A small group of virgins at a Boots in Leeds edition
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*jumps the ticket barriers at leeds train station*
dazza u mentalist
a pakistani man in womens clothing has been reported to be seen walking into the train station toilets with his dick out
Mori is currently writing out a summoning circle on the floor. Not sure where this is going..
Will keep you updated
I really want to live in japan for a year working a comfy part time job on a working holiday visa desu
maybe that should be my goal to do in a year or two. I'd have to work up towards it by getting out of my NEETdom to earn enough money to go, and learn as much Japanese as possible.
just feel so depressed in this country
Moni I'm sure the opposite is possible. It's not too late for you to become white in appearance to match your personality
What's going on lads, Len just pulled himself out of a fiery pit in the ground and he's shoving anyone he can get his undead claws on into portals that seem to open out over the Rochdale Canal.
someone give me the run down of the meet, need all the details
was also seen jumping the turnstile and refusing to pay the 30p when confronted
There is literally not a single Placebo song that I don't enjoy. Based Brian Molko
Just got to meet, amer is deflecting Yasin's jokes while trying to convince him to take a sip from a certain blackcurrant flavoured beverage he brought with him.
I can see your original post
lads, aaron campbell literally just appeared at leeds station and raped and murdered another 6 year old
think this meetup's gone a bit too far now
>wake up
no you can't.
How dare you insinuate I correct my mistakes for the sake of continuity and comedy.
any updates from the meet? did anyone actually turn up?
Uhhh guys Yazim just punched Mori with some sort of invisible force. He went flying across the room but I didn't see Yazim move his hands at all.
the station's been locked down now and armed police have been called
What's this Aaron Campbell lad I keep hearing about then?
4 of us in Burger King
Nah m8, think we've got a timeline confusion going on here: Amer is from the dimension where he got away with his crimes I reckon.
You're on your own and lying and it's sad
looks so fun! so glad i am not there
>no shoe pic
didnt happen
Any lads wanna come and have gay sex? I'm not gay but so desperate to have sex in some. Shape or form
monis showing off his cam feed from monikas bathroom, dirty prick
oi barkeep you're out of egg sandwiches
no i'm alright thanks lad i'll stick with fanny
The IT manager needs to do his job and SHUT THE UP.
whats your nearest service station
>your ref number is xxxxxxxxx
yeah looks legit
fuck off you normie bastard.
LOL. Aye lad.
Sorry to say but you'll also be depressed in Japan.
You should still do it though. But while you're working on saving the money, make sure you also work on your depression with therapy and other coping strategies.
>alim shimemi
NGL, LOVED the service station ark. Absolute belter. Hope Normers brings the character out of retirement.
Let's be honest, anyone who attends a "britfeel meet-up" is a fucking normie. Clearly not satisfied with just being apart of an online community they must drag themselves and others into the real world to satisfy their relentless urge for attention.
Fucking weak beta.
Plodding around one of the oldest Minecraft servers and finding abandoned bases. It's eerie and fascinating. This one seems to be seeing some use. Very pleasing to my autism.
Poor Poley, SCEA said he'd be there and not even he's turned up
Has no excuse either what with being dolescum now
went out again to do a raid with the middle aged women. Got a Latias, not shiny though.
Brings the haul to 5 shinys and one legendary today, not too bad. Also did some evolutions, mean an omastar is now in my most powerful pokemon. Good day, but very tired now. Time for a nap
thank you for your time
Guessing your name is probably Norbert.
And why are you dragging Hannah into this? Thought you and her were going to hook up?
>car park, birch
you seen this lad?
are there players on it?
Sounds like a good time. You chat to the ladies much?
>And why are you dragging Hannah into this? Thought you and her were going to hook up?
Hannah relayed everything I said about the IT beta bitch back to him - that's partially why I got sacked.
Yes, a few years ago. It's a bit like that, might out some Bowie on for the next session.
It's still a very popular server. About 120 people are on it spouting edgy memes. The world is almost 4TB large, so outside of spawn and nether highways you don't see anyone.
If you're interested there's a few videos about it if you search for 2b2t.
been in a voice call with someone from the meet
monis just sat there while yasins been calling him subhuman scum
Yeah, there's quite a few of them. There's a few people in their twenties too, but they generally stay in their cars and don't speak. The social ones are almost exclusively middle aged/getting on a bit women. Though to be fair, the chat is usually just Pokemon related.
I enjoy it a lot and it's got a nice community feel. They run a discord too, and arrange things like going out for breakfast before the in-game events.
Hannah wanted an IT job ultimately. So she was being a wee whorebag, doing anything to get it.
Can't believe it lad. I thought she loved you.
post a picture of you all sat together, don't include anyones faces because I think you're lying
maybe don't cry about things behind someones back?
Nobody went to the meet, what a surprise
not sure why but when I read this I thought you was on abotu going dogging
No woman loves me.
I will kill as many of them as I can when I mince the queens gang members, the poLICE.
Can't believe it, lads. Moni's just pulled off a moonsault off the 'Under Construction' boarding by Boots, only Yazim's caught him out of the air and planted him with a ferocious tombstone piledriver.
Where do you buy a laptop in the UK? It seems like the options are the over priced high street stores like Curry's, or some random website that looks like it hasn't updated since the 90s.
>maybe don't cry about things behind someones back?
I agree with that. But the lad was never on site.
>Yazim's caught him out of the air and planted him with a ferocious tombstone piledriver.
right but if you just controlled your emotions better instead of acting like a teenage girl you'd still have a job and the IT guy wouldn't be making you seethe every moment you're awake
gutted i couldn't make it
Cash Converters or Amazon
Cash converters, CEX etc. rip off both seller and buyer. They take a big cut out so both lose out, and they profit. Amazon is mostly random sellers from China, like eBay, nothing reputable.
that's funny because there's one gym which is only reachable if you walk half way into a load of bushes. People always give us weird looks so we have a running joke about being the local dogging group
ask your mum to go on facebook marketplace and have a look for you
The IT manager should do its job and SHUT THE FUCK UP. That's all there is to it.
Is it right to assume I'm good looking if gay lads hit on me? I mean they just fucking message me out of the blue on normiebook and I don't even use normiebook. Always gay lads. I wish women were this upfront.
he doesn't have to though, don't you get that, he doesn't do his job and when you tried to change that he outsmarted you and had you fired, now he's probably going to report you to the police to further make your life worse meanwhile he's probably comfy getting paid whilst not doing his job, you lost he won
>Is it right to assume I'm good looking if gay lads hit on me?
good looking to gay lads, yes. women don't necessarily find the same thing attractive
should I do something?
>Amer just went to the male's bathroom at burger king
gay lads really like my brother but i seem more attractive to women and it makes him mad as fuck
Moni, quit crying, we know nobody turned up, admit it
Ignore this guy. Gay's have a fetish for seducing straight men. You're handsome dude
By heck!! Moni's reverted to her natural state and thrown off the dress to reveal the fart T-shirt. Amer is back. He's parading around waving an ISIS flag now. Yazim's trying to attract the attention of security but - Corbyn's discount trousers! - while his back is turned, Amer is pulling something out of his underwear. It's - no, it can't be - it's laminated photos of Yazim's mum on the shitter. What a low down, despicable move. Yazim can't control himself. He's lost his composure. Don't do it Yazim, you're playing right into his hands!
Yazim swings, but the blow comes later than a Northern rail service. Amer has thrown a cup full of acid into Yazim's face. He's blinded. Amer has laid him out with a series of blows, and he's making terrorist noises.
There it is! It's the Camel Clutch!
Really, really procrastinating today lads
poley went in the mens toilets lol
>Really, really procrastinating today lads
do the thing whatever it is
used to work at a show jumping place
upper class twinks in jodhpurs are hot as fuck
>Cash converters, CEX etc. rip off both seller and buyer.
They're not as bad as people say, some just think they should be given loads for their second hand crap that the store has to make a profit from and pay staff with. If you want a real deal then buy Bazza's laptop for 50 quid at t'carboot and have it break after a few weeks.
Weathers looking lovely. Time to break out the Strongbow Dark Fruits
Weathers looking lovely. Time to close the blinds and sleep for several hours
Have a glass and enjoy the sun lad
>he doesn't have to though, don't you get that, he doesn't do his job and when you tried to change that he outsmarted you and had you fired, now he's probably going to report you to the police to further make your life worse meanwhile he's probably comfy getting paid whilst not doing his job, you lost he won
That's a fair comment mate; and close to what is realistic. He probably will report me to HRH's gang members IE the poLICE, and maybe I will get a knock on the door.
I don't care.
Reporting someone to HRH gang members is as pathetic as it gets - definition of BETA.
alri july 2018 lad? hows it going
>Gay's have a fetish for seducing straight men.
Its fucking retarded, what goes through a gay blokes mind when he tries to seduce a straight guy? oh yeah he's been straight for years and had multiple gfs but I'm better than women so he'll let me suck his cock!
>mummy wearing this long green shirt with a floral pattern
>i say 'did you get that off gaddafi'
>she storms off crying
uh that didn't go to plan
>I don't care.
yes that's clear by you constantly thinking about how you can get even, if you didn't care you wouldn't have reached out to him
>Reporting someone to HRH gang members is as pathetic as it gets - definition of BETA.
again it isn't, you don't get it he puts in zero effort and fucks up your life
what's the punchline it just seems like you're telling your mum she's mates with mass murderers
Not bad lad, not bad. Just enjoying a ciggie and a refreshing glass of Strongbow Dark Fruits
It's the horizontal distance mate. Not the slope distance, the horizontal distance.IE Pythagoras shit, a right angle triangle. A 543 triangle mate. Maths.
Wa wa waaaaaa
>what goes through a gay blokes mind
>fucking retarded
you answered your own question
selfie posting isnt allowed matey