How did we get to the point where half of the users on this board are pic related? And what do we do about it?

How did we get to the point where half of the users on this board are pic related? And what do we do about it?

Attached: half of r9k.jpg (960x762, 67K)

Just don't pay attention to the spam. Even if they come in threads that aren't about them, just ignore them. They be as obnoxious as possible just to get attention. Don't give it to them, and they will get bored.

They're all created by the same people, most of them coming from that tranny discord group who made that kid blast himself with a shotgun on livestream.

how did that work, exactly?
I thought they were an echo chamber of support.
did they bully?

it's the doing of a select number of rabid faggots

Attached: r9k1.png (538x495, 58K)


Attached: r9k2.png (585x531, 77K)

The hell is a pink pill?? Fag awareness?

I think it means fag acceptance more than awareness

This didn't fucking happen, you retard. That guy killed himself because he didn't want to move out of his parent's house and work, and Reiko and his little shit gang claimed responsibility for the suicide.

almost all robots migrated, adapt or leave too