as possible, with occasional luxuries to keep me sane, and save my money. I'd rather just go straight from homeless to a home.

Is it riverside? A taco bell opened up here recently, fucking hate riverside shitty ass place

No, thank God. I'd rather be homeless where I am now than have a home in Riverside, or most of the Inland Empire.

Im boutta end up homeless here in a few months, will prolly just an hero

It's rough, user, but don't give up. Why are you gonna be homeless?

about to fail HS, parents hate me, no other family

Happy Birthday!

Sorry about your situation man. Are you eating ok?

Sorry to hear that man. I failed HS too which is part of why I want to go to the library. They have an online diploma program that's supposed to be better than a GED.

I'm sure you're already aware of this, but you should use the time you have now to prepare for potential homelessness. Look into nearby support programs, find some work, scout out potential places you can camp out, horde as much money as you can, look for advice on homeless living on the Internet, etc.

Yeah, I'm eating apples and sardines most days because they're cheap as fuck, nutrition-dense, and I can keep them in a backpack without worrying about rot. I have multi-vitamins to make up for the rest.