I can understand not having a gf because you are ugly. But how the fuck do you end up friendless in 2k fucking 19...

I can understand not having a gf because you are ugly. But how the fuck do you end up friendless in 2k fucking 19, when you can comunicate with people from all around the world to share you interests.
Like how much of a fucking empty person do you have to be?

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When people say friendless, are they talking IRL though?

I'm friendless irl but know countless people online, that's not what you mean, right?

not OP but I think it's harder to have friends online than IRL because online relies solely on conversations
even though I'm not as close to them as I was in high school I still have a couple IRL friends but never in my life have I gotten anywhere near having an online friend

because not everyone is a failed normie like you are. some people on here have issues that go beyond "mughhh tfw no gf"

I'm the opposite. I've pretty much cut ties with high school friends. My college friends were mostly convenience friends. Same thing with work today. My longest lasting friends are guys online I've played with for almost 7 years now because interests aligned.

aspergers and social anxiety
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

>know countless people online
But are you actually friends with them?

I do have a gf.
I have found both the gf and friends thanks to online interactions.
And guess what, i also have clinically diagnosed autism. So the:
>but muh autism/social anxiety
excuse doesn't work.

I'm the exact opposite, it's super easy to have friends online based on interests and conversations but almost impossible irl.
I don't have any kind of hobby I do outside, I have little in common with most people I'd see on the street, I have no job out there and don't go to school, so I'm unlikely to meet anyone I'd end up making a friend of outside.
Online though I can sort through people by interest or make friends in places where everyone is there for a common reason very easily.

yeah it's confusing to me how most people on here are like that. I never even bother playing online games because I wouldn't be able to even get to the point of saying things into the mic/chat. the few times I've tried to make an online friend it fizzled out within a day even if we had perfectly aligned interests because after a day I used up my entire repertoire of things to say, all I'm able to do is respond to things people say

I'm friends with a few of them, I watch anime with one of them semi regularly and talk to a few of them daily or near daily. Unfortunately, it seems harder to keep friends online than irl, so they kind of cycle out every few months.

Your reading comprehension is bad and you seem pretty insecure, user.

well they're actually pretty similar because you're usually meeting people through certain activities like gaming, or talking about a topic when online. You're rarely finding somebody randomly on the internet to force a conversation.

just because it works for you doesnt mean anyone can do it. Stop using the my reality is everyone elses reality excuse

i work graveyard and on weekends, i've tried to have a social life but it doesn't work. i would need to rearrange my life around to have friends again.

people spout do whatever it takes, but rewards don't align with the risk anymore.
friends are more like competitive, opinionated randos who wanna borrow shit all the time because they think that's what friendship is. that's happened to me so much that i just stray away from it.

people act like nothing ever happens to people and we should just keep letting people shit on us and never have any defense mechanisms.

It doesn't matter how similar we are though or how easy it is to potentially meet if I can't get anywhere near befriending anyone.

What do you mean by that?
Where is the difficulty? In starting conversation?
In moving past acquaintanceship?
You're not being very specific, so it's hard to give any advice to help if that's what you want.

>fail to articulate your point
>blame others for not understanding
Maybe being a poor communicator contributes to your isolation

Some of us don't care, with zero irony. Too much of a hassle.

The difficulty is in talking at all, it's why I never play online games because I have nothing to say whatsoever

Its also hard for you to understand because you havent been in our position before. Most neurotypicals here dont get that

I'm not even remotely neurotypical, the only place I function remotely decently is online.
You might have a point though, I tend to do well in online conversations when you don't with little effort, which is probably due to talent more than any kind of skill, so it's hard to really teach that but I feel like I could at least give tips that may have learned through my extra experience in it over someone who has seen no success at all.

Yeah that's the problem, I don't think anyone can just teach me how to talk. It seems like when people have conversations they instinctually come up with things to keep it going.

You're talking pretty decently right now with me.
Experience might help a bit, you might be right about it being somewhat instinctive.
For me talking to other people is something like my thought process's natural reaction to whatever they say, paired with a small amount of cutting out unnecessary information and some stalling on word choice.
It's almost like thinking for me, kind of a reaction. Is that what you mean?
How do you go about it?

What platforms do you use? I don't use reddit, I don't use facebook, I don't use twitter. I don't play video games and am not a transsexual/teenager, which means I don't use discord, either.

Say I have interest X and sign up for a forum which deals with interest X. I contribute from time to time to said forum. Wouldn't it be pretty weird to be suddenly friends with one of the other forum strangers just because they share some arbitrary interest X with me?

Describe your exact procedures in connecting with others online, maybe by means of an example.

I think part of it is that the people who say "I have no friends" often have insane standards for what constitutes a friend.

>"I have people I hang out with, but I feel like they never text me first, so I have no friends!"
>"I have people I met at work that I interact with socially outside of work, but I feel like they don't really know me because they don't know my whole life history, so I have no friends!"
>"I have people I know online who I talk to every day, but I feel like they wouldn't come to my country and donate a kidney to me if I needed it, so I have no friends!"
>"I have known some people since we were in elementary school, but one time they talked about me behind my back, so I have no friends!"

And so forth. You can't really take the word of a robot when they say they have no friends, because some of them are pretty deep in worlds of self-pity, self-delusion, and paranoia.

>friends are more like competitive, opinionated randos who wanna borrow shit all the time because they think that's what friendship is.

Like this guy, here's an example of someone who's defining all the people he knows out of the set of "friends" because he thinks they aren't GOOD ENOUGH friends.

>"I have friends, but they try to borrow stuff sometimes and that annoys me so I have no friends!"

>Like this guy, here's an example of someone who's defining all the people he knows out of the set of "friends" because he thinks they aren't GOOD ENOUGH friends

no, i got burnt a lot in the past, so i stopped talking to people, therefore, have no people in my life, therefore have no friends. there is no "defining all the people".

i don't get how you couldn't comprehend that, like you're really reaching.

Everyone is my friend, until proven enemy.

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I use discord primarily, I used to use steam chat a bit. You don't have to be a teenager or a transexual to use discord, there are different private channels for different things and each one has their own interest group/type of person who uses it.
You're free to use discord and not ever join the tranny hrt propoganda type discords if you don't want to.

Hmm, as for your question about forums, it's possible you might see someone with an opinion you like about some thing or who shares a particular issue you can relate to, that could be a talking point, or you could end up running into the same person over and over and possibly end up talking with each other that way.

I'd say what happens when I make friends with someone most often is they might have a question or I might have a question for them on some thing and I'll ask them about it and then a conversation starts from that and we eventually end up talking to each other about other topics over the course of the conversation.
If we get along, we might talk about something else later, and over time if this keeps happening over and over we might eventually come to be friends. Does that sound about like what you were asking for?

I'm sure you won't like that I said I use discord, but maybe some of the other advice helps, you can make friends anywhere you have an identity online, whether it be a persona or not, so feel free to choose your own platform if you have a particular bias against discord or it does nothing for you.

No. I literally have zero friends, be it online or offline. At least if you don't count anonymous people on Jow Forums as friends.
I have a family, though, but I think, by definition, family members and friends are to be mutually exclusive entities.
It baffles me what's so hard to believe about people not having any friends. I'm not sure if this is trolling at this stage.

>after a day I used up my entire repertoire of things to say, all I'm able to do is respond to things people say
So much this. I have no idea of how people can talk to the same person over and over again.
You tell them your favourite anime/vidja/movies/series, talk about how things go in life. But you can prety much tell everything in 3-4 hours of conversation.

I can't figure out why you'd do this thread, is it because you wanted to brag somewhere that you have autism and you managed to get a gf and friends? Congratz man, wish you all the best, your question is pretty dumb tho, next time just go straight to the point.

Regular people are so accustomed to having friends that they cant possibly imagine someone who doesnt have anyone in his life. They dont know the pain, and refuse to believe it.

>no, i got burnt a lot in the past, so i stopped talking to people, therefore, have no people in my life, therefore have no friends. there is no "defining all the people".
>i don't get how you couldn't comprehend that, like you're really reaching.

Did people in your past sell you into sex slavery or something? I bet they didn't. I bet you became outraged over incredibly trivial and petty nonsense ("drama") and used that as your reason to declare that you can't ever have any friends.

>"OMG I found out that two people I thought were my friends had a conversation about me when I wasn't around and in that conversation they talked shit about me! Even though that's totally normal, I am compelled to overreact and I can never have friends again!"
>"OMG people always borrow my games and don't return them until I pester them about it for a month. Even though this is totally normal, I feel used! This proves that they're just pretending to be my friend so they can trick me and exploit me! I can never have friends again!"
>"I've been BURNED. Can't you see how BURNED I am?

Let me guess, it was something like that.

Why are you so combative?
Do you have a reason to try and pick on this guy and pick apart his reasoning, is there something actually constructive coming later?

>No. I literally have zero friends, be it online or offline. At least if you don't count anonymous people on Jow Forums as friends.

Find a forum that's not anonymous and spend the same amount of time posting on it as you spend posting on Jow Forums.

>i bet you

>did you

>let me guess

all the answers to your strawmans are no.
what i said was pretty straight forward, no reason to go into this other than trolling.

>Why are you so combative?
>Do you have a reason to try and pick on this guy and pick apart his reasoning, is there something actually constructive coming later?

There are a lot of people posting on Jow Forums about their inconsolable misery whose REAL problem is that their expectations for how other people will act are unreasonable. The most constructive thing anyone can do is try to help those people see that.

It's not as easy as you think, I used to have friends go out every weekend drink and have fun but everything changed when the psychosis attacked. I fucked up everything from humiliating shit to borderline criminal, everyone saw me in the state I was in and thought fuck is that the same cunt I went to high school with? I ended up in the ward for six weeks but before that I had already ruined my image. I had people recording my phone conversations and shit like that because my psychosis was really that bad, after I got out I was too paranoid to have anyone in my life. My autistic friend I had for years came to visit me and I thought he was recording and trying to make a fool of me so I cut everyone off. Now at 21 I have trust issues, unless I move from my city and make new friends while I stay away from social media it can all come crashing down on me all over again. This is why I'm a hikki/neet, I wish to change but it would be very difficult for me and making friends isn't the same as it use to be

Hey, fine. Tell me about how you were "burned" then.

Maybe it's not an Epcot Centre re-enactment of my examples, but I bet if you provide an accurate description it won't be hard for me to find the hysterical faggot drama at its core.

i expect you to act reasonable. i guess that was unreasonable?

so you're actually making shit worse, therefore you're full of shit.

Actually not the worst advice, I might want to sign up on some forum. The only problems is that I'd end up spending hours to craft every single reply then.
Jow Forums is like writing on a piece of paper. I can scribble on it. Posting on any non-anonymous medium, on the other hand, feels more akin to doing some engraving work.
Thinking about it, I don't even post that much on Jow Forums, I'm mostly lurking, because I often don't have anything meaningful to contribute. Which basically means I am an empty person.

yeah I'm doing fine here because it's anonymous. I can react to people alright but when it comes time to think of things to say on your own I've got nothing, and to have an online friend you'd need to do this for as long as you know the person. When I hang out with my IRL friends (again, the only friends I've ever had) it's as a group so if I never come up with anything to say that's no big deal because there's things to do besides talking.
this, literally what else is there? asking someone how their day was or what they did today just seems like forcing yourself to go through a formality and gets stale.

You seem to just be attacking that guy with strawmans though, why not tackle his individual case based on who he is and what his problems are rather than a pattern you think applies to him?

house broken into, shit stolen from me, betrayed, lied to, alcohol induced bullshit, drug induced bullshit, selfish suicide.
things of that nature.

>inb4 you find a way to downplay it and the only thing that counts is if i was shot or beat to near death because this person has an online ego and doesn't want to "lose" an argument he started for no reason

>If you don't tolerate assholes in your life, then you don't have the right to call yourself friendless.

>There are a lot of people posting on Jow Forums about their inconsolable misery whose REAL problem is that their expectations for how other people will act are unreasonable. The most constructive thing anyone can do is try to help those people see that.
No it's not. Misery people have to see their problems for themselves at the end of the day. They've gotten far better advice from far more well meaning people they're ignoring.

It does take a little bit of work to initiate conversation with friends, I'm the same guy you've been talking to and it's the same for me.
I'm mostly a passive conversationalist, but it only takes a really small amount of active conversation to trigger someone else's passive conversation and then your own can sort of latch onto that and have responses to give for a while.
Group chats do seem ideal for you in that case, some other place with an identity that you can talk to people regularly might help then, forums or some other service or something.

I don't... quite know how I got here. Being outside just always made me feel anxious. I became one of those people you used to see on TV and think "what a loser"

Who would want to be my friend?
I am:
- male
- 22 years old
- into cardio
- doing a bit of gamedev
- doing a bit of writing
- like fasting and starving myself sometimes
- enjoy watching Game Center CX videos
- into dwelling in pokemon third gen nostalgia
- currently NEET because I dropped out of college
- into reading, a bit at least
- into nightwalks
- into classical music

Yes group chat/hanging out as a group is the only reason I can manage to be with my IRL friends. Forums though would be the same as meeting someone anywhere else online and so would require some form of action to initiate a personal connection.

Here's the thing, I cut ties with people purposefully, there are very few people that are genuine enough to retain an active and healthy friendship, for the most part friends are just people you know through convienence, high school friends, college friends, work friends, whatever the hell else you're doing friends. The only really permanent friendships are also relationships

What kind of writing?
Nightwalks are nice.
We're both NEETs too.
Have any sort of idea of how to get into cardio? I've wanted to get in better shape for a while now and it's horrifying seeing my weight go up to 190 and knowing I can do less now than I ever could in my life exercise-wise.

because i just don't care about having friends or a warm hole to fuck. i enjoy the company of myself and that's enough for me.

I live in a southern european island with not much to do. Everyone is a meganormie and finding people who share the same niche interests as me is almost impossible. I can't meet any of my online friends and probably never will.

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Most people are toxic, so the odds of finding a geniune friend are so low it's not even worth trying. You are just forcing yourself so you aren't lonely.

>braging on an anonymous turkish turtle appreciation forum
> next time just go straight to the point
What prevents you from having friends?

Fuck you, I don't see the point in making people feel bad about themselves. Some people like me are just apparently unlikable, is that answer good enough for you? Go enjoy your friends and gf, but you don't need to hang it in front of my face to remind me what I don't have.

I model most my writing after Kafka short stories I feel. I'm German, so naturally those writings are in German, but I could translate them for people who are genuinely interested. I also keep sort of a non-regular diary on top of that.
What do you write? Fiction, too?

Getting into cardio is not even that hard, it just takes a while and will be frustrating as heck. But not actually hard, you just need to be kind of insane. i.e. doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
You basically start by taking progressively longer walks every day. Once you've tricked yourself into deriving pleasure from that, you're ready to get into running more or less naturally.
The hardest part will be to not to mess up your breathing rate/rhythm at first; you also should aim for a consistent speed with as few pauses as possible, which means you almost certainly will end up running too fast at the outset. Also not eating at least two hours before your runs may help. But if you get past those first few weeks of pain, your body, most likely, will figure out things on its own.

I don't write, I was just curious.
Thanks for the advice on cardio, generally my knees tend to hurt if I walk too much though, any advice on that?

Yeah people are more connected than ever but also more alone than ever
Turns out people are over the world are vain and quick to turn others down
Just look at tinder, if you don't make an amazing first impression no one will talk to you

I don't feel like it. I have pretty niche interests so I can't really make friends irl on the things we have in common like I can on something such as Discord. I'm not exactly a misanthrope who hates all people, there are some nice people out there and it's nice talking to them once in a while but I don't want to make friends with them or anything. In fact I feel that I don't really need friends, I've always been fine being alone. I'm not hurting inside or someshit but that's just the way I am. In fact, I don't really talk one on one with the people I've got on my friends list in discord. I only like to talk with them in a group setting I guess, because when it comes to them PMing me they try to get all personal with me and I'm just like nah dude.

the only things i like doing are browsing Jow Forums and reddit, masturbating, and fantasizing about having a gf. every once in awhile i'll try to get into anime/movies/videogames to become more interesting and relate to people but i always get bored and go back to Jow Forums. i even bought 200$ worth of mdma and lsd and xanax off the deep web last year to become interesting but i just ended up taking all fifteen xanax bars and blacking out for three days and denting a wall and knocking over a bunch of glass cups and getting bruises all over my legs from falling over and getting sent to the hospital when my dad found me half conscious speaking gibberish. after that i got sent to a psych ward for two weeks because they thought it was a suicide attempt and i became the freak outcast of the psych ward. i'm so pathetic

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>I don't see the point in making people feel bad about themselves
I wasn't trying to do that user.
>Fuck you
This kind of behaviour could be one of the reasons....

Not him, but you should do a diet first.
The thing that most people don't understand is that you can't fix a bad diet and obesety with cardio (it helps, but diet is the most important factor in losing weight).

I'm assuming you're OP? You started this very thread with an insult. I just said fuck you because of that, I'm never capable of expressing anything close to anger outside of anonymous image boards so I doubt that has anything to do with why I have no friends.

That sucks. It might be that you have to lose a bit of excess weight by dietary restriction first.
You might also want to pick up swimming as it's easy on your joints.
To a certain extent, pain in your joints is to be expected, though, at least if you're not used to moving around a lot, but you should probably consult a doctor to make sure the pain isn't cause by anything potentially dangerous.

Outcast from the outcasts? Shit, dude.

I'm not sure how much I can actually change my diet though, I don't have enough energy to cook regularly and I don't have the money to buy perfect super ideal food that is pre prepared.
I buy about the best frozen stuff I can find, which is obviously not the best but quite a lot better than eating ramen or eating the worst of it.

I appreciate the effort, but it's not specific enough for me to be able to take anything out of it. I'd really need a case study, or an example, to understand.

It's not that much about the quality of your food, but the amount of calories you consume.
You have to keep those in check.
Calculate your TDEE online and cut 500 calories from it.

Last time I measured how much I ate per day I was eating between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, which already seems pretty low.
I'm pretty sedentary by lifestyle, though.

I live in a small shithole and never go out so...

>house broken into, shit stolen from me

Well fine, that's legit. I didn't realize you had tried to be friends with stoners or niggers.

>betrayed, lied to, alcohol induced bullshit, drug induced bullshit, selfish suicide.

Yeah, this is the stuff I was talking about though. Let's hear the "betrayal" story. I would be utterly shocked if it's anything worse than "I told someone a secret and they told someone else" or "Someone joked about me when I wasn't around" or "People hung out without inviting me".

And as for alcohol or drug induced bullshit - dude, if someone gets drunk and pisses in your sock drawer, that's what's known as "a funny story".

>"NUH UH it's not a funny story at all, it's totally justification for isolating myself from the world! You just don't understand!

Wow, exactly like he predicted you tried to find a way to marginalize everything, you even joked about the break in and came up with an excuse for it.

Well, my TDEE is 1'800 cal, so if i was eating 1'600cal a day it would take 18 days just to lose 1lbs.

only one irl friend. stopped talking to everyone i texted everyday bc i realized no one texted me first. has been 3 weeks and no one texted me.

>I can imagine other people having the same issues as me but not having problems i dont.
Fucking kys op

You can hate me, but i still care about you user.

Jow Forums is more a friend to me than others

>insult people right from the start and create a thread mocking people for being even bigger losers than you
>I'm just trying to be friendly
Anyone in this thread that's mad at you is mad at you for a reason, but instead you just try and frame it like you've done nothing wrong. Right from your first post you were a dick. If you "cared" you wouldn't have said
>Like how much of a fucking empty person do you have to be?
this, only anonymously can I freely speak my mind

>Was there for me to laugh with when i was at my lowest
>Always there to give advice
>Always there to indulge in your most autistic of hobbies without judgement
>Can say what you like, have an argument and still go back to doing what you like
>Always there for me on my birthday/christmas

I unironically dont know what i would do without you faggots

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Zero friends online/irl here. For the irl part I'm an ugly slow autist, so understandably no one wants anything to do with me. Online I've tried numerous times but there's only so much you can do over the net. Online conversation is very shallow and forcing myself to play games or watch movies every day just to connect with others quickly becomes more of a chore than anything else. In addition most people are simply uninteresting and just want to talk and talk and talk inane nothings about things I really don't care about, so I decided to give up online as well.

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kys faggot

just kidding. i understand.

Though the advice are quite shitty 99,9% of the times

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I dislike most people and find it difficult to connect.

Also I am ugly and have low self esteem

You did a very good job summing up why I can't make online friends either user

I feel like the problem with finding online friends might be that most people who would be willing to put up with being online friends in the first place are insecure teenagers.
I'm too old.

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you are not alone user i decided to look at life like some cat would do nothing eat when necessary and wait for my destiny waifu to come real if not then i will be celibrate

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>Wow, exactly like he predicted you tried to find a way to marginalize everything, you even joked about the break in and came up with an excuse for it.

Well, I actually gave him credit for the break in as a legitimate concern.

But you know what? It's actually incredibly easy to avoid accidentally making friends with people who will break into your house and steal shit. Don't make friends with poor people who have addictions, and don't make friends with niggers. Problem solved.

Acting like break-ins are this incredibly common occurrence that are an inevitable side effect of making friends, and thus an adequate excuse for hiding from people, is fucking silly. With practically everyone you could possibly befriend, the likelihood of that occurring is absurdly small.

The other stuff deserved to be marginalized, so I marginalized it. My entire point is that hysterical, overly dramatic anons treat marginal nonsense as so horrible that it turned them into antinatalists. And I'm sure you know the type.

>OMG people passed on gossip I told them, this has convinced me that the universe is metaphysically evil and I wish sentient life didn't exist!

>Aerospace engineer
>Hobby artist and sculptor
>Well read
>Traveled, did drugs and fucked whores
I am just really fucking introverted and unsociable, i dont talk to people, i dont know the names of my colleagues i worked for years with.
Hell i only learned the names of student from my uni group who became my only friends by the end of second year.
And i meet them like once a month.

Now i feel like i need sombody in my life but I pretty much exist outside of society IRL and online.

nice snowman. you're protecting.