Snapchat a girl regulary, all day long

>snapchat a girl regulary, all day long
>is sending me nudes and shit
>calling me daddy
>sends me a pic of her face one day
>its fine, but the more that i look at her the uglier she appears
>start losing interest
>cant get rid of her no matter how much I insult her
how do you get rid of a girl, I never got this far and im a bit lost

Attached: 0hjzcqu8ho511.png (640x633, 405K)

post face. we'll see how bad it is.

>post a picture thats been opened already
doesnt work that way

>>its fine, but the more that i look at her the uglier she appears
>>post a picture thats been opened already
>doesnt work that way

you had 10 seconds to look at it nigger, there is no fucking "the more i look at it"

probably just a shitty LARP or bait to enrage all virgin retards on this board

low quality

Attached: 1545477971228.jpg (200x200, 13K)

you can remove the time limit when you send a picture, but once you open it and touch the screen again it closes, then you cant open it again

Attached: _hDZxD.gif (320x180, 1018K)

Replying just for based Marty Robbins. Just block her.

Attached: MartyRobbinsGunfighterBalladsAndTrailSongs.png (580x522, 196K)

Marty Robbins reigns supreme

Attached: 41453183_720441481623518_6978660240370051535_n.png (480x480, 269K)

this does indeed increase the size of my iron

Attached: bigiron.jpg (522x522, 110K)

I guess we're doing this instead

Attached: 3b2.png (1000x1000, 619K)

Bow down for Robbin

Attached: 1548456900851s.jpg (250x185, 4K)