Ten months of hormone therapy

>ten months of hormone therapy
>have visible hormone boobs now, they hurt nonstop but it feels good
>fourth session of laser hair removal this week
>lost 30 lbs and losing more
>started voice training
>got a feminine / androgynous haircut with bangs
>bought some girl's underwear for the first time
>still too afraid to buy or wear any other girl's clothes

The endless result is that I'm going to be a nonpassing tranny freak and I'll probably kill myself but for right now I feel good about myself for the first time in my life. I've never made progress towards a goal before, I've never made hard sacrifices before, I've never put myself first before and now that I'm doing those things I feel like a real person.

Just venting. I posted this here instead of /lgbt/ because other lgbt people make me feel ashamed of myself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=body dysmorphia disorder treatment

>I'm going to be a nonpassing tranny freak and I'll probably kill myself
>I've never made progress towards a goal before, I've never made hard sacrifices before
Yeah, you probably should have picked a different goal even if it wasn't masculine. The shit you're doing is pretty damn close to irreversible. I blame the media for not treating this like they should, but as long as you are somewhat self aware.

You have a choice of tits, or gtfo

If this helps you feel more like a person where you are more in touch with yourself then do whatever works I just think this decision is always a dramatic jump and the suicide rates prove it.

Daddy daddy give me milkies
No care they're fakies, just let me tastie
After than make me tendies
I'll pump inside you since you can't make babies

I picked the goal that was closest to my heart. I thought hard about what I wanted to do if I could do anything in a perfect world where no one would judge me or give me shit for chasing my dreams, and living as a girl was the obvious answer for me. I've felt like this since I was four, it's not a media push thing for me, I don't watch tv at all and I don't use any social media. What little I've seen of trans people in the media is overwhelminly COMPLETELY negative. Caitlyn Jenner is fucking disgusting, nonbinary is bullshit, this has nothing to do with 'feelings', 'identity' or me wanting to be feminine or masculine or whatever. I hate my male body. I hate my skeleton. I hate wearing men's clothes and being seen as a man. I just want to be a girl. Once I'm moved on from transition I will work on developing a useful career and make something out of myself, despite the late start I don't think it's too late for me. But there's no point in me living at all if I know I'm going to have to live looking like and being treated as a guy, nothing in this world could make that worth it to me. Nothing could make living with dysphoria worth it, I either treat it in the way that actually makes me feel better or I'm just going to off myself.

Almost at 6 months here but I'm gonna be boymoding forever, but the physical changes so far have been really nice.
- tiniest of boobs forming, nipples puffing up
- smoother skin
- butt's filling out
- less body hair
- losing some muscle here and there, I'm seemingly getting daintier
I'm also gonna start working out and eating more to get the most out of the incoming fat distribution and hip growth, feels good man.

So... this is all leading to you taking cock up the ass like the bitch you were born to be, right?

why blame trannies if being a man in 2019 is literally hell on earth

the suicide rate goes down when it's treated

>boymoding forever
I don't understand this. I'd rather be a fucking hon then know that every day for the next 20, 30, 50+ years of my life people will call me he or sir all day everyday. Men's clothes feel like a prison uniform, I want to be free of this agony. Having tiny breasts and then hiding them with sweaters isn't enough

I've always liked girls. I don't know anymore though, I feel like after being on hrt for a while that guys smell differently, but I can't tell if that's a hormone thing or if it's just a my sense of smell is better now thing or if it's just placebo 'meta-attraction' or whatever /lgbt/ calls their honscience. I feel like anal would be too embarrassing to try either way.

Being a tranny is worse than being a man in 2019

Describe how men smell to you now and what emotions or thoughts it invokes.

Stop focusing so much on how other see ans treat you then? Your transformation is for you and if you're never truly gonna fit in (pass) then what's the point with making the whole procedure about that rather than just feeling better about yourself to the extent that you can? With that mindset you're gonna end up making yourself feel much worse towards the 2+ year mark where you've started to reach the end of the road. You know you don't wanna turn 30, look in the mirror and see a hon. But that's what you're gonna be if you put all your energy into just that.

If I just don't transition, I'll know that when someone says I'm a he that's because they just see a normal looking guy. Nothing hurts me more than that. If I do my absolute best to pass and look like a girl, everyone around me will know that I'm deliberately trying to look like a girl. If someone calls me a he then, that's fine, whatever. But if someone calls me a she, that means they understand what I'm trying to do at least, even if they're just doing it to be polite. Maybe that seems stupid but it's a huge deal to me. Being a nonpassing trans is *closer* to being a girl than being a regular guy. That's the best I can hope for. I can see why you think I'm making it about others but to me it feels like it's really about me.

>You know you don't wanna turn 30, look in the mirror and see a hon. But that's what you're gonna be if you put all your energy into just that.
I already know what it looks like to look in the mirror and see a straight up man looking back and it's the worst most horrific feeling in the world. I don't even try to pass now, and when I look in the mirror and see smooth skin and cute bangs I feel so much fucking better than before. I'm only going to become less masculine, not more masculine. Aging sucks but everyone deals with it, I'm not worried about that. I'm more concerned with spending what little youth I have left living as a girl than wasting it further living as a guy.

Just generally strong and musky or 'mannish' or whatever. I don't really know how to describe smells.

>what emotions or thoughts it invokes.
It makes my heart beat faster, I try not to think about it otherwise

I hypothesize that taking female hormones has "opened up" your ability to smell men.
It's now your decision whether you want to act on it.

Why would a guy want anything to do with me? I don't have any girl's clothing really, I don't know anything about fashion or makeup yet. I still look and act like a guy. Sure I have small boobs and nice skin but I also don't have wide hips or a big butt, am really tall, male ribcage and shoulders etc. Not to mention the obvious I have a penis instead of a vagina. I bet women would want even less to do with me.

I mean I've basically accepted I'll be alone. I can't bear children, I doubt anyone would be proud to introduce their trans gf to their parents or grandparents. I'm afraid that if I did something with a guy he'd cum and then as soon as his post-jizz 'clarity' kicks in he'll be ashamed of me and himself.

What I'm saying is that instead of focusing so much on looking like a woman it'd be healthier down the road to focus on looking your best in a feminine way. Whether you get called he or she doesn't change who you are, and dressing and styling yourself should be comfortable not forced.

People have interesting tastes.
Perhaps have more confidence in your ability to become a girl and strive to improve that way.

gz on sterilizing yourself faggots like you shouldn't reproduce :)))

I don't want to look like a feminine man. I want to live as close as I can to how I would live if I was just born female. I don't want to look my 'best' because to me that is living for others. Could I look better as an androgynous man than a nonpassing trans woman? Absolutely, but I don't want that at all. I want to live for myself.

There's more than enough people on this planet pumping out babies

>actually putting in effort and shit
tfw im about 7 months in and i havent put in any effort at all other than taking HRT and shaving every day or 2 and i plan on boymoding until i die.

there's certainly many human-shaped babies but they behave so close to animals it's hard to really count them

Yet you're making everything about specifically LOOKING like a woman, which you're never gonna look like. You can live your life any way you want to, but coming to terms with who and what you are and just looking your best is for you, looking like a woman is only for the eyes of others because if you are a woman, you can look how you like.

Just because you've felt this way since you were a kid doesn't mean your not mentally ill. The surge in betas going down this path is downright perplexing. The truth is that you suffer from an abnormality that shouldn't be validated, it should be treated in the correct manner. I cant recall off the top of my head what the study was called but a doctor was able to medicate for a cross dresser. The guy stopped cross dressing when he was prescribed a certain dosage of some drug.

If the correct approach was applied to this illness with actually research, instead of letting the patients run the fucking asylum then you poor fucks wouldn't have such a high suicide rate. You can call me an asshole for thinking the way I do but I've seen first hand how its ruined the life of a good friend of mine, Its not easy watching someones mental health get worse by the day

Never claimed I'm not mentally ill

>it should be treated in the correct manner
The correct manner according to all credible professionals is transition and I wish I listened to those people sooner. You can't therapy gender dysphoria away. Therapy only helps if you think you have dysphoria when you don't. The suicide rate of early transitioners with supportive parents is low, if I wasn't forced to go through male puberty I wouldn't have male features to hate. If I had parents who accepted me instead of rejecting me for being this way I'd hate myself less. If I didn't feel like society hated people like me I wouldn't hate myself so much too. Can't you see how the suicide statistics work? Taking hormones has directly made me less miserable than before. Trying to just 'man up' and overcome dysphoria made it far, far worse and dug me further into a hole of misery.

I don't think you're an asshole I just think you're comically ignorant. You have a treatment in your mind for a problem you've never experienced that if Jow Forums didn't exist you probably never would have heard of. You think that trained professionals who dedicated their entire life to studying this problem with decades of research to back up their claims are wrong because 'common sense' or whatever you tell yourself. It's not a simple problem with a simple solution.

>Its not easy watching someones mental health get worse by the day
How about actually being a supportive friend then

>trained professional
Any doctor who supports the delusions of the mentally diseased is no professional at all, no matter how qualified they may be.

Delusions disqualify a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. You have literally no idea of what you're talking about

I am supportive, that's the problem, its not helped my friend in any meaningful way. And trust me im not ignorant on such issues, as i said before, I have looked into this due to personal experience with a good friend one mine. I came to the conclusions I did when I saw how it can destroy a perfectly normal life, all the things you described contributing to the suicide stats is reason enough for me to say that transitioning isn't the solution. And you know what the real kicker is? even if society was more accepting of trans folk, the suicide rate would still be pretty high.

As for the whole man up and deal with it stuff, nah man, its like telling someone with depression "lol just be happy" I understand its a mental health issue, its never been that easy. Again that is why I think research that doesn't have a political agenda is the solution. You can try to pretend that postmodernist theory hasn't driven all the research into dysphoria all you want.

At the end of the day I hold my belief in such matters, I wish you the best no matter where your life leads you user, I hope you find a some happiness in this world.

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Those 38% memes are just attempts anyway, and you are correct, in fact rates peak before adulthood (still more than decade before most people transition)
and even HSTS/AGP science magicians recommended treatment, when some were trans skeptical still (if only because dysphoria was relieved)

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Sometimes it feels like that, but don't worry u will be passing sooner than you thought, and don't let those cunts to make u feel bad bout urself

>A belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary
You have a belief that you should be a female when there is evidence to the contrary that is glaringly obvious. A doctor giving you hormones and surgery in support of that delusion should be criminal.

Trans girl positivity squad report in!
based. I thought I was going to boymode forever but it's just hellish. Even if I only had to do it for a few months. People treat me better now that I girl mode. Guys open doors for me and middle aged women smile at me and I don't really pass either, it's not that bad!

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Right, you are mentally ill. We understand that.

You should have seen someone to treat this feeling of sexual dysmorphia (because that's really what it is.)

It's like someone saying that they want to be loved and treated like a dog when obviously you aren't one. It's too much to expect society to accept that because it's not the truth.

You need help.

the absolute fucking morons in this thread

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This level of mental retardation and illness is incredible. But I suppose this is nature at work, the weak and sick shall not procreate.

99 percent of trannies are people from low income households who believe they can solve their identity problem and depression by pretending to be female

pic releated,its your future

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>ugly trans people exist therefore all trans people are ugly


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You trannies are utterly useless trash, kys now before you cause even more of a drain on the government tax dollars.

youre gonna feel depressed youre not meant to be a girl... But:
Dont fall for the chopping dick meme, even NatSocs prefer fucking ass and seing your dick than seing a giant scab in its place

That comic is far dumber than the people in this thread. Going to a therapist and telling them you have body dysmorphic disorder doesn't mean they are going to automatically refer you to a psychiatrist shill. Even if they do the psychiatrist isn't going to just say LOL TAKE HRT. They will take it seriously and prescribe anti-depressants along with a regimen of cognitive therapy.

It's been a thing before the whole trans positive shit that's been somewhat normalized today and the answer was to always treat the root of the problem; mental illness/depression.

Being delusional about what/who you are is a clear sign of mental illness. If you look down at your penis and say to yourself "I'm a women" that should be giving you cognitive dissonance and should be correcting itself.

The truth is the truth. There are things in this life you cannot choose. Your gender is one of them.

>literally making shit up

I went to a therapist and on the second visit they recommended me to a therapist that specializes in gender dysphoria. Month later I was on HRT

When was the last time you got laid m8?

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>tfw you will never escape your low-income upbringing by submitting to a superior man

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ITT: People from Jow Forums think they have have more knowledge than decades of research on gender dysphoria and that their quest to "LMAO STICK IT TO THE ES JAY DOUBLE U'S" makes their opinion more valid than a consensus from the medical community worldwide.

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discord and trannypilled

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the proliferation of trannies is the death rattle of white males as they go extinct

enjoy your future trancel

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It's always funny when they say "you need to get REAL help from REAL professionals" and when you do, they're suddenly "shills" controlled by (((them))). Schizophrenia levels of paranoia.

>literally making shit up

Ok so maybe you aren't just mentally ill you might be retarded too, look it up, I'm not making it up.

lmgtfy.com/?q=body dysmorphia disorder treatment

New flash, not all doctors are good ones, some go for the simplest solution instead of the best one. If you honestly think you'll ever pass as a female or should be treated as such then that clearly demonstrates that you are operating under a delusion.

You are and will never be a female. You were born male, you cannot change that. Seek a professional who understands that fact and wants to actually fix the fucked up part of your brain that is making you delusional instead of just humoring you and slapping a band-aid on it.

I didn't make up the universe, I certainly didn't make up male and female genitalia. It's a hard truth that cannot be sidestepped by any kind of politicking.

You are male. Deal with it.

>tranners are less than 1% of the population
>more than 1% of the population wants to date a tranner
I don't see a problem here.

>doesn't even understand that gender dysphoria is a completely separate thing

you are embarrassing yourself

>tfw accept my biological sex as male but gender as female and will continue taking HRT

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Why do lesbos like tranners so much?

Did you honestly expect anything else but retardation posting about trans stuff on Jow Forums? Like let's be real here lassies..

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I don't understand why men do this to themselves. You'll never pass, you'll just look like an out of shape man with gynecomastia. Also when will trannies learn that getting really thin doesn't look womanly? The only passing traps I have ever seen irl had some fat to hide their masculine body.

It's sad that most professionals treat dysphoria by starting people on the road to transitioning instead of just.. helping them work through it and learn to accept themselves as their own definition of man/woman. I've read a lot of posts and watched a lot of videos from people that have detransititioned and a lot of them got little to not counseling before being pumped full of hormones or put under the knife. I am glad I grew up as a normal tomboy girl in the early 2000's, I 100% would've fallen into this shit as a GNC female that crossdressed and went through a phase where I wanted to be a guy for a few years in highschool. I feel so bad for today's GNC young people


>I don't understand why men do this to themselves
Gender dysphoria. It's hard to imagine if you don't have it.
>Also when will trannies learn that getting really thin doesn't look womanly?
I agree. I advocate some tranny thiccness!

hrt is completely unsafe, doctors who use it as a front line to treat dysphoria are breaking the hippocratic oath.

how the fuck did you come to this conclusion

Transgender ideology is reductionist, harmful, and sexist towards GNC individuals. Reject the transtrender bullshit and unironically just be yourself. There is no "feeling like another" sex, there is no gender, you have to just play the cards you are dealt and accept yourself

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You idiot. You should have tackled your underlying self esteem issues, anxiety and depression instead of taking easy way out like this, in the short termit may feel great, but in 20 years you will become a fat old man with saggy tits and a tiny penis. Or if you had that "surgery" to remove your penis and create a fake vagina you'll just have a mulilated open wound.

Tell me, user, what's your relationship with your parents like?

I'm guessing not good. Every single tranny I've ever met had parental issues from childhood.

>you are both fine the way you are
>unless you're trans then you better fucking force yourself to be cis real quick

>imagine calling yourself a man and not controlling your emotions.

stop being such a bitch user get a fucking grip.

in fact give me your problems and i will give you solutions other than "just rope bro"

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That's fine. Society as a whole will never change their label for you. If you're OP then it's a self defeating goal. You say you want to be treated as a female and fear that people won't treat you that way.

Not going to happen, maybe some people will humor you, but that's all it is, humoring. The truth is the truth.

I pity you.

>give me your problems
I want to have soft hairless skin
I want to have breasts
I want to have a feminine voice
I want to have long hair in a cute style
I want to wear women's clothes
I want to wear makeup

Ready for solutions

You may not be the manliest man around , but that doesnt matter. It varies, I'm not a fucking alpha by any stretch, and I know I'm gay occasionally, I fap to young hairless fat guys now and then, and have had one sexual encounter with one such guy. Unfortunately he fucking turned into a tranny and I was never attracted to him again. But now I have a girlfriend who is literally my soul mate.

Just be yourself, don't inject hormones into your body or mutilate your cock.

Trans and cis don't exist. Gender dysphoria exists but it can be worked through, I have

>everyone is exactly like me because I have no empathy

They're the same, the only reason why the are classified as different is from politicking. Both require the person to be under a delusion of being/having something that they aren't. Both are obsessive/compulsive about their feelings toward their body.

You need actual help. Or don't and be severely disappointed when society will never accept your delusion. No skin off my ass ether way, just don't expect me to use a different pronoun than reality or treat you different than what you are.


Answer this strawpoll about incels and normies if you want to. Thank you and have a good day

>I want to have long hair in a cute style
>I want to wear women's clothes
>I want to wear makeup
Nothing stopping you.
>I want to have a feminine voice
Pretty easy to do, I taught myself to do it so I could catfish people.
>I want to have soft hairless skin
Shave & moisturize
>I want to have breasts
Only one you can't easily solve.

>you need help
>but all professional doctors and therapists and major medical organizations are wrong don't trust their lies

so what fucking witch doctor do you want me to get therapy from dingus

I'm not OP, I'm just stating that what you're saying doesn't really get across to me. You seem really irritated that we don't view issues the same though. Just relax for a bit friend!

Imagine falling for the modern day trap to make whites have less children.

Why are you people so fucking stupid?

>Only one you can't easily solve.
You can take pills that cost 20 bucks a month and grow them pretty easily

>everyone is exactly like me
Not true
>I have no empathy
Not true
Tell me why you think your case of gender dysphoria is so special that you can't be treated or work through it? You are just a person, you are special just like everybody else, if you know what I mean. I used to be the sort of person to say "therapy doesn't work on me" (as a teen lol) until I started to work through my issues and find the root of my dysphoria/eating disorder (not fitting the patriarchal mold for behavior and appearance, fear of womanhood/sexual environment that comes with it, other factors). Will probably be different for you but it takes a lot of work and introspection to get to the root of it.. much harder than drowning a kid in hormones or cutting off their tits because they don't feel like a "woman". It's harder, it's not an easy solution but it's the right thing to do if you want to heal and actually be happy and be true to yourself and not just put on a mask or "become someone else" to pretend everything is ok

>Walk into therapist office
>So I've been having these delusions that I'm a women, I know I'm not, I have a penis and I don't want to be ostracized from society can you help me recondition myself so that I no longer have these delusions?


>I've been having these delusions that I'm a women, I know I'm not

You could legitimately win an award for shitposting

>posting trans stuff on r9k
>expecting any other replies but this

this has to be the peak of the trans trend. i'm calling it. it's running out of easy converts and the general mood is turning from interest/indifference to annoyance

someday we're going to all look back on this and laugh

my boobs got bigger every since my boyfriend stated sucking em. Am a girl 23. not pregnant, Lactating already and went A to C.

Are you suggesting I should start lactating to get bigger boobs?

Retard fetishposting disgusting pathetic faggot

Giving someone pills that permanently fuck up their health and is not physically neccessary isnt good medicine. Even if there is a mental "Necessity" Coping and anti-psychotics/depressants should be the only treatment.

Reading posts like these makes me feel so much better about my situation. Thanks OP

Right dear but you will never pass as a woman. You are only deforming yourself and making yourself look like an ugly man.

You know surgery vacations are still a thing, right...? I mean pharma worked developing countries first (and several of them worldwide) where the trans phenomenon has been observed for 1000s of years...

>you will never pass as a woman
I pass some of the time but not passing 100% is okay with me too! It's less about other people and more about doing it for me.
>making yourself look like an ugly man.
I look like a femboy though.

I'm a firm believer in truth. So you're right that we view things differently. A spade is a spade, a male is a male and a female is a female. Trying to force people to buy into a delusion that clearly isn't true is manipulative and toxic. I don't blame the people who suffer from the delusion, it must be hell, I blame these powerful acceptance groups that don't care about the root of the problem, they only care about furthering their agenda.

It's indoctrination for the mentally ill, it's sick and it's sad.

So intersex people don't exist to you?

I give all the props in the world to people willing to transition. I know I have GD but I never will transition out of fear. I'm just better off looking like an effeminate man that looks nearly 10 years younger than he is. I'd make an ugly tranny as much as I'd like literally all the stuff it does.

Thanks user, GD is a fucking struggle bus, I hope you find your peace one day!

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when pressed, trannies fall back on the tiny population of intersex people because they think they can use them as the thin end of a wedge to deconstruct sex and gender. intersex is an unfortunate birth defect for which there are no good answers.
not every person is born with two arms but we can still basically construct a society that assumes two-armedness and it works, and if you want to saw one of your arms off you're mentally ill and nobody should encourage you to do that.

>dozens of intersex conditions exist
>but the brain can't be intersex because no reason

Sure, they exist. Very small population of them, .05% to be exact, but they exist. In those cases there is a genetic mutation that allows them to have ether/or gender. In extremely small cases such as these I'd say it is up to the person who is intersex to decide what they are as they are the only ones that actually can choose. This choice is based off of the reality (truth) of their genitals.

You aren't intersexed so I fail to see the relevance.

>99 percent of trannies are people from low income households who believe they can solve their identity problem and depression by pretending to be female

This. I want to feel bad for trannies, but it's hard. They act like their end goal is to be just another normal girl, but if you dig deeper it's obvious they want to be ''better'', some kind of hypersexual bimbo who lives in a constant state of euphoria from feeling his nipples against his lace bra.

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I will probably hate myself until the day I die but hopefully I find someone willing to treat me like the woman I wish I had the guts to become. Taking one for the team so there's one less horribly ugly tranny out there.

"i can't believe a medical profession that still systematically practices and promotes male genital mutilation could be capable of widespread malpractice" - a tranny retard

Sounds to me like suicide will at some point be the only option for you
stream it