What are you bots playing through at the moment? I'm trying to give Half Life 2 another chance...

What are you bots playing through at the moment? I'm trying to give Half Life 2 another chance, but from my point of view coming out of Half Life 1 the whole thing feels like a soulless tech demo.

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heh, I actually just played the entire HL series myself. Currently trying to get into the Duke Nukem games but Duke 1 and 2 are really old and I'm not sure if I should keep trying them or jump straight into Duke Nukem 3D

Just play Duke 3d, it's the only one that matters anyway.

The only bad part of Half Life 2 are the shooting mechanics.

In a first person shooter, that's kind of a big deal. Also you missed the part about the extremely long unskippable pseudo cutscenes where you just stand around listening to people talk for five minutes.

yeah that's kinda what I was thinking, not sure I wanna waste time playing these boring ass old platformers just for the history of it

its part of the story... do you just eant the whole thing to be bang bang run run?

>What are you bots playing through at the moment?
Red Dead Redemption 2 and War Thunder on the side.
i hate them both but Kingdom Hearts is boring and i dont have the drive to do Kingdom Come Deliverance

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Super Mario Sunshine, I am trying to finish Resident Evil 4 for the eighth time then I might play REmake.

Slowly playing my way through GTA 5, HALO 4 and minecraft mainly. Also aliens: colonial marines and assassin's creed series starting with 2. Also farcry 4. All on Xbox 360

Currently replaying through COD4 on hardened this time, I'm stuck at a mission where I'm supposed to hold on for 20 mins as Price for a helicopter

Also dabbling in league of legends and minecraft now and then

>its part of the story
Which is fine for the first two or three times through, but it gets very tiresome. The story isn't even all that good, half life 1 is far superior.

>getting stuck
>in cowadoody
Literally how?

Claymores and presighted C4 charges around enemy cover and cars, my nigger

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I know exactly the level he's talking about, there's barely any cover that doesnt explode and you have to babysit your CO so he doesnt get domed by a pissed off Ukrop.

GameCube is amazing. Love playing my old games and chainsmoking Marlboro reds. What are some of your favorite games, user?

you're supposed to mod the fuck out of duke nukem 3D, then play it nigger.

I made a gamecube-love post yesterday and the only person who replied called me a faggot lmao. well that just goes to show Jow Forums. I fucking love Gamecube.

That sucks. Gamecube is my favorite console, ps2 as well. What other games do you play most? You into melee any?

Playing through Baldur's Gate (EE) for the first time. I really hate this ruleset, and it seems the devs didn't balance around the ruleset.
>tell players to go to this place
>tell players to do this quest
>players won't be high enough level to actually do quest without doing almost all the side quests inbetween.
>miss miss miss miss miss
>low-level mages
I don't know how anyone would deal with this in PnP. I guess they expected GM's to not be retarded?
I'm also still using the first companions you get. Don't know if this is dumb or not. I gave the belt of sex change to the necromancer fag, so now he's a necro qt.

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Starcraft with some campaign and multiplayer

Guys I'm stuck. I built a staircase, but there's an invisible wall preventing me from advancing.

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Your taste in vidya is shit desu, hl2 is the best shooter ever made, it easily btfos any modern game

Going back and forth between Bit.Trip Runner 2 for the who knows what ever time because I fucking love it and Bayonetta 2

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Slay The Spire for me.
I'm on ascencion 20 on all the classes, the boss run at the end is brutal though.
You guys have any funny deck builds that took you to victory? I managed to get the ol Dead Branch with Corruption combo on the ironclad. Won a couple of act 3 fights in one turn it was hilarious.

what kind of toaster are you running the game on

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>half life 2
>soulless tech demo


robots, i need a good game to play. preferably something with a good story. shoot away as many good story games as you can imagine please, i appreciate it :)

ive been stuck in a rut for years i feel like. cant remember the last time i finished a game. i was playing through etrian odyssey nexus a few months back but dropped it around lvl 20-25 despite having fun. same thing with SMT strange journey redux. then i got like an hour into divinity original sin 2 before dropping

Half life 2 sucks. Fuck you

Shoot yourself, brother. Only that will rid you of your feeble mind and reunite you with the Light.

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