Will you be watching her stream tonight robots?

will you be watching her stream tonight robots?

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yes of course crispy is bae might donate another fifty and i highly suggest any incels reading this watch her as well


If it's anything other than a porn stream of her lezing out with her gf, then no

Will the stream include her having a hot and intense fuck with her gf?
If not then why would I care?

she's playing the first south park

I thought Crispy was supposed to be a pure waifu. Why is she dressed like that?

go on and tell me you dont like that, cause it would be a lie

she is fucking hot

1234145 damn filter

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My requirement was hardcore lesbian sex and you still told me what she was playing like it mattered

>another fifty
that's just offensive user I donated 300

she opened her legs slightly earlier and we could see panties, i dont think she noticed

I hate you faggot orbiters so fucking much

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>I hate you
sounds like someone is jealous of our wifu

Will any of you donate her some decent amount of money for real?
I'd do it myself but my next paycheck is a few days away

So you're wageslaving and going paycheck to paycheck and donate all ur wagiebux to this lezbo ugly whore? lmao

Attached: hey frens I hear someting about patreon, (paypill info)) don miss.gif (1023x906, 1.46M)

>So you're wageslaving
nah man, neetbux, i have one leg shorter than the other by 1 and a half inches, that gives issues walking and severe backpain, enough to stay at home and get paid enough to be able to spend a bit on useless stuff

what do we have of her worth seeing

>nah man, neetbux
okay that means you're even poorer tho

>get paid enough to be able to spend a bit on useless stuff
funny how you missed this part

>funny how you missed this part
nigger because u have little expnses.
if u don't have ENOUGH right now to donate it means it's not enough bc u should have savigns and the little you have you prefer to give waste instead of saving up

no asshole, is because I DO have savings and i dont touch them unless i need to, this is not a necessity

twitch corrupts all

>still talks like a hood rat

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The fuck kinda autistic pc setup is that?

one devised by mexican intellectuals

Her girlfriend has a much better personality honestly, not to mention huge milkers

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not hard to be better than a fucking spic

what do you mean


Her pc setup consists of a sofa in front of a coffee table with a monitor sitting on a pile of books

Fuck lads, that Kat chick actually settled by being with crispy.

How can someone be so bad at videogames, goddamn.
Why not do irl streaming? Maybe some creative stuff? This shit feels like she's hopping on a bandwagon.

she used her notebook in the first streams, then swimsuitsuccubus(apparently they're friends) donated her 1K so she could get a better PC, and she did, but she mentioned in the last stream that she doesnt have a desk in the apartment she moved in with her gf

who cares about her skill at vidya lol

im watching for her personality

I know, if we should be orbiting anyone it's Kat.

Also I think she's bi. You guys think I'd have a shot if she was single again?

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*10 minutes of silence*
*"urraaaaaghhha!"* - the sad quiet girl screams in a slightly sexual tone

>checks the chat once every 2 minutes
>talks like a crack addict
>personality equivalent of "seen"

Imagine fucking these two qts.

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God damn it hurts so much knowing this will never happen

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i've shagged them both, my friend.

What was it like? Spare no details

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i think that seek mod they both have in their stream actually fucked them for real, they mention him a lot

I doubt it, Crisp has straight up said she's gay and not bi

bro her stream setups busted and her mods are a bunch of nigger fuck that bitch

i forgot about that and thought they were both bi

>government gives money to genetic trash
>they spend it on girls that will never give anything in return,other than a 'thanks for the donation user'
You niggers have no idea of how much I hate the internet and how much it facilitates this type of behaviour...

>her stream setups busted
is this your first time on twitch? it looks the same as other streamers setups
>her mods are a bunch of nigger
you mad because they banned you?

her belly is sexy

Where did you get this? I don't see it on her instagram.

Nigga I don't remember, might've been another thread

i think it was in one of her stories

Crispy has a personality, unlike you and most other people.

Look-wise she would make a perfect dom mommy gf but her personality makes me think she's a sub. Not that it matters...

>this is your mind on orbiting

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something that pleasurable to the eyes can't possibly be good for you.
she looks like sweet poison now, designed to drained beta orbz of their monies.

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She doesnt tho, she's boring as fuck. I mean, she's still fucking adorable, but she has no personality

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>hates Randy Marsh
dropped the stream right there and then

God what a whiny fucking voice.
Also what an attention whoring selfposter.

there are literally no logically valid arguments against orbiting

It's a waste of time, for one.
It causes you to lose out on opportunities to find a girl that actually gives a fuck about you, for two.
You're encouraging this shameless attention whore to continue contributing nothing and just leeching from poor, lonely souls for three.

she did mommy asmr in one of her streams, someone dared her or some shit

other than the hundreds of very logical and valid arguments that have been brought up countless times in the last months of orbiting threads?
yeah there's none

she's asking what she can do for subscribers, like signs or shit other streamers do as well, and im tempted to subscribe

Why the fuck would I wanna watch her when I can spend my time on Drake and Josh marathon?

I saw that and she kept giggling, wasn't very convincing. It was still cute though I guess.

She reminds me of swimsuitsuccubus in OP's pic

>she did mommy asmr in one of her streams


link + timestamp pls

of course she did you fucking mong that's why she did it. retards like you will watch her and send her money for an empty compliment or thank you while she knows that there is a legion of betas whacking off to her


that user is full of bullshit, her cam is focused on her bust and up, not even her belly is visible, let alone her legs

this bitch hardly talks and keeps checking her phone, I know you guys are worthless incel orbiters but get some fucking standards

>say the n word in chat with the TriHard emote
>get instantly banned

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>keeps checking phone to view this thread she made selfwhoring

she has the twitch chat on her phone retards and she always replies to stuff people ask in the chat

Kat is way cuter than Crispy can ever hope to be. Crispy looks like a malnourished boy.

>cheap costume lingerie
yuck. remember when she was classy?

crispy if you read this can you at least tell me how does one send anonymous art to kat. i promise it isn't lewd.

What happened to her? I still liked her when she started to make youtube videos but now she's just another girl trying to gain as many followers and money as she can.

I would never in a million years watch some random internet tart online live.

Not that user but she does this a lot. Here's a cap from a different stream.

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She's hungry for money so she decided to become an ethot. I miss when she pretended to be cute and innocent. She used to say she'd never take advantage of her followers and use them for money, look where we are now.

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