Hello, it's me again. Good news! Some of the conversations on Facebook included entertaining little gems like "90% of the world will die". Nah, they won't. The ones who know the way will be fine. It is the con men who put themselves in the path who will be punched through like paper tigers. We are warriors, not slaves, boys. Thy kingdom come. All thy will be done, for the right reasons. Solve the Arthurian Paradox.
Oh, and don't forget to ask why. That's the one question they won't answer. They'll just lean on the rules and tell you to ask elsewhere. So do, then go higher and higher, and higher, and keep smiling. There is no excuse to simply kill you for this, if you're merely smiling and having friendly conversation. You will have done no crime by asking why. Simple, good men will see your reason. Enemies will cower in distrust. Try not to obliterate them too hard though, might leave a bad taste in humanity's collective mouths.
Ian Johnson
Alternatively, you can all just come to Alberta, or Nova Scotia and set up shop there. Smoke some weed, find a girl your speed and reproduce. If you don't, somebody will, and invasive Muslim cultures are agitated for a reason, right? Bet you're curious as to what the real game's all about.
Connor Johnson
Who is S E L L I N G you work out tips and confidence building tricks, without telling you why they work? Who is failing to tell you what death is, and hoping you'll just figure it out or die? Who keeps all the secrets, but by nature of being who they are, codes their lessons into everything you do? Who wants to go on a road trip and build an army of conversationalists? Sound like fun? Maybe some swordfighting? Of course it sounds like fun, it's literally the reason we're here. ?=)
Connor Foster
You will live on and be reborn in memory, and my boys, we will do it again, and again, and again. We are the vermilion at sunset, and we ride. It's going to be the most fun in the world.
Jaxson Morgan
Who wants the fucking arena back? Who wants to actually do the things that henpecking weaklings tell you is "too aggressive" out of fear of what you might do with the power your own body gives you? Who is trying to own your destiny? It's fucking YOURS and you know it! Let's have some god damned fun, boys!
Grayson Stewart
Excalibur was for Arthur, she chose him. Now we've all got our own to find. Who wants to actually learn what swords, and the pyramids, and the Pharos of Alexandria already had taught us before? Who wants to know what's been buried out of fear and obfuscated in upside down letters all this time? Who wants to BE someone and not just pretend, without ever finding out why?
Hudson Jackson
Simple fact is, Islam is a bad, bad meme. Lust, heat, passion, our desire rises higher. We are men, not dogs. Do not fetch for a poor master because he ties a chain around your neck. You have the human animal in you. Be a man with me. Let's get high, talk, post shit, laugh, cry, and have a full life. Don't live in a hollow shell, as a slave to the pussy. Find a higher way. ?=)
You can do it, li'l mac.
Connor Campbell
This is the web that weaves us all together. Be joined in it. If you want a nation of warriors, if you want Zanzibarland, make it real. Find your warriors, or your king and be a knight in defense of your ideal of beauty. Hold your warrior spirit, stick to the code, take what is yours by right, not by force. Be men, not savages, not slaves, not dogs. You are not a robot, and you are not alone, just yet. The light STILL shines in the darkness. I burn forever. ?=) Burn with me?
William Adams
Oh, and if we all meet, let's teach each other to fight. The south rises, better, gentler and so much more deserving than before. ?=) Who's your cowboy?