How difficult is your life?

What difficulty are you currently playing the game of life on?
>Atttractive woman-Tutorial mode with cheats enabled
>Attractive man (Chad)- Easy mode
>Regular normalfag- Normal mode
>Failed normalfags- Hard mode
>Unattractive male- Nightmare mode

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Nightmare mode with permadeath due to being schizoid.

Nightmare mode for sure here

i want to say nightmare but people have told me im not as unattractive as i think i am so i guess hard mode

Fuckin nightmare

Surprised I havent ragequit yet. I know I will one day

>short with slightly attractive face and fucked brain
I don't even know man.

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Also my face might just be plain average, I've been leaning towards that idea for a while now unless height really means more than I thought.

Hard mode. I'm not unattractive, I don't have any personality disorders. On paper I have everything going for me. I'm just a failed normalfag

schizoid is nightmare mode with all of the keys unmapped while it crashes every 10 seconds unless you do a factory reinstall

I started losing my hair in middle school, what difficulty level is that

jesus, that is ultra nightmare

>Dante Must Die mode
Lately I've caught myself saying "this can't be real" out of the blue. I'm having a hard time.

I would say between hard and nightmare (cyborg)

user must die mode

I'd say hard because even though I'm ugly as shit I still have a somewhat normalfag career going for me

Out of interest which mode do extremely ugly + autistic women fit into?

Nightmare mode with cheats disabled and broken controller.

This is part of my 5-year plan.

>ugly + autistic woman
Normal. They still get enough support to manage through life and are 99% guaranteed a husband. The situation of autistic women is also constantly improving thanks to changing diagnostic criteria. That said, they still have struggles, so they don't exactly play on easy/tutorial.

medium mode

got a decent paying job
but still living with parents

attractive man; i literally woke up after going to a party full of models it was sick bois

I don't really care that I'm ugly but the poverty and debts are slowly grinding away at my mental health

>Average face but
>Acne scars
>Bipolar diagnosed
>25 no education, but whole youth wasted
>Room still dirty
But I must have luck 10, since I've been with bottom of the barrel women and achieved it really fast. desu getting a desirable gf doesn't seem unreal, there a are young girls who specifically look for nice guys types and I'm chatting with one right now, we got introduced through our moms.

hard mode, had the chances but second guessed myself all the way there, now im trying to rebuild but its not gonna be easy

I'm on a hidden difficulty, much like a secret room only it's filled with endless waves of nightmare++++ trials on repeat for eternity.

My house smells like shit. My mama has Alzheimer's. And I hate her.

Ultra-Giga Nightmare Mode

>ugly, asymmetrical face
>mentally ill
>traumatic brain injury
>acne scars
>drug addict (gotta take the pain away with benzos, booze, and opiates)
>childhood sexual and physical abuse
>unable to find employment

Fuck this gay Earth man. And fuck humanity. People have shown me no mercy for my difficulties and I've been a laughing stock for them. They find my suffering amusing.

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>OCD with intrusive thoughts

Ultrahard mode reporting in

I guess something between hard and nightmare mode.

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Hard mode for all my life but desperately trying to climb up to normal mode
>found arty subculture that throws house concerts every month
>my depression and useless degree actually make me cooler to all the art thots there
>last time I was there a girl actually just started randomly speaking to me and dancing next to me but my autism prevented it from going any further
wish me luck

Being short as a man is instant nightmare mode 2bh familia

You're probably unattractive in the way that women find 90% of men unattractive, m8

>Failed normalfags- Hard mode
Can someone define a failed normalfag for me? Pretty sure I'm this one.

Attractive man but with moderate to extreme mental health issues

Change attractive women to normal woman, and add "Attractive women - Admin console mode"

I have a nice car, live together with my gf(we're together for 8 years), have an okay job and we're going to marry in June.

Yet there seems to be some adaptive difficulty in life, I'm depressed, can't get over the fact that she had 3 guys before me and she is WAY too beautiful for me.
I fear losing my job(there is no sign for that) and I hate beeing with lot of people.

Hardcore, I guess.

Lol I like how you've ignored unattractive women. Typical male.

>can't get over the fact that she had 3 guys before me
Have you tried talking to a therapist about this? I mean, no offense, but that's not a normal fear. It sounds like you have some deep-rooted self-esteem issues.

No, and somehow it wasn't a problem in the beginning. I didn't like it of course but now it drives me insane. I try to ignore it but it comes back hitting me like a train. Then I get pictures in my head, she was very honest and showed me the guys on facebook(back in 2011, when it was popular) so I know how they look like. This was a huge mistake.

How is that last one relevant?

>diagnosed sperg
>spooky scary skeleton body type
>heavy drinker
>6' tall
>been told I have a handsome face and voice
>had a cute girlfriend
>have good savings
So I guess medium mode

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i just want an option to lower the difficulty setting
its too much

Make money, being rich even if you're hideous lowers the difficulty setting to easy.

how the fuck do i make money first
i'm actually quite comfortable from a financial pov, but im not rich

WTF my controls are broken.

I'm in between hard and nightmare. I'm unattractive, bad face, average height. But I don't have any horrible deformities like a micropenis, or a missing limb, or a very deformed face or jaw.