I'm putting together a team
so who's with me?
I'm putting together a team
so who's with me?
Nobody until u get a shower u fuking neet
hehe no you, faggot
:/ tehe
I just got pranked?
it's what you should expect from a master of deception, such as myself
Sure, what's the pay?
shares in SpaceX
yes, you're welcome
Who we gonna get?
I'm up for it, but I won't join unless I like the cause. What's this for, OP?
>A team you say? I may be interested in joining.
can i join the team fren?
I'm in, you'll need emotional support
you will all be notified shortly if you made the cut.
But trust me, it's hard work to be an hero
It's for the protection of neet-kind fren. That's all I can say out in public like this
deadly nightshade
invisibility at night
hell. yes.
thank God for this incredible ability he hath bestowed upon you. I pray you join us, and together we begin the revolution
That was goddamn well played sir.
hell awaits us
Don't worry buddy, I'm in
Count me in.
People call me Mr. Fluffymittens, or just Mittens. I may seem like a normal human, but do not be fooled. I am very much exceptional.
My powers include illuminating rooms as I enter them and summoning food out of cupboards. In addition, I have been bestowed with cat-like abilities, such as enhanced reflexes, enhanced balance, enhanced senses, a graceful figure, beautiful soft fur and a charming face.
one last mission...
One last ride, fren.
The jew broke before the guard dit
You're damn lucky you pulled that favor for me back in '87, but after this, I'm done. Out.
Its about that time isnt it?
Took you long enough
Well count me the there in!!
heh, I thought you'd never ask.
Understood OP ready and willing to join the team I won't let you down
heh, and to think i almost retired..
I can make funny noises with my hands pic unrelated
deus vult
count me in