Be Turk

>Be Turk
>lurking Instagram
>See sexy Serbian girl post ""
What do guys? how should I approach her?

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Aw okay I guess it wont show but she posted the emoji for the Islam logo

Attached: 1200px-IslamSymbol1.svg.png (1200x1248, 36K)

Tell her you'll remove your family from under her fridge, roach.

budhurt serb detected

No No I want to grace her beautiful body with my strong Turkish hands, she lives in the same state as me and how can I convince her to meet up with me?

>only serbs hate roaches
Wrong. Everyone does.

I'd approach her. though I like albanian more

Why would Serbs hate themselves?

Can confirm, as a non serb

Can you make me some kebab Mehmet?

Albanian girls are non-existent where I live

I want to impregnate you and have many childrens

Forgot the meme damn

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Knew a Turk grill that looking back probably wanted to have sex. However I don't like Roaches and if this woman is not a whore she will not have sex with you.

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Is it the overly religious ones that keep on posting orthodox related things then turn out to be repressed whores?

No she liked Ataturk, atheism and Marxist theory, we were opposites in that regard. She was very cute though for someone descended of horsefuckers.

I can confirm, im from Saudi Arabia and I hate turkroaches even more than jews,

Is every fucking middle eastern person like this? Every time you look at a girl's instagram, there are hundreds of pajeets or Muhammad's begging for sex in broken English

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just start another balkan war

Don't lump me in with Armenians and Kurds or Syrians and Iraqi's anyways when I see a beautiful Balkans girl I just wanted to concur them with my mighty Turkish seed just like my ancestors did for 500 years straight.

I know Turkish women are pushy but at least get a Russian or a Ukrainian, lan

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>ugly brown genital hair bearded manlets thinking they have a chance with south slavs

Your only chance is to be rich and get a golddigger,otherwise forget it

T. Croat living in belgrade

Serbians are 1000x more common than Russians and Ukrainians where I live bro

Actually im below average looking, white skin straight hair, bearded, 177cm man, does that improve my chances?

>No she liked Ataturk, atheism
nothing wrong with those-
>Marxist theory
okay you dodged a bullet mate

Thats still manlet tier here,and don't bother even sending a message.
My gf has only a few pictures and still gets messages from turks and other browns. We use it for laughs

>gets messages from turks and other browns. We use it for laughs
thats mean :(

Its the reality,its like karma for being invaders and opressors for centuries.
Now you can watch and be envious or stick to your turk women

I mean come on,why would any normal girl even thinking about going with some random turk that messaged her via instagram...They get those messages almost daily

So Turk?

>aaay wanna see a cockroach bb

post her insta then

I hope your entire "civilization" gets nuked.

Back off roach, hit on your hairy girls with mustache


LMAO. In reality, a turk killed a serb... And that serb reincarnated to a turk.

Souls get punished twice.

Why you mad?

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>hit on your hairy girls with mustache
I said im Turkish not Armenian

ass blasted turk alert

please get off Jow Forums you sand nigger

As he said, don't lump the subhumans like t*rk insects in with the decent people of the Middle East like Armenians and Kurds. If you see someone doing that 95% it's a t*rkroach.

Why are Serbs always so based? Seriously. Like basically every Serb girl i have known has made it a point to humiliate t*rk manlets for their tiny dick and brain size. It hardly gets more based than that.

>we wuz khanz

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Well thats rude desu ;(

Filthy mussie you belong in hell