Am I an incel or volcel?

I think I'm an incel because engaging in fornication with a whore is not difficult at all, I could even pay a prostitute if I wished. But It is true that I wish I was married and had children.

Does the fact that I can't find a virtuous woman to marry and give my virginity to make me an incel?

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I think I'm a volcel* because engainge etc

>I could even pay a prostitute if I wished.

I think its weird how the people who try to fight against the incel ideology insist "you're not an incel! you're just celibate!"

That's what I thought desu. So incels don't even exist?

That's correct. It's just a coping mechanism.

that's a big crock of shit though. if some guy consistently tries to get laid but can't, what other word can he use to describe himself? it's an accurate label. I swear its like you normies just don't want to acknowledge it because the thought scares you for some reason.

>So incels don't even exist?
the whole incel narrative is built on strawmen, half truths and a massive victim narrative. It's more comfortable for them to delude themselves into thinking everything is out of their control than actually do something about it

Not him, I'm OP.

There is no such thing as an incel because prostitutes and rape are options.
>inb4 you disregard rape as a reproductive strategy because you're a normalfag feminist

>some guy consistently tries to get laid but can't
Doesn't exist. Prove me wrong.