I deserve a white boyfriend.
I deserve a white boyfriend
Then why don't you have one?
Obviously, because I am ugly.
Tits or gtfo
We all know that this isn't (you) faggy
you're problably an ugly tranny or neck beard fag
How do i send you my money? =^)
That ain't you though I request sauce.
I am ugly but not a tranny or anything of that sort. But it doesn't matter, white guys are supposed to be okay with low value gook women like me.
I unfortunately don't need money. My parents are rich and bought me an apartment that I just sit around and NEET in. If anything I would like to take care of a boy.
You're not ugly, you just need to smile. Unless that picture is hiding some body fat
I never said it's me. It isn't. I just look exactly identical to that girl.
you are not ugly at all, cute af actually, but your standards are probably pretty high.
Give me your contact info, and I will personally bleach you. I have money so I can fly to wherever you live.
Put up or shut up, larper.
I'd be your boyfriend if the white race wasn't dying out
the rectangular glasses exacerbate her slanted nip eyes
Pretty cute for an azn gril tbdesu
Whereabouts are you?
If you're not a tranny and look like that girl you're obviously just not trying. Sitting inside like a neet isn't going to make you attract anyone. I would probably date you if we knew each other in real life
It's not even a picture of her. She's probably ugly lmao.
Would love and cherish till the day I die.
It's "not" a "picture" of "me".
desu you sound like my ideal woman but I don't trust strangers on the internet
Holy shit, what kind of faggot stops himself from dating women just because theyre a different race?
place is really overrun with newfags that have never seen this pic baka
Post your discord now
fucking now aegfkl
Post timestamp with shoe on head or gtfo
i'll be your bf if you aren't too far. Chances are you are too far though, I can't imagine many single asian women living in this area. I imagine the only ones here moved here with their husbands.
You're probably a whore bound to your primitive instincts, so nah fuck off.
She is a larper. She's not giving out any personal details. I understand why she won't just fuck any dude from Jow Forums, but she can post her contact info and decide who she wants to fuck.
But, no, that would take too much brain power for her.
Me i guess. I want to make more white people and teach them to vote Republican
You do? Well, your looksmatch is closer to the Call of Duty r9k guy and not somebody like Zac Efron or whatever. Are you ok with that?
you don't deserve anything you need to work for it you dumb thot I bet you don't even know how to cook or clean
>be gay user
>be afraid to embrace my sexuality
>LARP as a girl for attention
>post picture of semi attractive girl on Jow Forums
>orbiters claiming they are just as desperate as OP
>OP abandons thread because he's scared of the attention
>people are still replying
Is this entire thread a metaphor for the state of this board?
>implying its a she
I know this is a larper, but i would like to have fun chatting with this subhuman
>I deserve a *white* boyfriend.
Fuck of faggot. Next time, don't make it so fucking obvious that youre not a lady.
Faggots have an ENTIRE BOARD for themselves but nope, they need all of them with their tranny shit!!
are you happa at least?
It's fine. I would want to femdom my boyfriend anyway.
Hi my name is user and I'm white
what kind of femdom and when do you want to start living in my house?
Hi, My name is user, and im a wanker. I like to eat Vaseline off toast
I live by myself in a studio apartment and barely get out other than to go to work. Do you want to move in?
Wow! How ironic that our name is the same and. :^)
I deserve a hapa gf, it's like we were meant to be
Yeah in your fap fantasies, autogynephile.