Does it make you gay if you want to fuck a girl that looks like a trap?

Does it make you gay if you want to fuck a girl that looks like a trap?

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A trap looks like a girl so is it gay to fuck a girl that looks like a girl?
Are you retarded?

he's on r9k. are you retarded for asking him if he's retarded?

Im on r9k, are you retarded for askin me if im retarded because i asked someone if he/she was retarded?

women are gayer than traps. you would be literally less homosexual if you just fucked a trap. women are fucking fags.

Women even make you more gay.
I mean how sick has someone to be to spend hours infront of a mirror making them self pretty and desirable

Its time go back to plebbit

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sometimes i can't tell if i like traps or just girls who look like traps

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>is it gay to fuck a girl
will you retards fucking stop, this is even worse than asking if it's gay for a GIRL to put her finger up your butt

Isn't that the girl from Into the Badlands, she's such a qt

She's a bit androgynous but still clearly a woman.

Yeah that is Ally Ioannides.

you have it all wrong. girl = gay. penis = gay. a girly man is the gayest thing you can fuck. what you want is a masculine woman. tomboys are the straightest thing you can fuck.

>is it gay for a girl to do stuff with your butt
yeah it's a little gay. maybe not a finger, but strap ons are a little gay. my gf wants to peg me but I dont want to feel gay about it. probably would feel good though. im just gonna delay, i dont feel like id regret it if i never did it

It's literally impossible for a sexual activity with a girl to be gay. There has to be men involved, or you'd have to be thinking about men during sex with her. Being gay means you're attracted to men, not that a certain area of your body is being stimulated.

she doesn't even look like a trap

Not him, but if I was him I would tell you you're retarded for asking if a lusting after a girl who look like a guy who looks like a girl is gay lust rather than straight lust because a girl who looks like a girl is a guy, but I'd be retarded too if I was him and I said that because I'm on Jow Forums and he said that would make OP retarded which would make you me he and OP retarded which might mean that he's also too retarded to make any sense about whether a girl who looks like a...

Maybe it's easier to just say "not if she doesn't have a dick"

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how is it not at least a little gay to want a phallic object (even if strapped to a girl) up your butthole? not saying it's full blown faggotry, just that it's a little gay. if you're secure in your heterosexuality it shouldnt bother you to acknowledge that

Because you're creating your own definition of gay based on social values instead of looking up the actual definition of gay. It's not a phallic object because you like men, it's just the best shape for the job (would you rather have a brick shoved up your ass?)
I'm not heterosexual by the way so I'm not just doing this to protect my own insecurities, you're the one who's insecure. Look up the definition of heterosexual and homosexual.

I'm not really insecure about it at all, I just think it's a little gay. nothin' really wrong with that.

There's nothing more straight than wanting a reverse trap gf

This again like I said yesterday no, as long as you are a TOP and her boiclit is locked up (pref broken) it is 100% straight