For every time you get recognized in this thread, you have to leave Jow Forums for a month. In other words, the more cancerous you are, the longer you are banned for.
ITT: Posters you recognize
The "posters your recognize" poster
Posting burning churches is my thing, i don't understand why you are trying to steal it from me. Shame on you.
>that guy who namefags as "Anonymous"
Leave now.
But we are all Anonymous.
> The "Holier than thou" spiritualist poster who sexually abuses people he adds on discord (Reiko 2.0)
>the tranny who posts the same thread every couple of hours about how they were raised trans and didn't know about it
>the fembot larper(s) who have to post "under 6'1" manlet memes in every one of their threads
>the "no emo gf poster
>the brainlet who is mad because they dated mentally ill women because they themselves are mentally ill
>"I want to be an anime girl" poster
>the "not like the other trannies" tranny who tries to educate people about trans people in conversations where it's barely relevant
>the "no Latina gf" poster
>the tomoko no bf poster
they are all spambots desu, I dunno why we have the robot up when this shit seems to happen either way
>ritalinbot namefag
>small town nigger
>club sandwich roastie
please kys in an original way
>small town nigger on probation that hates god
>schizo roastie avatarfag that thinks people are trying to mind control her
>plant more trees user
Those three spam the most imo