Why are zoomers and this board so low test? Is masculinity dead?

Why are zoomers and this board so low test? Is masculinity dead?

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Fun fact, test levels have been dropping steadliy across the board for EVERYONE over the past few decades.

You're dead. Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

This was posted by somebody with a high amount of testosterone.

There's been xenoestrogens in the water and plastics my entire life. What did you think would happen?

They're not low-test, you're just toxicly masculine.

Test levels have gone down for the last several generations, especially after the introduction of plastics being used in literally everything. There are social environmental factors as well.
Kids 100 years ago looked masculine as fuck.
Humanity is one a downturn, and it's poisoning itself and it's future generations with short sightedness

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I don't see the downside. Those kids look ugly as fuck

kill yourself pedo homo

You're toxicly feminine and probably on birth control like a whore

Keep projecting. Just because you're an uggo doesn't make you high test

>OP's image

No projection. That's actually what you were implying. Go back to discord, bitch tits.

Yep, because me saying a kid is ugly means I was definitely thinking about molesting him by default. Why don't you actually do something useful if humanity is on the downturn instead of starting unnecessary arguments here over creepy overbite kids?

nigger what did you do with your masculinity?

masculinity is a wonder hormone, no doubt, but 99% only masturbated twice a day because of it.

i see this pattern where if someone says "what happened to masculinity or men are such faggots these days" are only insinuating that they are masculine and flexing it, but having nothing accomplished with it

Those kids aren't even masculine, they're all prepubescent, fucking pedo.

You're still missing the point, faggot.

What's the point, creep? You slobbering over some "sexy" little boys? Fucking disgusting pedo fuck. Skin yourself, set yourself on fire, and roll around in broken glass and salt.

I thinlk you might be retarded, user

wew you're depraved

how do we perform better than chinese in trade

Yeah, fuck off, faggot pedo.

do you also remember when that "one" gay kid would get picked on and it was a tragedy and the whole community banded together to support them. except now every kid is gay and the community is gay and all they do is band together to suck each others dicks constantly. what a shame.

what a gross fantasy

why is there a dog whistling pedo in this thread

I think it's time for you to leave
Dirty whore

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>only boy in an entire generation of my family
>absent father
>only boy my age on my block growing up
>only brother with two sisters
>elementary school teachers are almost entirely female
>friend group almost entirely girls for ages
>dolls, dressup, tea parties, glittery bullshit
>basically learned how to be a boy from tomboy neighbor
>born smack in the middle of the Grrl Power crap
>raised on onions-based formula and chick media
>mostly female pals in high school
nigga you're lucky I'm even straight

Daily reminder that masturbating decreases testosterone levels. You can eat your jizz after masturbation to restore it though

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>nigger what did you do with your masculinity
I don't cry and cater to women like this board does. There are not enough women hate threads. Everyone here is a pussy

>built and don't have to lift
>no anxiety or depression
>have the energy to go do what I want
>in fact, literally go insane if I sit around for more than an hour
>attract women but only pump and dump
Life's good when you're O N I O N man

My body type is such that I can order women's size small clothing from Asia and it fits me better than clothing for grown men my age, which is always oversized. I am the size of a small Asian woman.

The current state of man

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They don't look masculine. They just look ugly, don't confuse these two.

Being ugly does not make you masculine.

Almost as if there's been less war and vilonce across the board lately too
Almost as if less violence is the original promise of civilization in the first place.
Almost as if being high test isn't what the world needs from its men rn...


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Not even close girl don't care about muscles . Since feminism it's been the beta males reproducing. All men used to be hairy and jacked cavemen

Is being good at sewing masculine?
Asking for a friend.

My grandpa was a literal mob fixer and he loved sewing. Peak masculinity is realizing that violence only tears things down, and real power comes from building something helpful.

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The less violent our society is the more feminine it has become. It was a mistake because now men are losing their masculinity over the generations, and becoming women with dicks. Birth control makes women attracted to beta males. 15 years ago girls liked guys like zyzz. Now they want skinny twinks like lil peep. Eventually men will lose masculinity completely like what happened with Asians

>he thinks hating women makes him masculine

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Toppestkek old bean

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>raised by constant thot conditioning

are you sure about that?

Women hate threads> tranny threads
Either hate them or you'll become one

i'm balding so my test is doing pretty ok :))))

Right? My grandpa can sew and he's the most badass guy I know. Sailed the world, helped save it, was a chief engineer, isn't afraid to throw down, can fix just about anything. He even envoyraged me to be good at it.
It's just useful being able to repair clothing, right? What if your suit or your uniform gets damaged? People have given me shit for it, but guess who fixes it when your pocket has a hole in it and shit just falls through? Guess who can actually put a stitch in if you split your eyebrow or your lip? Guess who's fixing your little sister's teddy when his stuffing's coming out? Me, you big lug.

I only get romantically attracted to girls and I only want to fuck girls. Granted, I'm warped enough that I'm girly and into dudes or lacking manhood myself, but I'm just not into dudes or traps.
Tomboys are hot, though.

As a skill it's practical AF my G!
Take it from a field medic.

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If you're a loser that fits in nowhere else, join this shit.

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You, sir, have my maximum respect from your job description alone.

>Is masculinity dead?

- Lack of (present) fathers
- Lack of adequate or positive male role models
- Male virtue diminished, destroyed, vilified by nearly every aspect of society
- Majority of time spent in high school with female teachers

How can you expect someone to act like a Man when they've learned everything they know about Men from Women?

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Never in any formal military brother. Don't thank me for any service over here.

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As someone brainwashed by a marine sniper,
This guy makes a lot of sense, listen up boyos.

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Oh. Well, then fuck you, faggot.
of course that wasn't original

Well, that was a clusterfuck.
>only like girls, don't like dudes
>do like boyish girls, am girly boy
There. Should clear things up.

Didn't say I've never seen action brother.

Oh. Well, then un-fuck you, faggot.

where's your God(dess) now tranny?

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I don't like draining myself of test but the alternative is a little gay

Nah it's just chemicals in the plastics mate.

are the other boards safe?

testosterone is most significant for your teen development.

That is such a low test image

Kids don't exercise or have competition as much. zoomers grew up getting participation awards

>Why are zoomers and this board so low test? Is masculinity dead?

dumbass everyone on Jow Forums is low test this isn't a fucking fraternity.