Why isn't anime real bros

why isn't anime real bros

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>most iconic Jojo
>worst arc

all I see is a bunch of faggots

not until part 5

>lol I think the universally agreed upon best part is actually shit!! I'm so epic and contrarian I hate the thing everyone else loves!

It's better this way, otherwise evil people like jews, niggers and whores would get superpowers.

i liked every stardust crusader, the characters are the best of the series and the dumb shit the creator puts there, but that arc had so much errors and the forgot moments were horrible

>Part 3
> universally agreed upon best part

KEK. It's the most known one because it introduced stands. But I am yet to see anyone (apart from you) saying It's the best part.

The final fight is kino and the beggining is good. But the other 40 episodes are just filler, and most of it is not even good filler.

>But the other 40 episodes are just filler, and most of it is not even good filler.

this is why it was worst arc

Your failures stop it from being a reality

It has the worst animation too. Hideous.

I liked Avdol better before his brain damage.

>most iconic Jojo
Everyone knows Joseph Joestar was the best Jojo.

Currently 13 episodes into Part 4 and it 's already better than the majority of Part 3.

Just finished part 1 and not particularly interested in watching more. Does it get better because it feels bland right now

jojo fuckin sucks

4 was best because plot

Yes. 3 > 2 > 1

You're a man of culture as well I see

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you need part 1 to understand the rest of the series, keep watching its worth it
also read the manga

because they haven't found the arrows yet
or maybe anime is real and we just can't see/perceive it because of some kind of reality-bending haxx

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I prefer ultra nationalistic manlier Jotaro than actual Jotaro.

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