Anyone here had the surgery for this?

Anyone here had the surgery for this?
I'm getting it in 5 days and don't really know what to expect

Attached: 300px-Pectus1.jpg (300x382, 16K)

Well, on Jow Forums they say -
that Anonymous's heart will grow three sizes that day

Did Mike Tyson punch you in the chest? Or was it Goku? Perhaps Little Mac?

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my bud had to get the surgery because his was quite fucked, he has the bar in the back of his car still actually because they let him keep it

buffed his chest right out it looked 100% normal, he said he slept in a chair for a few weeks though. you will be on pain meds

absolutely do it user

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looks like your chest tried dividing by zero

Holy shit did your mom get punched when she was pregnant with you haha

I have the opposite one where your chest sticks out. I'll be getting surgery for it in a few months. Insurance won't cover it so I had to save like 10 grand out of pocket

you can expect to use your lungs for the first time on your life, i'm sure

This thread is a copy pasta. Please sage and ignore

Wtf why would I lie about this?
My pre op is literally tomorrow morning, but yeah sure it's a copy pasta I guess because this faggot says so