How long did it take for your antidepressant to start working?

How long did it take for your antidepressant to start working?

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Alcohol worked right away

What you on, senpai?
Sertraline took around a few hours to start making me feel different, and a day to even out my mood.

Lexapro for 5 weeks and I feel no effects

About 6 years? I mean I still want to kill myself every second of every day and have anxiety but I can eat and pretend to be a normie for a few minutes before my adrenaline gets too high.

I dunno, man. I've heard pretty conflicting things about anti-depressants in general, but no-one has ever said that their Sertraline doesn't work. Maybe give that one a go?

Antidepressants are generally 4-6 weeks.

I would wait a couple more weeks just to be sure, but see what your psychiatrist thinks.

Alcohol is a depressant you idiot.

Idk user, I've been on sertraline for a few weeks now and haven't noticed much of a difference. Maybe just give it more time? how long before it altered your mood for you

>implying antidepressants and cns depressants are opposites
>I'm not the idiot here

Usually you wait 3-4 weeks while increasing the dosage steadily.
You also get your medication level in your blood plasma checked.
If it doesn't help, after 2 months, drop it, and try a new class of ADs.

Rinse and repeat
Problem is the BBB (blood brain barrier), which you cannot check. You don't know how much of that stuff is actually passing the barrier.

For me none of the ADs have done anything.

4 months on Lexapro, still want to paint the walls with my brains

Did a decent stint on fluoxetine and nothing happened for a few months, then my dick stopped working. Obviously this doesn't do much to help a 19 year old lad not be depressed. I was also on a low dose of Risperidone (not an antidepressant) before and during the fluoxetine and this didn't make a big difference until I (having discussed this with a doctor and us both deciding it was best for me) tried to taper the dose down and come off it, at which point I started experiencing weird auditory hallucinations (which was entirely new to me, never had them before the meds)

wabs going on in here

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I was on 20mg citalopram and I felt little to no different

How many times are you going to make this thread? I've seen you spam this thread 4 times between yesterday and today, on /b/ and Jow Forums

how long were you on it

Doesn't rwally matter, they are going to stop working anyway.

sertraline in a few hours.
bullshit. I've been on it for a month and I don't feel shit

Same. I have tried 5 different classes. No dice on any. Lmao just fucking end me boys. The only thing that works is heroin

A few months or more I reckon. This was a few years ago

What you experienced was probably placebo, antidepressants take some time to build up.

>month on wellbutin
Nothing major so far

Anti-depressents are a meme

They don't work

I'm on anti-psychotics and anti-depressents

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It took about 2 weeks for me. Then I stopped because they didn't do much anymore and I felt better. Now I'm not really depressed anymore but I often feel really tired.

>Anti-depressents are a meme
Kind of this, they're not very effective.

Also, I don't know about you, but nothing made me depressed like antipsychotics did. What you on them for? Something serious like schizophrenia?

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two years after I stopped taking them

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cymbalta 3 weeks

>two years after I stopped taking them
gave me a good kek.

Paranoid shizophrenia

Zxprexia after taking abilify

And yes anti-psychotics are the worst, kills sex drive, kills motivation, my video game addiction gone.
Sure i'm more of a normie now but i used to mastrubate allot and at least enjoy myself being a recluse robot

what are you on user? i take fluoxetine, started to get a lift in mood after like 2-3 weeks. antidepressants do jack shit though i dont know if it was the pills or introspection that has sorted me

im on lexapro. i felt the same lift in mood but it's mostly because i was optimisitc that the meds would work.

>I take antidepressants.

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I've tried remeron, cipralex, effexor, zoloft, wellbutrin, can't remember more

none of these work, ever, for anyone. It's all placebo and shit, you know.. they don't even know why anti-depressants work on people. They have no fucking idea, the brain is a mystery to us.

All anti-deps do for me and most people is giving you a limp dick

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>most people is giving you a limp dick
Its not like robots are missing any sex?


That's not how it works, dumbass. Emotional depression and CNS depression are not the same thing.

lmao u have no idea man

say that after you haven't been able to fap for 3 weeks all the while having a sex drive