It's really about damn time. Why did this take so long?
It's really about damn time. Why did this take so long?
only pathetic incels support this
I love when pro-war libs get pissed about this, because they believed somehow that "equality" and in a horrifying transcontinental empire would create some sort of just or tenable society
>bitching about incels
>his pic
send the women to the front.
As a legal technicality, cool. As an actual policy, fuck no. If we were in a war so bad we need the draft again, I' wouldn't for one second trust a femoid to be a reliable team mate in combat.
>last world war was only 70 something years ago
>about the usual lifetime of a person
>they act like it happened ten thousand years ago
>they believe another big war with a draft cannot happen
>but muh MAD
When it happens, and it will happen at some point, it is going to be a bad one and these people are going to get a swift kick in the teeth by reality.
I can't wait for the ISIS rape and then beheading videos of these chicks.
My body is ready.
To be fair, when the United States draft started, men ran the whole government.
It doesn't even have to be a war between major powers, it just has to stretch manpower too much for existing forces, at least Canadian conscripts can only be deployed internally
US forces in the middle East had a big % of their numbers being nationalguard etc to fill out the gaps
this is a male feminist
For even things out only women should get drafted into wars for the next 2500 years desu.
As a combat veteran, I have a little experience with this. I don't know all the details and I do know the military was evaluating women. During my time in Iraq, women had rear duty and would ride along in convoys in areas that were clear and under surveillance. There was one instance were some contractors hit an ied and there was an ambush. It was not even a major attack like you see in the movies or expect It was just a sniper firing from a concealed location. When we arrived, the truck was on fire, the driver was dead and everyone was laying on the ground behind the support vehicles. Now this is what got me. They were more than capable of fighting off this lone insurgent attack because when we arrived, shots were still be fired. Our gunners openers opened up and I walked over to them because I could see no enemy fire and that everyone was just firing. so I got permission and we called a ceasefire, we entered the area where the enemy was firing from and the guy was just sitting there. Not dead, not injured, we didn't fire on him because he was unarmed and he admitted that he did fire at the convoy after the ied went off because he was firing at the insurgents who were fleeing...on the same side that the women...and a few men were taking cover facing the wrong direction. So, if this was a real battle, these women and the very men who were with them would have all been killed if the enemy had taken advantage of the combat situation. Also, the guy that we were shooting at the entire time. As soon as they opened fire on him, he got to cover and was just sitting there drinking some sort of tea while bullets were pinging all around him. This Iraqi villager was braver than the female soldiers of the United States Army.
A bill specifically saying only men will be drafted was rejected. That doesn't mean women will be drafted. If that happens, don't be surprised if there's a backlash against it.
>tfw you were denied war
men will never be drafted to fight in trenches again fuck this gay earth
>roasties now have to register with selective services to get benefits in college
>mfw some will forget
Tell you what women, if you give up your right to vote we'll return your privilege to avoid Selective Service and the draft.
what happens to them
i forgot
Nothing bad necessarily. Most financial aid requires SS. It's basically 30k for free. You also cant get a government job without SS.
women really, really, need to be put back in their rightful place as childbearers and dick takers, period. So tired of having to live through this shit at 32. Only going to get worse before it gets better I suppose.
This. In the event of a draft it would still conveniently all be men. Women are never, ever getting drafted.
>non-gendered draft
>tfw just watched a documentary on Japan drafting women as "nurses" for pleasure huts
Uh, this "victory" isn't looking so pointless and "technical" now.
>massive war happens
>generation of men and women die out
>depopulation destroys country
What did they mean by this?
I honestly find it hard to believe these people exist. Unless there's some strange, unemployed subclass of women I never interact with, surely I must have interacted with one of these people in my day-to-day life and never realised it. Or they're just Eliot Rodger-tier hiding their feminist power levels. Weird.
misogny? how?
But World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War all had drafts when women had full voting rights. So really during that time women had more rights than men.
>that avatar
yeah its war