Go out of my way to creep on cute girls

>go out of my way to creep on cute girls
>sit next to them in public even if other seats are available
>say whatever autistic shit is on my mind
>some are rude but most are generally polite
This isnt so bad

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either you are so autistic that you mistake standard issue female polite discomfort for actual genuine politeness, or you are aren't as ugly as you think you are. also possible you might come across as funny.

what autistic shit have you been saying?

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>most are generally polite

Because you're being the Chad, user.

Just be aware, at some point you'll encounter a male challenger.

It depends if you remain awkward, are ugly, ect. A cute boy stuttering is gonna attract a girl that wants a wholesome boy. An assertive yet funny guy might attract a different type. If they are listening to music though, you are a creep, leave them alone.

>talked to a russian girl about Lolita
>complained about how America is suspiciously in bed with Israel
>interrupted some girls and said the Oscars were trash and if you really want to enjoy some kino you need to watch Bergman, Jodorosky, and Lynch (pleb directors I know but fuck it)
These actually didnt go that well, my best responses came when I talked about mundane things like how nervous I was for the upcoming exam or the weather

I'll say keep on, user. Do whatever makes you feel less lonely.
I wish I had the guts to even look at cute girls in public

Also there was a huge line for coffee and I was like
>what the fuck is this really the line
>girl in front of me replied yeah :(
>Damn its too bad Im addicted to this shit
>yeah haha I think we all are
Then she kept making eye contact with me but I was browsing /tv/, priorities

Dude just eye rape them, thats how I got started on my road to reformation.

>talked to a russian girl about Lolita
imagine an ephebofaggot actually trying to intiate a conversation with you

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Lolita is like the best novel of all time its not porn at all

Dude I can't. If I see a cute girl I feel inside that I have to look elsewhere. If I look at them I cannot stop the overflow of suicidal thoughts about ending my pathetic life.
I wish I could but I always tell myself that I could start crying in public all of a sudden or only God knows what cringy neuronal reaction I will get on my brain.
>thats how I got started on my road to reformation
What did you mean by this?

>"hehe user i will give you attention"
>"shut up bitch im shitting up a thread"

What an alpha, please pump your load in me OP.

you were in

you're the Chad now

The road is long and winding, its not a straight path. Sometimes it goes forward, sometimes backwards, sometimes parallel to where you want to go (ie your reformation). You need to keep forcing yourself to look at girls, it will get easier I promise. Then one day youre going to talk to one out of the blue and youll realize it wasnt THAT bad, even if you find yourself cringey. Making eye contact is the first step, if someone finds you creepy they can fucking go to hell because who the fuck are they and why should they impact your happiness.

>so autistic you become chad
has this been the secret all along?

An example, Im at the library right now and theres this big titty ginger girl sitting in front of me. I could have gone and sat in the corner away from her but I planted my fat ass right in front of her like she was a piece of dogshit in the road. She keeps doing this weird stretching yawn thing and every time you bet your ass Im eyeing up those milkers then making eye contact.

Am I being creepy? Probably but what is she gonna do about it? Leave? Boohoo shes probably a roastie anyway nothing of value was lost.

How do I take the creep pill?

I'm afraid they'll not only find me creepy but rather that they'll find me pathetic. They'll make fun of me as they always do. If I look at them in a polite way and they start laughing at me I'm going to collapse there. I would feel insulted and I wouldn't know how to react. They don't know how much it hurts, it's just casual giggling for them but for me it's soul crushing.
>She keeps doing this weird stretching yawn thing
Maybe she's just tired user. Don't bother her too much anyways.

what do you look like that would make them react like that?

Skinnyfat, manlet, visually autistic, too nervous, easily get flushed, failed attempt of a neckbeard, generally weak.

ok the first step is dressing normally, go to a store and just ask for help while being honest. You will look autistic and weird but chances are they're gonna be nice to you anyway. Also shave and get a haircut. Do these things and you'll at least come off as semi-normal. Only then can you start your autistic Chad journey.

Also when talking to people dont get too close and try to look relaxed.
One more thing, you can practice small talk with old people. They most likely wont judge and will appreciate aomeone talking to them.

Ps. If you do that and fail. Dont beat yourself up. You can always try again. Practice makes perfect.

Thanks for your tips, user. Wholesome robots like you are the best reason to browse this site.
How far have you got in your Chad journey. Do you already have the gf?

>Do you already have the gf?

yes but dont tell anyone

No problem dood. Also no gf (well bf, please dont hate). But im working on myself before i try getting into relationships. I cant expect people to deal with me if i cant handle being in a relationship. For now im happy with just hanging around with friends.

It makes me happy to read that things are going good for you. Keep hanging around with your friends, I'm convinced you'll do great, improve your social skills and eventually get a bf.
But... I'm curious... do you eye-rape girls in public even though you prefer boys over girls? Why do you do it?

Well i stare at all people that i find attractive or interesting. I can stare at someone sometimes just because they are doing something. For example when someone is blowing their nose or digging through their stuff. I really dont know why thats interesting to me. But i dont like staring if people know im staring. Because i know im ok with people staring at me as long as im not aware. (I assume people do that but i dont always feel like insecure and like im being stared at)

girl i have a crush on did this half smile face thing like pic related to me today. what does it mean?

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People usually do that when they are uncomfortable.
I personally do this alot but that doesnt mean i think the person is annoying or something.

so she was uncomfortable. not just too shy to do a full smile because she likes me back?

Well it also depends on the rest of the body language.

i walked out of the bathroom and she was outside class. she just looked right at me and made that face. we were standing across from each other but she was just looking at her phone.

Oh. Well i do that when i greet someone that im ok with but dont really talk to. Nothing negative. But ofcourse i cant exactly know what shes like.

Why was that the explanation you landed on?