>This epidemic will finally be addressed

The mongoloid sucubi is a species of predatory anthropoid, they actively seek out weak, effeminate men with low self-regard for the purpose of feigning affection (they cannot actually love the way the Western soul understand love), the way a parasite eases its way into a host's organ system in order to sustain itself financially by it. Once it has secured a source of income to leech off of via marriage, an asian woman reveals her true colors as a soul-sucking, malevolent creature, capable of inflicting pain and manipulating emotion in order to torture and control the white basedboy host. You have been warned, cut her lose while you still can and reprogram yourself to desire women of your own kind. Absolutely do not breed with these goblins under any circumstances, as the mentally ill, stunted offspring are cursed. Burn the rice, pay the price.

>Share your Yellow Fever horror stories

>Discuss theories regarding the epidemic

>Discuss recovery strategies for those afflicted

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that the usual shills will post pictures of Northeast Asians has an argument in favor of racemixing. If this occurs, please gently remind the confused souls that:

>White basedboy failures never get attractive Japanese or Korean girls, but pudgy Filipinas and bony Vietnamese with zero standards in men.

>Mixing European and Northeast Asian DNA hurts both races and creates an inferior hybrid with stunted bodies, mental illness, and mongolian spots, among facial ugliness and other things.

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Yeay! Yellow fever thread!

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>White basedboy failures never get attractive Japanese or Korean girls, but pudgy Filipinas and bony Vietnamese with zero standards in men.
True, true.

>>Mixing European and Northeast Asian DNA hurts both races and creates an inferior hybrid with stunted bodies, mental illness, and mongolian spots, among facial ugliness and other things.
None of the research shows that. The research shows they have higher rates of mental illness AS COMPARED TO ASIANS. Not as compared to Whites. The hapa rate of mental illness is BETTER than ours.

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post the video of the gook pressuring her white husband to have a baby: but Andhu, u pomise to have baby, Andhu I want baby!! That'll scare them off

I saw it and I blew it the fuck out.

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Ignore basedboy statistics

Anyone know why "onions boy" keeps getting changed to "basedboy" ? Is that a new thing on Jow Forums?

That's from a 2004 mockumentary called Male Order Wife.

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And now it changed (onions) boy to "onions boy" wtf is going on?

What the fuck is wrong with this board?!!!! I never typed "onions"

You can't say basedyyyyyyy with one "y" now apparantly..?

kill me..

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Once again, the statistics compare hapas to Asians. If you're going to say the stats show hapas are basedboys, you're saying that the entire white race is even more onions.

Is that what you're trying to say, nigger?

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>tfw I spent the christmas in thailand
>fucked 5 girls
>blood test came clean

More this summer

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It's doing it to you now too, look at the words it autocorrected

You ok there, little buddy?

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Try to type the word s-o-y

The wordfilters have been in place for literally months now, there's only one reason you wouldn't know about them.

Condoms are optional throughout Asia. The only STDs you're going to run into where packed in by your fellow tourists.

Like I always say: Keep Asia clean! If you have an STD, wrap it up!

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Best recovery strategy: find another asian.
Works every time.

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I've never talked about s-o-y..?

My wife is Chinese and we have sex often. She calls it "love love" because in Chinese it's "ai ai"

Everyone on this board talks about s o y. Talking about why in the hell the mods changed it is also something everyone's been talking about.

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Nah I always used a condom.
fucking a Pattaya bargirl without one must be like playing a fucking russian roulette.

My Korean wife calls her pussy "my secret flower". I told her she can never stop calling it that because it's the cutest way I've ever heard a woman refer to her pussy.

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Word filters are gay just like the mods. Just let us have our own voice faggots

Surely half of them would have been traps
Ya dun goofed

Yeah, if you're in a sex tourism hot spot, you're asking for trouble.

But why? Why go there? Why not... anywhere else?

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the key is to only bang asians in the ass that way you never get them pregnant

test: so-i soi onions zoy soiboi basedboi zoyboi

That's gross. Anal sex is a meme you're not actually supposed to do it

Went to HK last year and didnt like the night scene.
Will go to japan this summer, but im going to spend a few days as a sexpat in thailand

Nice results i like soi or zoy

It happens to everyone here and isn't that new, unbased boi.

>tfw no qt samurai gf to swing katanas with

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>spend a few days as a sexpat in thailand
How do you find women there? Do you just pay?

plus jews want European-Asian race mixing so they can blend into it aswell.


That's pretty good!
But still would never want a relationship

I'm simply not attracted to Asian women.
I could fuck one, but white women are way better.

I feel like the mods moderate completely at random. About the only consistent rule I've seen is "No nudity". But I've seen them leave up pictures they like.

This isn't meant as a criticism. I think it makes things more interesting.

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I consider some of them to be white-tier but only the ones with pink nipples.

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most people posting mongoloids in this thread are race-mixed mongrels themselves trying to drag the pure caucasians down the drain with them too

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It's a word filter
They changed s_o_y to onions
And s_o_y_b_o_y to basedboy

Yellow fever is not worth it hapa's are actually intelligent to the point they will truely get into an identity crisis unlike mullatoes who are litteraly too dumb (and black) to question their disgusting existance.

Ive grown up knowing a chinese girl and god the chinks are fucking awful retards. Ive also had real interactions with japs and koreans and indonesians. Indos are alright , ugly but alright kinda weird vibe around them. Japs are often really kind. Their younger women act as if life really is anime (most of the time) like giggling and hiding their face when you talk to them in the most normalest things. or they will wave and smile at you as they mire from the distance. Still i dont feel much better than a nigger beeing admired by dumb lefties. Not to shame those girls and ofcourse its kind but racemixing would destroy what makes japan for example such a nice place. If you contribute to racemixing or the destruction of a homogenous society for that matter you shouldnt be on this site.

>Not smashing tiny and tight yellow faces and pussies
what are you gay?

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That's disgusting and degenerate
And pushing the line of sodomy


Can I ask a question:
Why, it doesn't even need to be a pro or anti-racemix thread, are threads getting sometimes bombarded with pics and, the worst I have seen yet, webms of cherry picked women of the non-white race and the people posting the pics/webms not getting banned and the posts deleted? The worst I have seen were literally porn webms of niggers and bbc and white on black getting flooded in thread completely disregarding what OP was talking about. Is this /gif and /b/ or Jow Forums

Also it got moved to Jow Forums now. Anybody know why tho?

You can't resist

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I can you gay retard

My idea which I wish more people would get behind is to create a hapa ethnostate to foster good relations between whites and asians.
Hapas don't have the same problems as most other products of miscegenation but they very much do have the problem of identity crisis. Giving them their own ethnostate would largely solve that problem, in addition to fostering good political relations between whites and asians, sort of like a royal marriage between two powerful countries.
So if you absolutely can't help yourself from racemixing but its white-asian racemixing, you both get deported to the hapa containment zone along with your children. But it's for your own good, or really for your children's good. They will have an identity there and be considered honorary tier and replace Israel to be our not-fake greatest ally.

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i dont think i could get it up for an Asian girl and that make me kinda sad.

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>just leave the white ethnostate to me

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Best thread on Jow Forums rn! Thanks Jow Forums!

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ok retard

based leaf and tea.

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Definitely true for Okinowans. They're lazy and leach off their American husbands. Not true japanese women. I'm pretty sure they're the Sicily of Japan.


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lucky chloe fags are cancer

My magic powers had worked.

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nice quads

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It's curious that every picture I post, the girl is over 18 years old.

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fuck azns desu

This girl has 21 years old, and I'm not kid ing.

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