I'm feeling good today...

i'm feeling good today, it's raining and i got some hot chocolate and an internet fast enough to download any movie in a few minutes.

Dubs decides what movie i'm watching tonight, if you want some kind of reference on what i "like", if you're not gonna post something like a world war 2 documentary or something, i just watched american psycho, blade runner 2049 and into the spider verse recently, and i liked all of them (other than into the spider verse on some parts.)

Pic unrelated.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Prestige. Origilitigily.

Norm Of The North 2

No country for old men, arguably one of the best movies of all time of not the best. Tarantino cries every night at the fact he had nothing to do with the masterpiece.

so what drugs are you on ?

fucking christian bale haunts me everywhere after i watched american psycho

something tarantino regrets not taking a part of? i would watch it if ya got dubs.

what are you, a cop? you know you're legally required to tell me those things right? it's like, in the law and everything

no its just if anyone is happy they're on drugs, ever single time

God it must be so drepressing being hooked on drugs, i pity you user. But to answer the question, no. I'm not on drugs.

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join /USU5kP and watch Mad Max

The road since we're recomending adaptations of cormac McCarthy books

no pharma pills etc?

imagine being this gay

ringa-dinga ding ding! you got it user, it looks promising/interesting, thanks!

i take my meds but they don't affect my mood, atleast that's what the doc told me

Uhh so you are on drugs, what conditions do you have

i do yoga.

also anxiety.

Nice I love the book and Viggo Mortensen as a person so I hope you like it user

Watch Yojimbo, absolute comfy tier.

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>ringa ding ding!
Why can't I escape you fucking redditors. Why are you so happy. Know this is short lived, if real at all.

i'm not a redditor, i'm just on a really good mood user!

we all know impending doom approaches, but it's not the objective, it's the destination! just enjoy life while you can, try to go out and do less self-harming things and just T R Y for once user, you can't be happy if you try once, fail horribly then never again...

me too user!

that image looks familiar, i've watched an old japanese movie like that before, i believe it was the 7 samurai or something

This movie is so fucking comforting

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god DAMN user that looks amazing! can't wait to watch it, i'd upload a pic if i had anything to take pictures with...

Why are bleak depressing landscapes always the most calming and comforting?

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i have no idea, all i want in life is an all-out virus that kills everyone except me and a person, then we become lil buddies and explore the land together, knowing we are the death of the human race and it is impossible for us to continue life on earth, but go around with no consequences, learn woodworking, make a cabin in the woods near a river and gather the biggest amount of books one could have, then calmly read them all in a wood rocking chair as it rains outside and the sound of little droplets of water hit the wooden ceiling of the cabin, the smell of wet dirt and the sight that the rain provides of the water bending the light in the distance.

i want that man, i want it.

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also i'm ready to go watch it right now! got everything set up, when i come back, if the thread is still up i'll tell you what i thought about the movie

The Serbian film, it's a great comedy

damn, i just read the plot resume, and i kek'd like i've never before!

god damn, "start with the little boy", that was amazing.

If you're a loser that fits in nowhere else, join this shit.

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My vote's on Norm of thr North

Dammit. Rolling for Disney's Home on the Range.

fuck off you gay sex-demon

Snow Dogs. Originally, duh.

Ratatoing GET




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aaand i'm done, wow, i'm a trainwreck now haha. It was amazing, it's everything i could wish for in a comfy movie, and the ending kicked my ass. i'm really glad i made this thread now, i guess i can call it a day now.

Also, maybe if you get trips i'll do it, which you wont. you're already failing miserably at getting dubs, imagine trips.