>tfw no daughter to love and take care of
Tfw no daughter to love and take care of
Why do you specifically want a daughter? I can understand why someone would want a kid but specifically desiring a kid of one particular gender seems vaguely pedofilic to me.
You should be ashamed.
He's not a pedophile you retards. He just wants a cute girl to take care of and raise, it's what fathers do you idiots.
>bringing another soul into this world to suffer
You should be ashamed.
>"muh pedophilia"
literally what
>He's not a pedophile you retards. He just wants a cute girl to take care of and raise, it's what fathers do you idiots.
Nah man you need to look deeper into this. It's weird to specifically want a child of the opposite sex, it suggests that your motive for wanting the kid is not so much continuing your genetic line as some weird yearning for a child of that particular sex. Like, you really find the idea of a 'cute girl in a cute dress' appealing. There's always some degree of latent pedoism behind this sort of thing. I'm not saying that OP would necessarily be a full on creep but he'd likely end up as one of those parents who displays affection in 'inappropriate' ways at the very least.
>bringing a son into the world
A daughter would be better, it's as if youre completely disregarding the 20/80 ratio
>had twin daughters recently
>less depressed since they were born despite sitting up late pretty much every night with at least one of them
It's kind of nice having someone to take care of but I think it will suck when they're old enough to be into boys and things like that.
just find a findom online and pay her way through school, my man
Why is it that I can imagine caring for and loving a daughter, but I imagine being distant from a son if I had one? I'm 100% sure I'm not a pedophile. Yet whenever I fantasize about having children it's always a daughter by default.