
where the FUCK is our saturday night creative thread?

post your workings, your art, your music, your photos, your crafts, your videos, your works in progress, or anything at all that you've made yourself. give and receive feedback, discuss with other anons, and have fun

Attached: creative.png (1580x966, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I just finished this and sent it to a girl I like but she hasn't responded to me and I'm sad now

Attached: 050DDC1E-10AC-41C9-8BFC-866A07D81CC4.png (707x962, 1.12M)

Give her a 24 hours window, people usually have fun on weekends.

>people usually have fun on weekends
i just wish i meant as much to her as she does to me

Attached: B8A4B094-BABB-42E1-BEE7-04D2CA63B23C.jpg (800x450, 153K)


I made a thing today

>used to be a regular in these threads
>tfw haven't done anything of not in what feels like so long
>tfw no longer feel worthy of coming to these threads because I have nothing to offer
Anyone else know this feel?

What did you make user? I do mspaint landscapes

this is still very rough but it's a part of what i'm working on atm

Attached: blah2.jpg (1938x1266, 499K)

Mostly I've been making YouTube videos, but sometimes I draw and I write stories which I don't post here because of paranoia my ideas will get taken, or worse - I'll get ridiculed. but I haven't made anything since the beginning of the month, which I guess feels like longer than it has been.

Made these yesterday. 10 mm blades. The tension screws are ugly as sin, but they were all I had for the prototyping stage. Woods are Bolivian Rosewood and Bloodwood.

Attached: DSC01992.jpg (2592x1944, 1.77M)

I made a thing the other week; it was pretty

Attached: alsen_wunterlen.jpg (1024x1383, 438K)

user its beautiful; you're beautiful

We're in the home stretch now. I'm nearly finished with the edit. I've decided to forgo reshoots in order to get it done quicker, at the cost of making a better short. I recorded sound effects today, they aren't great but they'll do.

Pic related is the poster/thumbnail image.

Tell me about it. I didn't start work on this project for two months (my first Monthly was released at the beginning of January), just kept sitting on the script and waiting for some time where my friends were free to help.

Attached: 4C87FE30-5FA1-4120-9A15-78C2CD4E63EC.jpg (2134x1069, 654K)

That's lovely, user. The blue seems like a strange choice given the color palette of the rest of the piece but I'm colorblind so what do I know?

Here's a poem of some sort I wrote months ago. I don't like all of it, but it's bit better than most of my insane writings.

Missing that one thing
Not just my other wing
Something inside
Where does it hide?
I looked behind the corner
Only found a mourner
Not back there either
I take a breather
But waiting is a mistake
"Not giving up" I fake

Back to simpler times.

Attached: 7974E4DD-5E21-4DE1-AA49-04EF992371BD.jpg (1080x1318, 153K)

thats some pretty good rhyming user; you managed to deliver some heavy stuff there. Keep it up

I've listened to this album 12 times since yesterday, how did nobody tell me about this?


Attached: 61TgU+oEEUL.jpg (498x500, 97K)

Damn nice color combinations.
Weird to combine those emotions with red, i hope i get to see ur final version
That is really nice user
Did you draw that user?
As for what i did lately, its some pixelart made out of 4 shades.

Attached: Samurai.jpg (800x540, 165K)

i tried my hand at poetry. its not really good but its something

I live a life of existential lies and sorrow
Always wanting to just sit on my pillows and cry
Never again wanting to see tomorrow
And yet still not wanting to die
Sitting there in pure and utter harrow
Living the greatest and purest thing of a lie

Made this in a few hours today

Guess Ill post this again, my writing.


If anyone's already read this, or wants more, I don't mind pastebinning another one of my stories.

Comments and critiscism are always appreciated.


Listen to my shitty music please

Normies don't know how to respond to art that isn't facebook-tier. Don't take it personal mate
This is great. Awesome texture and colors, good job
Love the direction you're going with this. I would've assumed all pixel art is reddit nostalgia nes garbage but I've never seen something like reminds me of old dos games lol

Attached: chubb.jpg (1280x720, 796K)

As Bergers is a git

Attached: A900D85F-C6BC-428B-8C0C-E2316B20DE08.jpg (2048x2048, 515K)

Its because im actually using the NES palette and i restrict myself to 4 shades out of 48, btw thank you user.

Attached: Carr.png (1200x1200, 68K)

Wow that looks great. How long you been making this stuff? Also post moar if you have.

I've been making them for 4-5 months.

Attached: SeaThemeAnimated.gif (1280x720, 25K)

I wanted to make a game all by myself so some artwork was required and i tried to be oreganioli,
thats what made me start doing pixelart.

Attached: RetrosteticPfp.png (800x800, 47K)

Which one of you fuckheads?

Attached: Capture.png (677x168, 8K)

Just improvise more bro

Attached: FB99F0C4-55F9-44E4-91F1-2F70BCED2506.jpg (2048x2048, 554K)

Just did another Laserdisc Review. You guys like anime right? Almost everyone on Jow Forums has probably seen this already, but I have no shame, so here it is again.

Attached: too old.jpg (1407x796, 213K)

Here's a burnt guy im working on

Attached: HS_Immolator.jpg (542x800, 69K)

Those are amazing! Are they actually functional?

I made this to demonstrate how to use a microphasor to an user on /mu/ tonight and it exploded their head dropbox.com/s/nlieydtlog7ewg5/Micro-hazier.wav?dl=0

Wait if you are colorblind how did you know it was blue?

Hey man I love the content you put out. There aren't that many other people like you.

Attached: Winter night.png (707x827, 998K)

There's another /creativegeneral/ thread here:

I look forward to your short! Yeah sometimes the feeling of wanting to get something finished overrides the want for perfection.
Music wasn't shitty, it was catchy and fun. Good job user.
This is really cool. How long does an image like this take to make?

Hadn't made a video in a long time so I made something quick and silly:

Attached: small_loloop.gif (400x300, 1.29M)

some guy in the last thread wanted to download my track to make a gondola, if you still want i can upload it user

learning how to code

Attached: funy.png (509x693, 402K)

I'm a failure. Keep this in mind if I say something that might seem mean. I'm trying to help.

Mountain looks like a dick, but it's also the best part. This is reminiscent of flash cartoon art, especially those clouds. Feels kinda clunky, it's good in some parts and naive in others. I wrote a song for a girl and she got really embarrassed, when I came back from work and saw her message about how it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done and how much she liked it, I was very happy. She eventually left me like everyone does. If you're lucky she'll like it but also remember to be an asshole because if you aren't then they leave you.

I don't see why people would listen the whole way through this. It's not bad (though I don't like metal admittedly) it's just not reply anything new or interesting. Start a band. It's my only advice because it's the only way you'll get anywhere. I know this because it's what I should've been doing. I'm trying to do it. It's hard because I don't make friends easily (not because I'm abrupt, I'm not normally this honest with people, not even anonymously. I don't like being mean).

The proportions of the humanoid seem in order, and it's taking shape well. You said it's rough so I assume you know the rest is shit.

Is this from Alice in Wonderland? If not and its original, then I like the ideas. Cool atmosphere. Interesting art style.

Read more. Get more words that you can use so that you can flex a wider lexicon and articulate your feelings better.

Looks like a photograph. Impressive.

Skipped through. It just repeats with nothing too interesting to make me want to stay. Get more instrumentation, or improve on your guitar work. More melodies, etc.

Another poem about not wanting to live. If I have to be honest, it's overdone in the modern age, not poems but just the idea. Sorry man I don't care about other people when I'm just as sad.

(hit character limit) so yeah keep in mind I'm being a prick at the moment to try help

Repetitive. Vocal effects are annoying and cringe. You're bringing nothing new here.

I'm not going to read this because I'm lazy and I don't expect much great. I'm sorry, nothing personal.

Close to being something. Still plainly unoriginal in style I think. But you might be close to being something more. I can't say for sure. It was almost something worth listening to in full is what I'm trying to say.

That city in the background is really good, 10/10. Something about that car is only 7/10.

I remember when you were starting out. I said it then and I'll say it again, your voice is charismatic. I'm still too ADHD to sit through your videos but it doesn't surprise me you're getting big now.

Almost got a laugh out of me.

Why would you respond to someone if you didn't even read their writing? Most of these criticisms are really shallow and pedantic overall, or make 0 sense (calling some things unoriginal but highly rating extremely unoriginal things because it's your taste). You aren't a very good critic

Well, it took me 8 hours.

Attached: BeautyIsInTheEyeOfTheBeholderGIF.gif (800x800, 93K)

Working on this at the moment, it's unfinished. Plan to redraw it in illustrator and touch it up with photoshop later. First real attempt at sketching.

Attached: XMZVCptg.jpg (1700x1235, 1.17M)


Just made some weird shit

Attached: 1549407442170.jpg (300x231, 16K)

made my own doomer wallpaper but its lacking

Attached: w1.png (1920x1080, 166K)

my philosphy youtube.com/watch?v=qxmoX9BXP6c

and my new song

Fine tuning them today, but yes, they are intended to work. Good thumb planes cost $100+ each and I can't justify spending that much without seeing if I can build something nearly as good first.

Guess im gonna shill my latest song by second and last time.
if you like breakcore you might be interested in this.

Attached: 1550419948144.png (900x900, 940K)

Looks like a re dead

Other thread died so I'll repost the demo of my modular patch here: youtube.com/watch?v=DDX6BPzCo10

What am I even looking at
Looks like garbage with a nail in it


I think these are used by guitar builders to work on curved edges or something.

extremely edgy, especially that music video

i thought it might have been a doorstop or something

this is something I made a bit ago

Attached: christmas being.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

I'm going to tell a story idea I have because I have this weird autistic guilt for just making these two posts and not actually contributing.
>Story takes place in a world where reincarnation exists
>It's like Buddhism, your reincarnation is based on the actions of your past life
>But Hell also exists, and it's reserved specially for the shittiest of the shittiest people
>In hell, there is actually a demon that guards the gate back into the living world
>This demon allows people to get a second chance at the reincarnation cycle, but only if they do a set of extremely difficult trials
>Our main character is in hell and wants a second chance
>He decides to take up his set of trials
>The first trial for everyone is to stop screaming from the constant agony of hell's flames
>After that, they have to climb a huge mountain/plateau thing where the demon of life awaits to dish out the rest of the trials, which will be unique to every individual person
>The main character's third trial is to locate a well that supposedly has the only water in hell
>The well is the only respite to all the pain in hell, but only temporarily
>The protagonist's 4th trial to take out some water and give it to someone foolish enough to take it
>Drinking the water actually forfeits your chance to live again
>The water is extremely enticing, and very tempting to drink, and the MC has to resist drinking it himself
Those are all the trials I have come up with so far, but I want there to be thirteen. What other trials should there be? What are your thoughts on the story?

You're a doorstop.

Made this for somebody's pfp

Attached: istockphoto-965437154-1024x1024.jpg (680x680, 376K)

gonna start drawing porn and hope i can make money from it

By this moment I don't know why I'm still doing this but here you go
Stupid beat no.24


>working on a new song next month with producer
>have this year roughly planned out
>found a handful of decent music video producers that for my song
>Expenses keep popping up, resulting in me postponing the recording of my song to March
>have to live at home with verbally abusive parents because I need to save up for promotion and etc

This is a shitty, nearly impossible road I'm walking down, but it's literally the only thing i'm capable of doing

Keep with it user.
Things will get better soon.

I was doing this one last week. Sadly I never get to finish my drawings.

Almost 3 years with my drawing tablet, never finished a single one.

Attached: Capturedsa.jpg (1066x686, 67K)