Why haven't you called yet?

Why haven't you called yet?

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Some fuckhead who doesn't know me giving some facebook meme-level advice isn't going to prevent me from ending it. It would honestly only make me want to end it more.

They put you on a fucking watch list if you call and then the police come to your house and Baker Act you.

Have anyone of you just jerked off when its a female on the line?

The line isn't meant for willy wankers like you.

I'm trying to work up the courage to kill myself, why would I want to?

>be me
>call suicide hotline
>i want to kill myself
>" it's all in your head. have you taken a shower? haha just put yourself out there, suicide is for cowards anyway lol"
>y-you too...
>*hangs up*

Because you have options. Listen man, send me a pic of your cock. I'll help you figure this shit out.

Because of my social anxiety
I fucking hate making phone calls

its faggots like that give me life.

thanks for pushing me a little closer i guess

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My fetish is to one dat work at one of these centers and listen to the troubles of all the poor tortured souls that call before explaining to them how hopeless their situation is and that a painless suicide is the best they can hope for if they want an escape from the torture of continuing their miserable existence.

Sometimes it is better to just quit with the little dignity you have left instead of beating a dead horse and scratching out a rat like living

When i get a scammer call and its a milf 3rd world shithole bitch
I jack off while writing her name and number cause she asks me too.

Jokes on you, i just jack off while you think that. Like stealth fap nigga haha

I'd just call 911 if I wanted the cops to show up at my house and take me to a psych ward

> i should call, give one of the new kids a chance to talk to a legend

I've called before but I always hang up because it's just awkward talking about my problems to a stranger.

I wanna do a school shoiting before i die cos its fun. If i called the hotline i wouldnt get a callgirl that would let me jerk me off. So school shooting it is.. Dont even have money for jerkin off on call girls... Tried gettin of 911 black tyronas but that simply didnr work

Also tried jerkin off on suicide prevention hotline but the woman told me: please dont end it. Think of yoyr family. Like that was a complete downer for my boner... Got completely flacid...

Because they'd call the police, boosting the time period I must wait for my gun license.

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>Baker Act
What's that. Don't want to search on Google.

Why would you even call this if you want to kill yourself?
Like if you think "I wanna kill myself, but lets see if one of these retards can change my mind", then you didn't really want to kill yourself.

Yeah it's not for people who want to go through with it either way
It could alleviate the feeling that no one cares about you and you're on your own with your problems, which drives some people to suicide

They don't call the cops unless you're retarded and sound like you're gonna an hero.

But I've called a lot before during a breakup because I don't have any friends. Venting to a stranger was really therapeutic for me. Yeah you get that normie shit sometimes I'd didn't care too much for, but sometimes I'd get an old lady and I felt like she was my mom, I'd bitch about this and that and she'd just tell me to get my head on straight. It's a good service and free.

Cause i dont own a gun and im shaving with Gilette

Because I've never been convinced that its ever actually saved anyone and its just bullshit.

I've called the one we have in Australia and they put me through to an actual psychologist who helped me at least get home without killing myself. I know their techniques but it works to pull you out of that purely emotional state and allow you to think logically about it. We don't have some fucking watchlist here or anything, America is fucked.

/thread/ suicide prevents any future problem and worry while making regret impossible

because in burgerland they trace your location, have the police detain you and put you in a psych ward for 3+days minimum, and then charge you thousands of dollars for the pleasure.

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>y-you too

Kek orangealy of course

I'm not suicidal, I just have suicidal thoughts.

It's when you get put into a mental hospital against your will. They hold you for 72 hours and if you're still considered dangerous they can hold you longer. And it stays on your record forever. Good luck getting a job when you have that on your record.

Can confirm this is the case. Work at a psych ward. We call people like this emergency detentions. Usually a 72 hour hold is activated and the county you live in may fund your admission but you get the bill. Don't forget about the part where you are brought by police to an emergency department where your attending treatment team think you are wasting valuable time and resources for being a suicidal piece of shit where they could be treating 'real' emergencies like a guy with his foot cut off down the next room. This process in the ER can take several hours at a time, most of which you will be billed for as well. Then of course comes the transfer. Ambulance or police transport is usually required, and you get another bill. Then comes the admission to the hospital. By this time you've spent about 12 or more hours sitting in the ER just hating yourself for being stupid enough to tell that dumbfuck on the line your location for them to call the cops. And 12 hours is if you're lucky, some people get declined admission from private psychiatric hospitals and have to get sent to the ultimate shithole state run mental health facilities which see restraints and seclusion used on a regular basis. Pray to sweet jesus you get admitted to a private hospital, and pray you have good insurance or you're fucked at least $1,000-$2,000 per day of treatment. Per day. Can you imagine getting out of the hospital after feeling suicidal and getting a $8,000 fucking bill? Next time you won't use the hotline.

The people on the other end of the suicide hotline are not meant to talk to you therapeautically. They are looking for any reason and attempting to extract as much information from you as possible to have a welfare check completed.

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That's so fucked up. Thanks for this info, user.

I've called so many times and this has never happened. What the fuck?

Were they like screaming over the phone threatening to kill themselves??

You're probably a little bit more reasonable on the line than other folks. The folks that get the police called on them are alone and can't guarantee their safety. If you tell them you'll go to an ER or you'll call a family then usually you can avoid a police visit.

If you want to ever troll the fuck out of a suicide line call them up with a phone that can't be tracked with no caller ID and tell them you've done a bunch of shit to hurt yourself and refuse to give any identifying or demographic information. Whichever chad or stacey operator gets you will be stressed the fuck out trying to figure out what to do with you.

Yeah, I'd never use this shit out of fear of getting psyche'd. You are pretty much fucked if that happens.

It's too impersonal. No amount of meaningless platitudes from some fucking random is going to make my life any better.