How come guys like Lester never have any animosity towards women the way incels do...

How come guys like Lester never have any animosity towards women the way incels do, despite seemingly having everything going against them as far as attraction is concerned?

These guys are never bitter and angry towards women and they usually pick up a wife at some point who remains loyal to them until old age.

Yet incels who are younger, fitter, more attractive than Lester have all this hatred and anger towards women for not choosing them over better looking men than them.

Why don't guys like Lester care about rejection or not being attractive the way Incels do? They simply get on with their life and eventually they usually acquire a life partner anyway.

You don't see Lester and the like bitching about the cock carousel and hypergamy and going mgtow etc

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guys like lester? you mean cripples? because they can tell themselves, truthfully or falsely, that they would be getting laid if they didn't have their disability. they themselves probably wouldn't want to fuck a crippled woman so it seems fair to them. meanwhile if you're a 6/10 dude you would probably fuck some if not most 6/10 women out there so it's frustrating to get rejected by 5s.

Because Lester isn't a beta. He deals with hardened criminals regularly and talks shit to multi billionaires turned terrorists. He's not focused on pussy, only the next job.

Not necessarily cripples, just guys like that. Balding, glasses, overweight, no sense of style, food stains all over their clothes, wear the same jeans for a week, live in a messy unorganized apartment, often smell of sweat, etc

These guys just seem to be impervious to rejection. If they get rejected it's just "oh well" and then they carry on with whatever they do in life. They don't care how fat they get or how badly they dress they just continue to eat pizza and a terrible diet and they don't do any looksmaxxing or over analyzing of women. They aren't afraid of getting old or running out of time. Eventually a wife just lands in their life.

it's a fictional character you fcking dumb ass.

I know guys like this guy in real life. they live in places like Zurich or Dubai and fuck an army of hookers.

Probably because he makes mad money and gets hoors desu

Here's another example of the type of guy that i am talking about. These guys just go about their business and live how ever the fuck they want. They are not getting much pussy at all, if ever, but it doesn't bother them. They dont think to themselves "hmm i better hit the gym and clean my diet up and post on Jow Forums and maybe i'll get more women" they just don't give a shit about aesthetics and eventually they get a wife anyway.

And obviously these guys have been rejected over and over in their younger years when they actually cared about getting women and yet none of it has affected their overall view of women, which is not misogynistic in the least. They seem to be completely uninterested in what women find attractive and completely ambivalent towards relationships as a whole and just don't give a shit about how their appearance looks.

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it's called "asexual" and it is a disability

No they don't. They live in apartments in America or in a home they inherited from their mother or elderly grandmother. They usually have very little interactions outside of their work but they are not complete loners. They spend a lot of time with their job or their hobbies, and women are but a passing thought in their heads.

You think these guys sit on their stained couch with a big cheesy pizza and some beer on a friday night and think to themselves "that damn fucking bitch who rejected me 15 years ago is now a single mother and still only wants a 6'5 ripped chad, all women are scum"?

They just don't think in these terms. To them, if a woman comes along fine, if she doesn't no big deal. And if you see these guys 5-10 years later they are all of a sudden married now.

if he had a wife he would have recorded her getting blacked by franklin and lamar