
welcome new galaxy edition

Attached: best britfeel op.jpg (1220x721, 430K)

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Poley raising his hand and asking his boss for permission to breathe

Have to go for 3 fillings Friday lads lol
Fucking dentist hacked the fuck out of my gums and teeth there
They're sore as fuck
Is this normal? She gave them a clean and there was a lot of blood
I haven't been to the dentist in years mind

>Is this normal?
She's the expert and we're not so yes

was that a deer joke in disguise?
yeah properly fucked up. and lost my phone as well, hopefully it's in 1 of the guys from works car, if not this has been a very expensive shopping trip

course it's normal, you have gum disease from not cleaning them properly and probably having a shit diet so they bleed easily.

God I wish I had a big fat gf

for people who don't have good hygiene or diet yes

FYI I have good dental hygiene
I brush my teeth twice a day
I just haven't been to a dentist in over 10 years
3 fillings for that long is a miracle I'd say

get on PoF or OKC
plenty of them on there.