
What happened to those escort generals? Are some of you still looking to fuck escorts or not?

Tell us about your experiences and tips.

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Welp, no responses

Guess the majority of this board is underage and cant get with an escort because of that

I would pay for an escort I just am scared of being caught in a sting.

It's all about money, isn't it. If you want to get laid more than once per 3 months you're gonna have to spend a couple of grand per year.
Good motivation to stop being a poorfag, I guess.

Didn't mean to reply. Origano mistake.

Or just get your life together. Im not good looking, rich, or have a good paying job, live in a rinky dink apartment and Ive still been able to get laid. Girls are Horny for literally anything.

I've fucked about 20 something escorts all over the west coast between 2016 and present. Ask away

Escorts are trash. There's no intimacy whatsoever and for the same satisfaction you'll get you could just jack off.

Your fault for having been born American.

> "I can do it, therefore so can you"!

Fuck off jew.


>I'm a special snowflake and what works for literally every other male on the planet doesn't work for me

If that worked for literally every other male on the planet /r9k wouldn't exist.

Yes i do, got addicted to them, i am a germnabot, so its legal here
On the streets on the weekend some ghetto girls selling them before going clubbing and romanians and bulgarians
Shit fuck bj 25 euro and all 50, but i still blasted all. Got so addicted going 3 times a week until i run out of neet bux. I had to get a job to finance it... i became a freeking foresteing supervisor for some canadian company making fair ammount so i can fiance it and still save some, but i cant live without anymore, its like giving you a straight view in life for othet things, like reading, hobbys carrier since you dont have sex in ur mind. Dude i dont know how to stop..

Or Jow Forums is just the place where males who literally never tried gather.

> Chad walks into a board for people who "don't try".
"Hey, you should consider trying! Hyuk!"


Would law enforment post "no AA"
If they do then thats hilarious but asking because this escort I want to see has that and it makes me believe she is legit

Are u a manIet?

Why don't escorts want to fuck niggers?

They have bbc no?

You gotta take a little risk. The only "escort" I see now is a girl I met on Adult friend finder that needed some money. Thought it was sus, but went for it and now I made her my only one

Adult friend finder is legit?

Thought that shit was a scam

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Some guys just can't get pussy. Every once in a blue moon I might luck out and get a girl to respond to me on a dating app and through some fault in the universe that might actually lead to sex on the rare occasion, but I've found comfort in escorts. Its honestly way better for me, cause I only see her once a week, usually the weekend and I fuck her 2 -3 times. No hassle or dates, just "hey, are you available?"
I've thought that myself, but it doesn't concern me really cause I'd be excluded lol
No, they try to pimp them or steal their shit. Some also like to haggle, but only an idiot doesn't haggle an escort (not the high price ones)

I have only ever had sex with escorts been around 30 times. its split evenly 15 chinks and 15 eastern Europeans its fun but does not fill the void im still new to this stuff, recently starter recording so i could bust to it later. Got a camera app that lets u record with screen off.

Idk anymore, I met her back in like 2016 and have been off and on.
AFF was pretty shitty though, the women that were one were usually fat and ugly and their husbands wanted to watch you fuck them. I lucked out with my girl, she's 24, big booty and big tits and really cute. She just needed some money for her phone bill

Whats the app called

Original commwnt

>I only see her once a week, usually the weekend and I fuck her 2 -3 times.
That sounds expensive!

careful, The guy who made counter strike is in prison right now for creating child porn because he recorded himself unknowingly fucking a 17 year old escort.

>That sounds expensive!
Nah, just $100. I don't eat out that much anymore or spend on useless shit. Fucking escorts actually helped me keep a budget lol

I'm planning a trip to Tijuana Mexico this summer. Currently deciding on which brothel...erhm I mean "strip club" I want to hit up, but probably going to Hong Kong.

Going to fuck as many women throughout the night I stay there as my dick can handle.

Big concern if you're a hobbyist. I've had a couple dangerous situations where I wasn't sure of the age, best to just leave in those situations

Are you in San Diego?

Can I go, i promise im not autistic

I have only made 2 videos so far.

The trick is to only let the tip of your phone stick out ur jacket pocket
Dont worry my friend these sluts are mature milfs

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Enjoy gettiing robbed and murdered by cartels idioit

Can we see the videos

Post them breh

I can share screenshots not cut my face out yet of the vids dont wanna get doxxed this is a Chinese girl

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the risk of being caught is honestly half the fun

Not in SD, but am actually planning to do a California vacation this summer. Going to stop at Tijuana for one night during it.

If you legit want to come, I don't mind. Leave throwaway e-mail.

>Thinking cartels actually go after ordinary tourists

ok lol

I thought about being one. I was at an all time low in my life and I was considering doing whatever I could to try and get out without killing myself. Then I realized that it was the exact same thing that happened to my mother and it was a bad thing, not my following in her footsteps.

Lmao fuck off Allison

I'm not Allison. I'm gotta go in a second anyway. Maybe if there a bunch of questions when I get back or my date is shitty I'll answer some about growing up with a former hooker as a mom.

I see one who really enjoys her job and makes me feel really wanted when we spend time together. Because of the pills I'm on its almost impossible to cum so we spend some time fucking and the rest is just cuddling while she plays with my dick. Call it lame if you want but it makes me feel nice.

I'm glad it's legal and regulated here in AUS, I don't have to worry about getting busted.

Getting whores in USA is too over priced and risky. Went to Macau a few times, the saunas are legendary.

Same spot diff girl

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get a cheap flight to somewhere where it's legal

Escorts are legal over here (The Netherlands) but the only thing i think just wouldnt make it any good is because im shit with women. Im awkward i'm a virgin and i'd probably come in like 2 minutes.

So do they come to your house or do you go to them? How do you set up the camera to get a good recording?

I lost my virginity to a escort she laughed at me as i busted in like 3 thrusts. I did not care bout her laughing i was just glad i busted a nut in a actual female But now i can last 30mins. So its all good

My man, i can get pussy but im too spastic. Last night i was over at this girls house and when she was like hey lets go upstairs i just said i dont feel too good and left. I look ok but im just too much of an autist.

Where do you find escorts now that backpage got shut down?
I want to fuck a qt but don't know how

Im to paranoid to invite hookers to my house.

I always try to find a incall spot and usually start recording before entering the house/flat turn the screen off but recording.

Then once the money and everything is sorted i get nude and throw my cloths where ever usually they have a chair or table or something to put ur cloths on and i try set the camera facing the bed sometimes im unlucky and it records the ceiling fan for 30 mins. But i try hide the phone in my jacket pocket and only let the camera bit stick out darker rooms are easy but shit quality vids. Just be sneaky if they call u out pull the phone out and show them the screen is off u will be good


>met escort online 2 weeks ago, went to her motel room
>spent several minutes jerking it because her blowjob didnt get me hard
>put on condom
>tried to put it in, only got 2 inches in before i started going limp
>tried to get it backup, was only able to maintain a semi (which wouldnt go in)
>she felt sorry for me and gave me a discount
she was a 6/10, if she was in a video id definitely jerk off to her
i guess i got nervous, idk. i've started watching gay porn (rather than traps) lately and it's pretty hot. i've been thinking of either texting her again or dl'ing grindr, but i'd probably have an even worse time with a guy. idk.
any tips for staying hard? when she was blowing me i couldnt really focus on the bj too much, i was getting bored and a bit distracted, which might have had something to do with it

Never, this board belongs to the Chads now wheter you like it or not.

I just don't get why anyone would pay for sex with a condom on, like at that point why not just jerk off? 90% of the fun of sex is the physical sensation and you lose all of it with condoms.

You've got stop jerking off to porn and start jerking off a lot less. When you do it too often your brain just becomes wired incorrectly and you can't keep a good erection. If you plan on doing it again, wait maybe 3 days without jerking off and you'll be able to keep an erection.

Post your nudes, are you a trap?

Nice. Whats the app called? I might try it next time I see my girl

>i guess i got nervous, idk. i've started watching gay porn (rather than traps) lately and it's pretty hot.
You have a porn addiction.

So is there no where to get an escort in the US?

Nevada, Vegas to be exact

I fucked a blonde slut just like Elliot Rodger would have wanted me to. Fuckin' pounded her pussy like a god damn whore and then left. Still isn't that great since you can't make out with them, but better than nothing. Still looking for more hookers to fuck too.

This is pretty typical shit bro, happened to me as well. Stop fapping, really consider going full nofap. If you won't, that shit will only get worse. Not getting hard with a real girl is one of the rare 100% absolute indications of porn addiction.

I repaired myself by going full 90 days of nofap and noporn (and boy, it took me better part of year tbqh, I relapsed so many times). It somewhat sticked with me, I stopped watching porn completely and jerk off really rarely, like once per two months. I do visit escorts though and I can't stress how much this is better than fapping. After those first 90 day I went to a good escort I know, it was one of the best orgasms I ever had and I completely glassed her tiddies with hentai-tier load. No issues with staying hard whatsoever. Godspeed dude.