Nofap is bullshit and theres nothing wrong with watching porn

nofap is bullshit and theres nothing wrong with watching porn

prove me wrong

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who the fuck gives a fuck if you beat your meat

>mfw depression and can't get it up let alone ejaculate at 27
Didnt even fap till 24.

No fap is literally sign of illness.

There’s already a thread...

No fapping actually increases stamina, watching porn does affect the way you perceive sexual intercourse and arousal.

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Jews run the entire porn industry. Just look at the most pushed kinds of porn out there which are
Black Dude- White Chick porn
Black Dude- White Chick Cucked white male porn
and White Brother/Sister Incest porn.

Main Stream porn is fucked, Homemade shit is sometimes not degenerate pieces of garbage

Why would oily faced virgins care about stamina?

Porn is for guys that cant get moist relief.
Stop being that guy.

Watching regular porn is like watching two people fuck while having the perspective of a cuck, and therefore your brain associates pleasure with being a cuck.
Watching POV porn is alright, but try to limit it as much as possible.

You should beat your meat 1-2 times a week, preferably without any porn. It's actually pretty healthy.

NoFap is actually really healthy, both mentally and physically. I know this from experience, focus on getting into a romantic relationship with a woman instead of wasting your sexual energy.

it's fucking mad gay man. If you have ever felt spiritually fulfilled after watching porn and busting nut, give me that (you) senpai.

getting into romantic relationships is unproductive and a waste of time
ive experienced it with 3 women in my life and im done for now

>Giving up
Literally the least manly thing you could ever come up with.

U can fap but u shouldent watch porn.

3? WooooW!

Highschool must be tense!

>Touching a penis sexually as a man.
What are you fucking gay?

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>prove me wrong

Listen from 2:00 Marek

its not giving up
its just a cold calculation
id prefer to fulfil myslelf in my passions, develop intellectually and improve myself as an individual rather than waste my time and energy on some bullshit
i limit my relationships with women only to sexual contacts

Use it or lose it. Healthy balls need to do their things.

Nofap leads to cancer

NoFap is probably bullshit. I've gone long periods without masturbating and all that really happens is I lose my sex drive completely. Obviously watching porn everday and beating your meat is not a good habit to get into. But that doesn't mean that jerking off is bad. In this day and age you'd probably be better off just jerkin it than getting tangled up with some normie whore. Women are the ultimate waste of time and resources. Playing vidya is a better use of your time. At least you'll get some brief happiness out of that

Ur right imma stop fapping from now on.

better than nothing, user

>glorifying words of some psycho cunt

Just spread out you’re fap sessions and don’t watch anything that funds the Jews

OP, try not masturbating or looking at porn, including porn substitutes (Insta-thots, ASMR, erotic literature) for a week or two. After that masturbate to your imagination, you'll feel more spiritual afterwards. Then rinse and repeat. Also have this calender, to keep track of your journey. Godspeed friend.
This. Porn may "feel" good and explosive, but you'll always feel like shit afterwards (in my experience)

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It's the day, this is this day.

We discovered polish basedboy manlet!

>fulfil myself in passions
nintendo switch it is boi

Yeah self improvement before actively looking for a romantic partner is definitely a good choice.

>i limit my relationships with women only to sexual contacts
Now that's just a big waste of time as well, at least if you keep doing it.

how can i prove you wrong when youre right

Not even going to open up your, what I'm assuming is smut, webm. I am the one who guides this ship, I am the captain of my desires and life in general. You are a pathetic slave who tugs on his penis every single day of his life for a moment of what you perceive to be happiness at the expense of: family, tradition, integrity, honor, self-control, actual happiness etc. This entire society is sick and so far gone they don't even know how little time is left. Unless you would support your own daughter whoring her body then I suggest you stop enabling other mens daughters to do just that.

Shlomo please

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consider the following argument:
1. you are a man
2. you are touching your own dick for self-stimulation
3. thus, you are a man touching yourself (a man) for the end goal of experiencing orgasm.

sounds pretty gay to me. i always felt like a fag after beating off. and i always feel great after 1+ days of not beating off. so it's not a matter of me telling you or anyone else not to do it. i'm just laying out the logic.

you = man
man touch self = man touch man
man touch man = gay

jacking off your cock for orgasm is thus no different than fingering your own asshole. you're still a man stimulating a man towards orgasm. it's fucking gay. doesn't matter if porn is watched. you could be watching paint dry and jacking off and it would still be gay.

that's the point i am making. if you buy this argument, then you'll gradually accept that the only time you should nut is when you've fucked a real biological woman. end of story.

go do whatever you want. jack off or don't. i'm just saying that jacking off is gay. i still did it this month but i felt like shit afterward. it kills my motivation even though it clarifies my mind. like i can stop thinking about sex and pussy but i end not caring about doing anything.

>inb4 "but user why don't you just go get laid, are you an incel or what"

i'm mgtow...meaning i no longer want to waste time and resources trying to get laid. so it's either jack off or don't jack off. i don't even want to waste $ on a hooker.

if you are "captain of your desire" why wont you open webm? afraid?

lol, nice paragraph about honor but ur too scared to open a webm lol

>Now that's just a big waste of time as well, at least if you keep doing it.

it's a necessity

im the highest among mortals, i agree


nofap time is over!

absolute nonsense. your body gets rid of excess semen on its own there is no need to manually do it especially to hardcore pornographic imagery.

Because that is when self improvement kicks in and you start feeling the urge to sweat and do cardio.

If you guys had any actual experience with women you'd know how right he is lol.

Found the jew

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I don't find these BDSM outfits sexy.

What's the point of all those straps connected to circular metal rings.

Are you supposed to tie the rings and straps to ropes? I don't partake or watch hardcore BDSM so I don't understand.

I had a girlfriend once that hinted that she was into it but I just kinda pretended I didn't get the hints.

The only BDSM type stuff I do is be dominant, pin down arms, bit of slapping, pull hair, biting, light grab around throat, just the basics.

Anymore than that then it turns sex into a big theatre production with ropes and whips and all this other shit that takes forever, I just want to put my dick in you know?



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Yeah dude, I have had more experience than this guy. But I don't care about chasing women atm, I let them come to me instead.


If I wanted to see degeneracy I'd turn on the T.V. even basic television programming these days is nothing but filth. I don't want to open it because it's trash and I don't want it in my life.

ejaculation saves you from prostate cancer---science

Ugh, wet dreams are the worst tho. I always wake up just as I'm cumming in my pants. It never feels good because I'm too startled and starts the day off on an awkward note.

I bet a good monkey like you opened it right away. No doubt needed that little dopamine hit maybe even tugged on yourself a little like a whipped slave. Tug for your masters!

Hence you should find a gf/wife and creampie her from time to time, not (((digitally cuck yourself)))..

nigga u probably have low testosterone, go get checked

ew, leather. wtf is wrong with you?

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of course Jow Forumstards will defend porn

>muh degeneracy
>muh wihte race


>Watching regular porn is like watching two people fuck while having the perspective of a cuck
>watching porn trains you to be a cuck
>Donald Trump says violent video games cause people to do real shootings
>RRREEE video games don’t make people violent

The girl is one of the most famous on chaturbate,
"sex4you7711" , you can find her stuff and many more on a site called camvault . xyz, it stores their shows. Alternatively, camwhores . tv

lel, he was trolling that interviewer. source:
ctrl+f "porn"

bundy truly was an insane serial killer. he also ate his victims. porn was limited to vhs tapes at the time. it wasn't 70's full-bush porn that made bundy kill women. he just did it because he wanted to. that was his destiny in life.

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If you're a young man, ignore females. You can have a little fun with them but don't get emotionally attatched. Easier said than done I know but your only focus should be on becoming the strongest version of yourself. And women will fuck that up for you. Once you've become who you always wanted to be you'll have much higher quality women to choose from. Don't let some roastie rob you of your energy and potential. All they want to do is drain the life out of you and move on to the next guy anyway. Women are secondary. They're just a bonus. Not the end goal

phukin lol when you realise some pathetic cunts spend all day moderating this whores camshow for free, even worse than leddit mods on the totem pole

but tied with Jow Forums mods, yea im talkin to you faggots you know who you are


how do you like that one?

cmon dude
you beat your meat like everyone else


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If you prefer to fap to having REAL sex with a women, go ahead, leaves more women for us men while U boys play with yourself.

well if fapping is bad

then sex is bad

It's that simple.
Cumming is cumming.
It's not always dick in pussy that makes you cum, mouth hand. whatever

so, no fap is bullshit

awful, looks like she got gangbashed

Porn is just straight up evil, it destroys your levels of energy and wastes your time from achieving things you want. Its worse than vidya games in terms of time wasted for "rewards." Plus it destroys your confidence afterwards. Just don't do it kids, never, it never does anything good for your health either.

except thats literally wrong, your brain secretes different hormones when you beat your meat as opposed to real sex

Not really into porn, but it is just a natural thing that’s embarrassing. I just away to make sure we continue our species. No big deal. If you’re worried about Jews watch hentai or Slav porn.

8 inch dick, build muscle easily, massive eye brow ridge, etc.

Test is fine, I have depression so bad it's psychotic. I've been diagnosed bro, major clinical depression resulting in occasional psychotic episodes. My problem is I have extremely low dopamine and serotonin doesn't effect me the same way, dopamine reuptake drugs aren't ratified for depression treatment so I have to take the singular SSRI that has some effect on dopamine.

Watching pornography is one of THE MOST degenerate things you can do. It is spiritual slavery. What more evidence do you need than to realize when Israel took over Palestine television broadcast they showed porn 24/7. The reason? It is something that subdues your will. The major areas of our brain associated with sex are the furthest back and most primitive as it relates to our survival as a species. Watching hardcore pornography taps into this part of the brain you struggle to reason with. This is what makes pornography dangerous to young people who are still developing. People who watch pornography have their reward circuitry wired like a drug addict and that is why more often than not they are not happy. This is reversible in time by not watching it ever again.

Meant to say libido is a way to continue the species.

ur confusing casuality with causation, jews push porn because its destructive, it doesn't matter if you beat off to pictures you drew yourself, the end result is the same. you're fucking yourself over.

well im not gay like u, i like girls


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>nofap is bullshit
Hello Jew

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>dick size
>build muscle easily
can literally do this at a low end test level (low normal range) but can have other issues like tiredness

maybe u do have mega-depression idk, but id get my shit checked, i went from a 3/10 mood to a 9/10 constantly when i started tren injections

People saying "low T" is usually to them being retarded and naive as women, so they fall for pharmaceutical ads.
I believe you have normal T, there are millions of things that can affect your libido, and a lot of them are purely mental, as is "only in your head".
When you feel better, your libido will come back, good luck with the depression, bro.

>tug straciłem pracę bo był na nofapie

I only watch pure aryan german porn and none of that degenerate jew porn.

Wow, didn't know that Israel did that, that's just plain evil, it's probably the same in Germany where they can show porn on TV during the day if I remember right, maybe that's one of the reasons the culture has been destroyed.

I gave up porn a few months ago. I made the decision to just stop looking at it, after a lifetime problem with it. I'm tempted sometimes, but ultimately it's just a waste of time, and isn't healthy. Once I get the last temptation out of my system, I'm going to start reducing masturbation.

Based nobita

Bro, you live in Japan, JAPAN, there's ton of single women out there. Why not find one and help them continue the Japanese society since not a whole lot are doing that.

having low t will literally make u feel like death is a nice alternative, i was vit d deficient and had a level of 179ng/dl and i felt like DOGSHIT all the time, i'm at 1255ng/dl on my last blood test and its night and day bro

How do you guys last more than 2 weeks? After about 10 days seeing anything remotelly sexual makes me want to screw my dick off

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Porn is a lifesaver. It's less degenerate then engaging with roasties. Having access to videos of 8/10+ naked women debases the value of real pussy to zero.

That's dumb. In porn you sympathise with the situation in order to feel pleasure, but video games are very disassociated from reality.

>Didnt even fap till 24.
nigga what?

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>guys with lower test fap less

Imagine my shock.

video games don't MAKE people violent, but they can be valuable TRAINING tools.

Because I work 65 hours a week and only earn 200,000 yen a month.

Trenbolone is not a human grade medication, it is not prescribed by doctors for the purpose of hormone replacement therapy, and is not suitable for long term use.

Also trenbolone doesn't convert into estrogen or DHT like testosterone does, so you are missing out on vital hormones if you are not also taking testosterone with it.

>have a gf
>still find it much easier and better to just jerk off

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>doesn't convert into estrogen or DHT like testosterone does,

this is a good thing, i want to keep my hair and not be covered in acne

oh and i was on test-e for my last cycle, prefer the tren

>manchild loser who'll die alone
>muh jews
checks out

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Who the fuck cares?

I only masturbate to pure and superior 2D because shitty 3D women are all lying during the porn and pretending to be someone else wich is disgusting and out of character whereas my pure anime waifuhs exist without any change at all.

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dumb question but do you guys get performance anxiety when it comes to sex? it happened like twice with a new fucking 29 years old too

so you are just fapping without porn?

That's why you had low t, because you didn't expose yourself to the sun and got enough vitamin D.
So instead of healing your body naturally, through sunlight and working out/moving, you went for the drugs.
You don't need to fuck with your natural hormones, it's really dangerous.

> uhhh what is this bodily function they teach you about in the first year of highschool thats called a wet dream?

weak attempt shill

We have estrogen and DHT for a reason.They are needed for proper function of the body.

Trenbolone is such a strong androgenic compound that it will bind to androgen receptors in the scalp and cause hair loss in those prone to male pattern baldness even with no DHT.