Where have all the robots gone?

Where have all the robots gone?

I've just lurked a thread about a to be homeless OP where honest-to-God a bunch of normalfaggots circlejerked about him "just needing to be motivated" and madbouthing his lack of experience with the world - as if ugly autists could get everything they dream of with only a firm handshake, like in the boomer memes. This board has become the shitposting dumpster of /soc/, Jow Forums and discord trannies. I want out of this hell and migrate to wherever the loser aspies now congregate.

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maybe you should go back to your thread, OP

>this reading comprehension
Not my thread normalnigger. It's just the latest in a series of long crimes of normalfaggots against pauper robots.

maybe robots should try harder at life instead of giving up because it's too hard to tie their shoelaces

welcome to 4chad
home of the normies since donald trump's 2016 election camapgin

You dense idiot. The whole idea of being a robot is that your situation is desolate due to circumstances out of your control. If a robot has crippling anxiety, unsupportive parents, no money, no friends, and no marketable skills, you can't just say "DUDE my man just b urself and suck it up! It worked for me, even though my situation isn't near as bad as yours." You're either only here to post frogs and derail threads, or talk down to anons to make your insecure little self feel better. Fuck off this board if you've "made it" in life. Fucking leave this site.

except that almost every robot here complains constantly about problems that are fully within their own control. it's just a bunch of lazy turds who want to complain about how hard life is and not put in any work.

anyone who actually had real difficult circumstances in their life to overcome can see through this woe larping instantly.

you 100% deserve any ridicule you get. taking away any safe spaces you have will hopefully get 1 in 500 of you to become a better, happier person.

And who are you? Who are you to be the gatekeeper of which posts are genuine and which aren't? You are part of the problem. Seriously, go back to or r*ddit or some other shithole site. You're obviously not welcome here.

and you just made those remaining 499 people kill themselves, how would you feel about that, normodite? 499 people's blood now sticks to your hand because you've runied the only place robots can vent and feel like a part of a group
>inb4 its their fault that they killed themselves

I will do so as soon as your responses stop being funny

it's their own fault that they killed themselves


maybe they should get in group therapy instead of group cry about anime not being real

>except that almost every robot here complains constantly about problems that are fully within their own control.
And those people promptly get told to fuck off. I love how you purposefully ignored the "If a robot has crippling anxiety, unsupportive parents, no money, no friends, and no marketable skills,..." bit, as if your opinion had any merit.
>you 100% deserve any ridicule you get.
Now this, my fellow lurkers, is the true mind of the normalfag. Due to his inability to feel empathy for others or to shake his Just World delusion, he built up a metaphysical image of losers inside his head which equates them with criminals, killers, rapists. THIS is how normalfags REALLY think about others. Malice and stone-age instincts. Beware.
>taking away any safe spaces you have will hopefully get 1 in 500 of you to become a better, happier person.
Because an ugly autist with crippling anxiety, unsupportive parents, no money, no friends, no girlfriend and no marketable skills is much unhappier than an ugly autist with crippling anxiety, unsupportive parents, a small amount of money, no friends, no girlfriend, no marketable skills and a job which consumes half of the day 6 out of 7 times in the week.

I went to fullchain but is slow as fuck
And i left this place last year because trannies. I came back to see if it got better or worse.
Go to /x/ theres a ton of losers there or you can shitpost on /tv/ like me

Some aspects of the robot worldview are valid, and some are not. What the hell - nobody's perfect, right?

The robot critique of women is basically true. And a lot of what robots have to say about neurotypicals and their blind spots is valid.

But the whole "I can't possibly go outside because it's so scary" extreme that some hikkimori-style robots push isn't valid. It's total nonsense. NO, it's not that scary outside. NO, the rest of the world doesn't owe you neetbux and the ability to hide forever. Sorry.

I'm not neurotypical either, but I still hate NEETs. I would be happy to see every NEET in the gutter.

Get it together and get a fucking job and then come back and we can bitch some more about roasties and normies.

>their bigges problem is anime not being real
and that's why you're an ignorant piece of shit normalnigger, itsich easier for you to think that robots are just a bunch of whiny manchildren than to actually use that miniscule brain of yours and consider the tought that people have it harder than you out of their control
this is how normos think, everyone

sorry to break it to you but
>crippling anxiety, unsupportive parents, no money, no friends, and no marketable skills
is where a whoooooole lot of people start off before they get past all of those things

you just choose to regress yourself to the state of a teenager forever because it's the easy option

i've worked with people who were:

orphans who had been sexually abused through their entire adolescence

physically and/or mentally handicapped

refugees from active warzones

and you know what they didn't do? what you're doing. your problems are not bigger or more substantial in scale than the vast majority of mankind. they are small, pitiful, and able to be overcome.

i have complete sympathy for those who try and fail, but very little for those who don't try at all and expect the world to change for them

i guarantee that very very few of you had a more difficult life or upbringing than i have had, but i don't let my circumstances own who i am as a person completely and utterly. i don't demand forced sympathy.

You mean rapists

Especially because I can pretty much guarantee you that if the OP in that other thread had fucking gotten off their ass and got even a PART-TIME job, their parents wouldn't be kicking them out.

When you hide behind excuses until you're 23, and exploit and take advantage of people when they try to give you a break, eventually you reach a point where they just throw you out.

OP in that thread didn't actually want advice, they just wanted to cry and be told how right and good they are.

Sorry, but when you ask for advice under false pretenses, you deserve ridicule.

>all jobs require either experience or a good degree, or both
>send 100's resumes everywhere
>no answer in 6 months
Lmao dude just get a job, it's fucking easy.

>easier for you to think that robots are just a bunch of whiny manchildren than to actually use that miniscule brain of yours and consider the tought that people have it harder than you out of their control

There are people born with Down's Syndrome, or people who are blind, or people who are paralyzed from the neck down. Those people have it harder than me for reasons out of their control.

People with "muh anxiety" are just malingerers who have been taught a scientific-sounding word to use as an excuse.

Guess what? It's nicer and more pleasant for ME, too, to just sit on the couch and not get up and go ask people for a job. But I do that unpleasant task.

You fucking NEETs don't do it, because you classify any unpleasant experience whatsoever as too oppressive to bear. And you think that if you just cry and rend your garments, that someone else will take pity on you and say, "Oh no, OF COURSE you can't do that, my poor poor baby. Your ANXIETY is stopping you!"

And then you smile to yourself at your (temporary) victory and get back on your ass on the couch. Which is where you want to be. Until the next time you need to manipulate your way into another reprieve.

>OP in that thread didn't actually want advice

No, they wanted advice on how to con their way into still being able to be NEET. That was why they didn't like any of the advice that revolved around NOT being a NEET.

They wanted magic words they could say to force their parents to support them. Or magic pixie dust that would transport them to a NEET paradise of no work and endless tendies.

based real problems sympathy poster so-called robots are generally over privileged first world losers upset they can't compete with Chad.
I hate normies too but at least some of them are well adjusted enough to understand their problems aren't the end of the world

you are a fucking spastic. Anxiety is a real mental illness that can ruin lives. Barbra fucking Steisand was borderline suicidal for years over it. Professional athletes have lost millions and lost their careers because they got it. Fuck you

you're actually just not trying hard enough, sorry. all the resources are out there, you just aren't taking advantage of them.

every time i've known someone like you and offered to find them a job, i've been able to very quickly through such impressive feats as "filling out online applications" and "accurately completing forms"

To the robots ITT
Don't waste time arguing with normalniggers, they either are too retarded to understand, or intentionally pretend to be just to piss you off.

>Anxiety is a real mental illness that can ruin lives.

A mental illness that is strangely utterly absent from places where people are forced by circumstance to actually work for their sustenance.

>intentionally pretend to be just to piss you off
probably this. stop giving this faggot attention and eventually he will return to where he belongs

And crickets from the neetfag of course. I so badly wanted to see him equate his "crippling anxiety" with real problems.

it's an illness that is manageable with proper self care, and millions of people (including myself) get up in the morning with anxiety, go to work, and live their lives. they may not always succeed 100% of the time, but they try.

what makes you so special that you deserve a special safe zone to encourage other people to not seek help, to not help themselves, and that it's totally cool and awesome to wallow in your mental illness. you're lying to yourself and to others by pretending that robots are some special breed of "beyond help"

and i know that you all know this is true

It's threads like these that cause suicide and create serial killers.
>dude it's all your fault! Why are you so fucking lazy bro? Get out there and grab life by the horns! *claps hand on shoulder
You can almost feel the collective helplessness and despair generated by posts like that.

listen up fucking cockroach donkey halfbreed, I live in a third world country, and Ive cried before going to work

Anxiety is really just a code word for "Im used to comfort 24/7". Guess what the most effective psychotherapy is for anxiety? Exposure therapy.

no, what causes the real helplessness and despair is not getting actual help for your mental problems, and instead locking yourself indoors and only talking to a specially selected group of other people with similar self-hate complexes.

>It's threads like these that cause suicide and create serial killers.

Serial killers have to a) leave their house, b) talk to people and c) buy shit like weapons and shovels and shit.

Anyone who is capable of being a serial killer has no excuse for being a NEET. That would make it appropriate to tell them to grab life by the horns. They're clearly capable of doing just that.

I think all the robots started migrating away after the normalfag infestation got too bad.
>maybe robots should
Maybe you should get the fuck off our board already. Can't you go post on leddit or something?

>Ive cried before going to work




This isn't a rebuttal, it's agreement. You went to fucking work. That proves that your "disorder" is not actually a barrier to getting off your ass. You got off your ass when you had to - didn't you?

Nah man. I've lived almost every single day of my 22-year existence in agony. The ones where I don't feel it were days that I holed up in my room all day. You know that feeling of holding your breath underwater for too long? Very anxious people feel that whenever they're in a social situation. """""""Exposure""""""" doesn't do jack shit for some people. Swallow that big fat blackpill and fuck off this website.

>Maybe you should get the fuck off our board already. Can't you go post on leddit or something?
sorry to break it to you but this isn't actually your board. anybody can post here. even girls and black people.

Where did the robots go?

going outside makes me more misanthropic day by day, I dont even make complaint threads I just talk about random shit here with people that can understand me
that doesnt mean I cant get anxious or whatever it is that I have, why else do I cry at least one time every week and have a hard time going to my workplace?

>maybe robots should try harder at life

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>Where have all the robots gone?
Away from this reddit shithole. I'm only here hoping to find a young failed normalfag woman to seduce.

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maybe you should get therapy



>I've lived almost every single day of my 22-year existence in agony.

>I've lived almost every single day of my 22-year existence in ...mild discomfort which I exaggerate to manipulate others and/or call agony because I'm a soft bitch with no concept of what real agony is

Fixed it for ya

judging by this thread, i'm not the one at risk here actually. sorry.

>this isn't actually your board
And because of this the board's just become a lower traffic, somehow shittier version of /b/. You fuckers ruined the board.
I don't know I think they dispersed around a lot of places. Some of the oldfags still remain but the board is the worst it's ever been.

Jow Forums never did recover from the Jow Forumsddit 2016 invasion, did it? Normies from facebook and reddit thought they could gain internet cool boy points by coming to the website that "ELECTED THE PRESIDENT OF THE US AND MADE A BUNCH OF MEMES OMG!!1"

don't worry, the other Jow Forums boards are just a lower traffic, somehow shittier verson of this Jow Forums so you will soon have no echo chambers left

maybe instead of being mad, you should take it as a sign that childhood is over. it's time to grow up.

That's true about the board in general, but I don't think it's true for this particular issue.

There are a lot of aspie types who aren't NEET, because they're just too damn useful to normies to not have on the payroll. And those robots have always hated NEET robots. And vice versa.

And on some days the threads where they go at each other get really bitter and ugly. It's been that way since way before 2016.

>no echo chambers left
That would be to imply there was ever a sort of ideology here which there wasn't. r9k was and to a lesser extent still is just a space for socially the disenfranchised. Why you take such pleasure in destroying such spaces is beyond me. Care to elaborate?

but those anons are right it was OPs own fault he got btfo by his mum and dad

We need a great Khan who can unite all the robot clans and lead us against our enemies

Now I know that you wont understand, and you never will. Not gonna waste my time arguing with a normalnigger who thinks he understands people because he "made it" by overcoming his tiny little obstacles. Go find yourself, user.

the cognitive dissonance in this post is sublime

>r9k was and to a lesser extent still is just a space for socially the disenfranchised. Why you take such pleasure in destroying such spaces is beyond me. Care to elaborate?

Not that guy, but the NEETs brought this on themselves, with all of the "HAHA Wagie!" threads that they make. Every time one of those "HAHA Wagie!" guys turns into a "OMG anons I'm about to be homeless what can I do?" guy, they deserve to have their end zone danced in.

coming aimless, purposeless troll
why should anyone here listen to you?
I dont believe you are trying to help people here...

hey op, some people on here don't really come off as robots because they see that r9k is already full of redditors, so there's no point even trying to relate to anyone on this board. I imagine most robots don't want to tlak to 50% of the people that browse this board atm

5'2'' user reporting in. I haven't abandoned you guys yet. I'm sick of all the tranny, fembot and normalfag threads. We're here just to drown in our own sorrows, but these niggers can't leave us alone because of their LOL I'M SO DEPRESSED! bullshit.

OP is complaining that posters who don't agree with the common consensus are "ruining the board"

maybe the board shouldn't exist if it can't handle outside opinions

I'm with OP.
You're forced into this world without consent, to be essentially an endless slave to your needs and desires, to be forced to be a slave in a wage cage when your parents have had their selfish fulfillment 'raising' you and kick you out to suffer and slave

People shouldn't procreate unless you're rich enough to guarentee the offspring the minimum amount of suffering possible. Including having to wageslave.

People shouldn't procreate in general, but stilll

Parents being selfish enough to force someone into a 'game' just for these parents own selfish egomanical gratification and trivial fulfillment.

A game this forced offspring , won't enjoy, can't enjoy, never will feel grateful for. Your parents forced you out of peaceful non existence for their own selfish desire so you can suffer and get kicked out at 18 and told to go literally slave or you suffer even more.

I'm with OP. Fuck this shitty game, some people just don't enjoy shovelling shit down their throat with a smile. Fuck reckless self indulgent parents who procreate and don't even have the tiny guarantee that their offspring wont suffer endlessly because they happen to not enjoy this shit show.
It's not a gift of life, its a burden of enslavement just because your parents wanted to toy with a child for 18 years until they've had their "Fix"

Fuck them

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Yea, I almost never come here these days it's gotten awful. It's all normie circle jerking these days.
One time reddit went down for like a day and I think that's around when this board got flooded with faggotry it hasn't been enjoyable for me since then.

I'm not the person you're talking to but I feel the need to pipe in. You literally don't know their life or what it's like to suffer legitimate mental illness. I experience flashbacks and panic attacks from severe trauma's in my life. I shake violently during those panic attacks or disassociate to the point I'm a zombie that lacks most cognitive abilities that people call autistic. I've suffered memory loss, commonly known as amnesia from my PTSD and I have physical symptoms. My face contorts and twists from the pure horror I'm experiencing inside then I try to act like every things alright and I can do a very good job acting like I'm ok up to a certain point. Imagine trying to function like a normal person when you live with this. I've had jobs, they were hell. I didn't make it through school and most of the work I find is dead end. The people that work these jobs are not good people themselves and don't have a high tolerance towards people that are different. They treat me like shit and I have had complete break downs from the bullying I've experienced in work places and the rumors people start about me has caused me to quit jobs before. I've experienced harassment you couldn't imagine because some one decided to off handedly say I'm a sexual predator or some thing likewise idiotic. I have a completely clean criminal history though.

So yea, think twice before you claim people can't suffer debilitating mental illness and come here for comfort. Yea there's pieces of shit out there but you have no idea whether or not you're talking to one.

they are larping as "successful people" and other retards take the bait
you are right, after all this is one of the few places where you can exercise free speech, OP is complaining about the forementioned guys
and they should know real successful people don't waste their time trying to convince outcasts in chinese cartoons websites

The wagie/NEET conflict's been going on for years, that's not what I'm talking about. Even the wagies used to be alright but now r9k is filled with trannies, fags, normies, so called "fembots" or at least larpers pretending to be them and fuck knows what else. The board is barely recognisable and as I already said is basically just a shit version of /b/ which is already trash enough.
The board only exists in any meaningful way because of people like OP. You faggots flood in here from the other shitty boards and even reddit watering down what used to be a fairly unique space, even if it said unique aspects were distasteful to you.
>maybe the board shouldn't exist if it can't handle outside opinions
That can be said for any given space though if you flood it with enough outsiders it gets watered down. How low IQ can you be?
>It's all normie circle jerking these days.
I don't even know why they started coming here. There's nothing for them here.

just do it, i bet you also pretend that your height is a "real" disability instead of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps

I honestly don't believe any of that. I think it's shtick you've taught yourself as part of a quest to be NEET. I think you're like the guy in , whose standard of "unbearable suffering" is so trivial that it includes ever having to work, ever.

Imagine claiming to be a robot when you're a tranny chaser and non virgin

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This. Jow Forums isn't worth using besides niche boards anymore. The internet we had in the 2000s is gone. We're completely outnumbered and have been infiltrated by people who do nothing but regurgitate content.

I've been to mental hospitals and I was in outpatient care with one for five years. If you don't want to believe me that's fine, I wish life was the way you claim it is. It'd make things much easier for me.

Come on user, it's not a disabilty, but you can't in your right mind say it's not a disadvantage. Imagine being smaller than almost every girl you ever see. It's really discouraging, specially after you hear most of them saying they prefer taller guys.

>That can be said for any given space though if you flood it with enough outsiders it gets watered down.
then maybe you should make a board that isn't public instead of complaining that your public board is too public

Why do you even bother coming here? I honestly don't understand it.

because it's sometimes fun and sometimes interesting

you're the only one offended that someone who isn't you is posting

i encourage all thoughts and opinions

you can even call me a faggot or a normie if you want

>i encourage all thoughts and opinions
Which is why /b/ exists. I don't understand what prompted the influx of aforementioned people to r9k. I was hoping you could shed some light on it but apparently you can't. It sounds like you arrived after the cancer was terminal.

Do you not see how despicable it is to come here when you're not its target demographic? Your little description there is equivalent to going to the zoo so you can laugh at the caged animals and throw popcorn at them. And you know what, because of this thread, I'm going elsewhere. I'll find somewhere else. And to other robots, let's leave this place to the normalniggers. There's very little value left in this place.

no, /b/ exists for homoerotic "pics you weren't supposed to share" threads and similar horny content as of tyool 2019

Jow Forums exists for me to make my super amazing posts in, as it always has

Where can we go to though? Wiz has been in ruins for years, infinity is dead and the incel forum only applicable for the misanthrope part of robot philosophy in addition to needing an account.

imagine being this bothered by someone else having a good, friendly time

it must be hard

I know a handful of anons have been putting together discord servers but they're shit and require accounts. I think r9k, the robot philosophy and Jow Forums in general are dead at this point to be honest, everywhere we go gets flooded with faggots. The only boards that are unchanged are the super niche ones.

/wsg/ for the comfy rain and gondola threads

wagies have infiltrated this board and project their slaving as a norm to feel better as a complacent in the whole. Thinking working everyday no matter what the job is mindlessly, is somehow better than using that time to be genuinely used for whatever the fuck I want.

My ancestors weren't slaves forced and worked to death so I could do the same thing in this day and age when I don't have to. Id rather shitpost for 20 years high than work 60 at a steel plant and potentially die.Life is whatever I want.

>t. NEET who finds no real joy in life
>t. NEET whose worked the wagie lifestyle for awhile and would rather die at 30 something living off neetbux spending most of my life high than live 70 years sober in constant tiresome making their boss insatiable profit for mere nothing. My ancestors who were slaves forced to work

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i killed'd my format

>Where have all the robots gone?
8chDOTnet/doomer/ that's where] Not spam not spam

This pretty much answers OP's question, though.

I don't really understand how you can be in any way mystified that other people hate and despise you. Your entire credo is basically a direct statement DEMANDING that other people hate and despise you.

>WAH why are people taunting the user whose luck has run out and who can't be NEET any more and is going to be homeless instead?

Gosh, yeah...WHY? WHY would that happen?

Dont see why a NEET would garner hate by anybody but wageslave bosses, but even then who cares.. Why should it matter to anybody what self-destructive tendencies a person has if they want to life that way. When someone elses life is so boring and unfulfilling to themselves inwardly they have nothing else to do, but in their free time put down others for their beliefs that harm no one to feel better about their existence. Because whats life really about, but feeling superior to other ants in the grande scheme right?

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This. regularly browsing the internet nowadays makes you completely braindead if you aren't careful.

We created the meme, and they became our meme's.

Attached: 1489385561254.jpg (3538x3424, 1.76M)

Ridiculous thots showed up to steal our jokes so they could be better twinks for Chad, so now Chad has followed them here to help seed that process with normie garbage instead of shit that's actually funny.

So the same thing that happens to everything else in human society.

>90 replies and no proper answer

based ray of sun in cloudy skies NEET enlightening the masses

What do you expect, anybody who knows is probably over there, rather than wasting time in this shithole.

>Cripplechan Jow Forums
>Cripplechan /v9k/
I wouldn't recommend Wizchan though, the mods there are doing dodgy shit without the users knowing. Fuck off this isn't spam, can't you just let me post? FUCK OFF ALREADY AAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA JUST STOP ALREADY

Interestingly, you can't post "8 c h a n" here for some reason because it claims spam. I bet hiroshimoot is up to something...

When is he not?

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