>just got tested for STDs
>came back negative
>the guys that ran a train on me are already teasing me about this weekend
Guess I'm a slut now
Just got tested for STDs
you were always a whore
I'm so fucking jealous of cute twink boys. I'm a big guy, heightwise and weightwise with a football frame. Not many guys want to fuck this, especially not enough to run a train on me. I managed to get laid once 3 years ago by a small dick guy with PE, so I guess it's possible but God damn all I want is to be a slut sometimes.
Isn't there a shortage of tops and that if you're a manly dude you pretty much have a constant pick of bp
girl or just a faggot?
Yeah, but I have a small dick, and pretty much zero interest in using it. I get off more on the being dominated aspect rather than the sexual aspect.
God himself gave me this 5'5 120 lb frame and I have chosen to use it for the most unholy tasks.
This is really true though. Men are either looking for switches or tops. There aren't many just looking for bottoms. The guys I'm with are all switches but one. Pretty much everyone wants to lay down and let someone fuck them from time to time.
Boy but they call me princess.
kys. Or just goto one of your containment zones, /lgbt/ and /r9gay/
Altrought not virgin, might go for cutebois someday since I already fap to non passable middle age traps and womens are too much of a hassle to deal with.
I would be top only and I look pretty dominant half nigger.
I'm willing to admit that it isn't necessarily "normal" to be gay. I'm the way I am due to influences in my childhood resulting in a failure in sexual and emotional development. It's likely that a lot of the things that made me gay also made me submissive. The same probably goes for most other gay men.
Lots of guys like black guys too, not a bad situation to be in.
It's not all it's cracked up to be.
I'm a 5ft5 twink yet only old men message me. No idea where people find attractive young guys to fuck them.
>tfw BARELY any cuteboys in my region and the ones that exist only want a fellow trap or a sugar daddy
Unironically it's where you stand socially. My father has a lot of money and I get into parties and scenes that I wouldn't without the connection to him. It seems like a lot of middle class gay guys just have normal boyfriends.
Great just another reason to lament being poor while the rich get to throw parties and fuck anytime they want. Why was I born into this trash existence?
God I fucking hate you and hope you get raped to death.
I'm sure you guys get to enjoy family that loves you and the ability to live a safe and comfortable life instead of having to worry about whether or not your father's history has started to creep into your life.
I agree, in fact I was quite homophobic for most of my life.
I'm just a failed traditionalist. I asked my parents to arrange some wedding with me with the first somewhat decent girl they could find but they told me that it's not their role.
If I did not manage the occasional lay every few months, I would be an incel. Hell, I'm already a misogynistic. ( going for the self improvement route and still being sexual my frustrated do that for you)
Also, where do you live?
Don't bother, it's a girl
PS : fuck auto correct'
Right now I'm in LA. Really just soaking in the sun during the winter months. In the summer I'm either heading to New York or maybe even somewhere really cool like Tokyo or Seoul.
Shut the fuck up you entitled little shitstain.
Do you not realize how much better your experience of life will be compared to someone like mine? Because it's a huge fucking margin purely because you were born into money and I wasn't
Grass is always greener I guess. I would trade what I have for a quiet life with a stable family and people to lean on the moment I had the chance.
I live in Western Europe. Drop contact ? Might still led to a lay in the future, who knows.
Im confused, why would they make fun of you for not having STDS?
Not over a Jow Forums thread, sorry. I don't have sex with strangers. The people I do sleep with I know very well.
They weren't. They were teasing me about what's to come.
You really think life with little money is stable? It's the complete opposite.
Being forced to work a menial job everyday that makes you want to kill yourself knowing there are people way up profiting off your labour all in the hopes you can afford your next round of bills all the while your health slowly deteriorates from the stress of work and worrying all because you weren't born into money and there's nothing you can do about it as the rich wank themselves off knowing they're using you as a stool.
Yep such a stable comfortable life.
I'm not sure why I'm still arguing with you about this. I'm not entirely sure if you would trade lives with me if you had to deal with my childhood too.
Just know that money grants you freedom that others can only dream of.
Serious question. Were your parents a part of your life?
Just avoid getting railed without protection and have a nice day.
That's a complicated question.
My father is an alcoholic who cares so little he can't spell my name or distinguish when one of my siblings is talking for me on the phone, yet still looks down on me for not accomplishing things he wants me to.
My mother has gone through so much shit due to not having money/stability that she's pretty much senile at this point. She expresses caring because that's what she thinks is right, but never truly listens to what I have to say.
They're there physically, but emotionally or in terms of guiding/teaching me about life? Pretty much void.
>it's a roleplay something really bad just so I win the argument episode
I don't know why I expected anything else.
You don't understand how reality works do you? People with little money are much more likely to be neglectful or abusive just because of all the shit they have to go through because of not having money. I've heard this shit from rich kids before
>waah daddy doesn't pay enough attention to me he just wants to buy me stuff
>waaah mom is boring
Yeah you don't know anything until you've lived in a household where people are abusive or neglective out of their own frustrations of being low status and there's nothing you can do about it other than accept that's how life is. Most of the people I grew up around have had similar childhoods with abusive parents, seeing their dads beat up their moms etc.
Entitled cunt.
>thinks that is "really bad"
Wew lad you ain't seen shit
>tfw am twink boy but didn't get sex till 23 because I self isolated because I'm nervous and too scared of leaving my comfort zone
It's pretty nice now though I guess. Got a 20yo bf that has a bigger dick than me and calls me his twink daddy.
How long did they run train on you? How was it and how many?
Man, I hate faggots. It's weird because society expects you to respect them and to treat them like you would treat straight people, but then I see threads like this and all of the replies agreeing and identifying with it and I can see how things really are. This shit's a vile fetish, not a sexuality.
I'm a faggot and even I hate everything to do with faggotry. It's literally about who can be the biggest degenerate.
Faggot culture is literally about being the biggest piece of human trash you can be.
Yeah, I can tell. "Biggest degenerate"; that seems to be a running theme around here.
And taking pride in it.
That's what gay pride is celebrating. How trashy the culture is.
That's what drag queens are. They try to show themselves as grotesquely as possible to take pride in being human trash. It's all about being the shittiest you can be.
is OP russian?
>Be me 5 years ago
>Lonely teen with no friends in school, go to internet to cope
>Find this place, an area of the internet for generally young socially outcasted men to talk to others like them
>Fit in well, start posting daily, make many friends on this board and others like it
>Fast forward to today
>This abomination of a thread
Guys, where did we go wrong?
Agreed. Not even trying to sound like a self hater but young gay love is cute but all of fag culture and the annoying made up gay accent gays do is just so obnoxious and annoying. I actually dropped my first bf because of the fag voice he did.
Its always a boy.
Women are never this promiscuous in real life.
Faggots aspire to be promiscuous and therefore trash