Why is japan such an aesthetically pleasing and comfy country anons? I mean look at pic related...

Why is japan such an aesthetically pleasing and comfy country anons? I mean look at pic related, there's no where in burgerland or europe that is this comfy looking. Imagine taking a nice walk out at night, feeling that warm japanese breeze hit your balls. Must be great feeling...

Attached: comfychongland.jpg (2560x1543, 618K)

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>hit your balls

Gajin-san, please put on your trousers. This is not acceptable in my country.

Attached: WbWl3c.jpg (300x386, 78K)

>he doesn't wear breathable trousers that allow breeze to tickle his balls

Attached: 1512954263818s.jpg (125x116, 2K)

I was with you up until the balls thing

they are not from this world

Racial homogeneity.

Ask one of the many Jap male virgins going to the roof to suicide this afternoon.

That pic looks so clean

>I mean look at pic related, there's no where in burgerland or europe that is this comfy looking

US has plenty of comfy areas that aren't ruined by modern capitalism and Europe has more comfy and aesthetic areas than Japan.

Stop fooling yourself weebo, the world has lots of beauty in it.

Attached: 1478922274524.jpg (2048x1313, 860K)

Yoshiku-kun you have not reported for morning roll call for three days. You are in danger of being expelled from this course for truancy. Please do not encourage Gajin-san with your shameful antics. This is not proper Japanese behavior. We must set a good example for the guests in our country.

Attached: all-so-tiresome.jpg (800x1090, 99K)

That's because they all fuck off to Tokyo and then wonder why are they so depressed.

Hmmm, I guess that photo is pretty comfy, I stand corrected user. But Japan is still up there as one of the comfiest looking countries imo

that pic is in austria

i honestly hate how japan looks, not appealing to me at all

I plan to visit some day. Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki are my main places to go and see the shrines and just have a good time while remembering oh, yeah we bombed this place. Stuff like that.

Attached: 96BD20A6-7EA7-4063-907D-1C7863D8E0FE.jpg (720x960, 181K)

I really dont think these japan pics are comfy. Ugly architecture and masses of cables overhead. Most places look pretty comfy lit up at night, the true test is how comfy is it in the day. This is across the road from my house in scotland.

Attached: aur.jpg (2048x1365, 394K)

austria is in europe?

austria, not australia, near germany, but i hope ur kidding

what. i was questioning why they had to say the picture was Austria when user mentioned europe in his post. They seem to imply he was saying the picture was the US.

oh im retarded keep scrolling


Video related is why.
Basically humans hate looking at the same blocks building every day.

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>masses of cables overhead

Comfy. You are a low-tier comfy connoisseur my friend, you like entry level comfy. Of course, there is no shame in that. Just that some of us are on another level of being able to appreciate what makes something comfy, I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Attached: sdf.jpg (680x591, 34K)

just seems like standard weebery if you ask me, same picture wouldnt be at all comfy in daylight. I have seen nice rural japan at least

Niggers, Jews and Muslims haven't fucked everything up (yet).

why are the only comfy countries in europe and asia?

Wrong. America is comfy.

Attached: 1551159573550.jpg (2000x1418, 427K)

A Jap once explained on Jow Forums that, when Japan began modernizing, they didn't tear everything down and start from scratch making brand new grid cities, they simply paved over the narrow and curvy dirt roads that were already there, and he believed that was the reason for the general comfyness.

Attached: 1491088418910.jpg (1600x1200, 478K)

>america had a blank slate
>could have built anything
>filled the landmass with sprawly vacant shit

Homogenized cultures build comfy settings. It's the level of consistency you can't get when your country is an ethnic hodge-podge that can't decide on a set aesthetic.

Nah, you're just an urban prole who likes what he's used to but with an exotic, escapist aesthetic.

that's how you get messes like boston and the uk

>US has plenty of comfy areas that aren't ruined by modern capitalism

modern capitalism is what built the US

That's what happens when you build everything based around cars. Strip malls and drive-throughs all around.