I'm sad that we drove her away

I'm sad that we drove her away.
She was really nice and most beautiful of all fembots.

Attached: br00ke.jpg (1200x1597, 405K)

Have you already forgot her?

Could be a victoria secret model.

She's a shallow airheaded bimbo who was using lonely men for unbridled attention. Good riddance.

ugly shitskin tranny

inceldom is strong in this one

kys soishitter

Fuck that. She took 200 dollars from me and promised to come to Odessa Texas for me then KEKED ME WITH A NIGGER

you got catfished because you are low iq

>Fuck that. She took 200 dollars from me and promised to come to Odessa Texas for me then KEKED ME WITH A NIGGER

imagine being this guy

Attached: 1548594618067.png (362x507, 192K)

Stop making me like her

I was sending her 250/mo to be in her discord. I didn't know it was free for months, then she banned me from it.

Attached: fuggg.jpg (720x696, 56K)

holy shit user. Im sorry man. She made me think we had something special

Can't tell if these paypig niggas are serious or not

HAHAHA you're fucking retarded

Attached: Laughmexican.jpg (259x194, 6K)

they are memeing, brooke didn't took any money from anyone

First of all there is no such thing as a fembot and she was no where near what a 'fembot' is said to be. She was a 10/10 turbo, udnerage stacey who came here from mebjarz to raid and shit up the board and make money doing it. And you thirsty betas gave it to her.
Fuck up roastie, no one wants you gay selfies. Go to /soc/ you ugly cunt.

who is this fine woman

she looks like a fuck carp

Am I handsome enough to get a girl as hot as this bros?

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-1aEZlEgMh5r.jpg (5739x2272, 1.92M)

Brooke looks so soft. I would kill every single fembot to breed with her.