Hey you stupid pathetic losers why not get off your asses and get a job/life? You'd be a lot happier. Start working out...

Hey you stupid pathetic losers why not get off your asses and get a job/life? You'd be a lot happier. Start working out, too. It'd help you get chicks.

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and then what, faggot?

and then kiss your new wife and make babies you stupid incel

Boy, what a great idea. Let me just hop into my non-existant car and drive to the good job store with the money I don't have! Solid advice, sport!

Fuck off.

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do things that bring you joy in life such as traveling, enjoying hobbies having friends.

Wow, you just cured my numerous long standing mental issues preventing me from doing so!

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with the invention of uber/lyft, public transportation and not forgot the bicycle you have several ways to get to work you lazy libtard

Hey that's a neato opinion on how to live life but unlucky for you your opinions only apply to your life. .ken and assuming everyone is as simp pathetic as you to think females are the end game result of effort. run along now and go shitpost somewhere else troll

I'm just burnt out nigga. I was always a smart kid, now I'm in college and getting raped by the engineering school. Fuck.

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got a job. hasn't done much for me. not exactly detrimental though. I don't care about chicks at this point though. I'll stay alone with 2d.