>The Social Credit System is a national reputation system being developed by the Chinese government. By 2020, it is intended to standardise the assessment of citizens' economic and social reputation, or 'Social Credit'.
>A full social profile is created from data including location, friends, health records, insurance, private messages, financial position, smart home statistics, preferred newspapers, shopping history, and dating behaviour.
The Chinese are the joo of Asia. it's the next logical move for world domination. Hype!.
James Gutierrez
Because the Chinese are doing it, there is no chance it will catch on in the west. Besides we have Twitter and Facebook. The people are already doing all the work for the government.
Oliver Clark
It's not just chinks being chinks, it's the logical next step for neoliberal capitalism. They just move a little faster over there because their economy is lubed up by an authoritarian government without all the timewasting shenanigans of democracy
Xavier Jones
tfw you realize there is a dark connection between the chinese government, tencent and censorship on the internet
Social credit is already here in the west, its just there in a piecemeal kind of way - your resume, your social media activity, your financial credit score, etc.
Just like how Steve Jobs mashed together a bunch of existing technologies into a slick iPhone, some company will do the same with social credit. Doesn't matter much if that company is government-backed or not.
Caleb Clark
>A full social profile is created from data including location, friends, health records, insurance, private messages, financial position, smart home statistics, preferred newspapers, shopping history, and dating behaviour. Hasn't this always been the case in the PRC?
John Lopez
>Social credit is already here in the west, its just there in a piecemeal kind of way - your resume, your social media activity, your financial credit score, etc. this. soon you resume will be automatically filtered out by some obscure Google's algorithm that in reality will be part of the hidden social credit system. Like a no-fly list, but actually a no-job or no-insurance list.
Hudson Rogers
Exactly, private companies are already doing what the Chinese government has to actively set up because of gommunism. It's just another business for people in the west.
Christopher Hughes
nah man, there would be lawsuits for decades to come if it was ever implemented here. But interesting enough there are a few information scraper sites that have implemented social ratings on people. Type your name in and you will probably find one with a rating.
Camden Garcia
Update, the sites called Mylife.com
Nathaniel Garcia
Yes. If you are falling behind it's time to arm yourself and start selling drugs or something, or plan an exit strategy. We don't have much time left.
Matthew Bailey
>the definition of 'shit person', and the whole conversation about morality itself, is now under the complete control of big business and authoritarian government Admittedly not an entirely new concept, but disturbing nonetheless
Joshua Gutierrez
>there would be lawsuits for decades to come if it was ever implemented here There would be one, and the person suing would lose. These companies know better than to do this shit without a team of lawyers and LLCs to hide behind.
William Robinson
>Admittedly not an entirely new concept No, but it previously existed only in fiction.
Nicholas Sanchez
Kill yourself you worthless pig.
Juan Sanchez
That's already a thing tho Just a tiny bit more individually. I assume it will be the same as now just on paper. A guy at a job interview will check that shit instead of asking for your info personally and standards in big corps have always been coldly objective. As long as they don't start sending help-packages or insert a way harder standards stem in society or other bullshit I dont see the problem I won't get employed either way
Isaiah Flores
The thing that scares me the most is that innocent autists like us would be lumped in with psychopaths, junkies, and all manner of scum. You can get a low score by saying somethign awkward to an influential girl or by doing prison time. People are too lazy to judge individuals case-by-case, they're just going to assume the worst if they see someone with a low score.
Alexander Butler
t. Shit person
Charles Turner
>A guy at a job interview will check that shit instead of asking for your info personally That's where you're wrong - it will be a computer program, not a guy. First only for big companies like Walmart or McD's that go through millions of employees per year, then the technology will become available to any company
William Sanders
I'm not really bothered. Just interested in observing where it all goes in my lifetime. I've pretty much opted out of society anyway.
Jacob Price
Not only are people sometimes too lazy, but in many situations it's a risk that just doesn't make sense to take. Maybe that potential employee really isn't a bad person, but on the other hand here are 10 others who have good social credit.
Juan White
Can I get information for that shit that isn't an autistic clickbait greentext? How does it work exactly?
Hudson Bailey
yall seen Psycho-pass?
Jordan Green
It was always bound to end like this. No-one can resist the allure of being a fly on the wall inside every single house.
Adam Baker
Nope. Is it worth watching?
Eli Harris
Welp that sounds bad. I was gonna checkout from society anyway because my dreams that would have required this are already proofed so meh. I still hope it won't evolve into minority report where you already get arrested for critical development or some kind of perfectionist society, and the problem will be left to college-cucks who want to become engineers at apple.
Leo Reed
They ruined Siege.
Andrew Fisher
Another important point here is that in China, you can literally purchase social credit through 'donations' to certain companies. So the rich will all have high scores and the poor will be stuck in the rut. Marx would have seen it coming. And of course this goes right along with the current "having money = evidence that you're a hard worker and deserve it, poorfags are poor because they're lazy lol" attitude of today's political right. Google it faggit, you're on a computer
Exactly, people like Louis CK would just buy their way out of shit while autists and NEETs who did nothing but sit in their room and jerk off would be permanently unemployed. If there are people out there who seriously don't understand how this can go wrong they have no reason to exist.
Alexander Scott
Fuck off ch*Nks Free Tibet The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 The Tiananmen Square Massacre The Anti-Rightist Struggle The Great Leap Forward The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Human Rights Democratization Freedom Independence Multi-party system Taiwan Formosa Republic of China Tibet Dalai Lama Falun Dafa The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo Winnie the Pooh CCPCorruption
Lincoln Campbell
>If there are people out there who seriously don't understand how this can go wrong I'd say for the people promoting it that's a feature, not a bug.
Anthony Brown
That Was An Impressive Number Of Consecutive Words Capitalized Now Kill Yourself Because It Makes Everyone Else's Eyes Bleed
Landon Scott
Yes. Kinda revolves around the idea of a goverment that has a social credit system, and decides what to do with criminals etc., then there's a M. Night Shyamalan -tier twist
Jose Torres
How is that going wrong? Useless autists and neets starve to death while productive people actually get an opportunity to contribute.
Jordan Torres
Autists and NEETs already aren't contributing because of a shadow social credit system. What kind of person has any interest vested in keeping them from entry level jobs like stocking shelves? Christ, eat a fucking lead pill already.
Charles Russell
Would you want to have your food handled by under-class scum? Would you want to have to interact with them in entry level jobs as the person stocking food in your local supermarket or have to let them handle the things you want to buy behind a till? The less we have to see of them, the better.
Aiden Bennett
I like my freedom user I am admitting I am just a shitty lazy person and thats better than bullshitting my way around it with subjective logic like that a society that overvalues the actions of its members is bad. At least this shit will be the final straw for me to turn my back on this world for good I'd rather live happy on the street than work my ass off to keep up standards I don't have to fit in a herd I don't like
Charles Barnes
I wouldn't want to live in a world where people like you, and Harvey Weinstein can buy their way out of being scumbags. I already do in a way, I just wouldn't want to make anything easier for you than it already is.
You know it's always been this way, right? Even a few hundred years ago, you could buy your way into fucking heaven by purchasing indulgences at the church.
Nathaniel Hughes
Lmao chang getting butthurt at pasta
Logan Myers
>'productive' >aka 'born into a family with some degree of control over capital'
Connor Thomas
Right so again why would I want people like you to get more retard support than you already do? Is it still too hard being a normalfag?
Liam Adams
reminds me of that episode of the orvile
Lucas Wright
That was a straight rip off of a black mirror episode.
Adrian Powell
I think about it every day. it'll be horrible. there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Elijah Morris
Kill yourself chonk. Go run over another baby.
Matthew Cruz
>doesn't understand why this is a terrible idea and why anyone shilling for it should be executed