Imagine calling yourself a man and not controlling your emotions

>imagine calling yourself a man and not controlling your emotions

ffs user get your shit together and stop being a bitch.

in fact give me your problems and ill give you tips other than "just shower lol"

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I agree that guys need to control their emotions to a certain degree, but being entirely stoic and emotionless isn't going to help anyone.

I'm a 23 year old high-school dropout who's never had a job.

I don't have a license, no one will help me get a license, and nothing is within walking distance of my house.

I took hrt for 4 years for a dude who abandoned me.

My family is going to kick me out soon.

controlling them not ignoring them

>men call women emotional
>beat each other up over words or "honor", break their keyboards/controllers over fucking video games, punch holes in walls

Imagine being soo emotional about other people not controlling their emotions that you have to make a thread on Jow Forums

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can you still exercise? if so try making gains and looking more manly that way. also clothes, posture and haircut.
>I'm a 23 year old high-school dropout who's never had a job.
start looking for one immediately do charity and non profit stuff also there are a lot of one time jobs like mowing lawns and shit that you can do anything to put on your resume.
>I don't have a license, no one will help me get a license, and nothing is within walking distance of my house.
tough shit get a bike or skateboard they are cheap as fuck. or use that as an opportunity to exercise too
>My family is going to kick me out soon.
what did you do? also if you try to improve instead of just lurking here maybe they will give you another chance.(they are your parents after all.)

Go get a job. Like, literally anything that pays money. You don't get too much of a choice in what you get to do with your record, but you'll find something. Using that job, you can convince your family that you are, in fact, getting your life back on track, and that they should give you a bit of time before you move out.

It seems daunting, and having a job takes up a lot of time, but you'll grow to love actually having money and being able to afford what you want.

In that case I fully agree. We're all a slave to our emotions from time to time, but keeping rational about it and being able to differentiate between which of them are reasonable and which aren't is a vital skill.

>but keeping rational about it and being able to differentiate between which of them are reasonable and which aren't is a vital skill.
of course being rational and realizing whats real and whats in your head is vital also remember self pity is such a bad thing and should have no place in your life, it doesn't help you process anything and no one has ever said "i like him because he always feels bad for himself"
in short: address the root of your emotions and try to solve the issue.

Agreed. Sometimes it can't be avoided (you try telling depressed people that they should just smile a bit more), but in the end, the effort to solve your problems is what really matters.

>just control your emotions bro
My problem is that I have no emotions. Everyone says I'm like a robot. I literally feel like a robot in a human body. What am I supposed to do?

I know a girl who gets turned on by depressive looking dudes.

Every now and then it comes to my attention she's banging some literal loser.

everyone has emotions user. but do you feel happy or sad sometimes? also if you were a child and your parents smashed everything you cared about eventually you would stop caring about stuff. maybe its some childhood shit. either way id recommend talking to a therapist.

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she hot user?

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Yeah but I imagine that she probably couldn't stand being a long-term thing. What's the longest she's dated one of those dudes, rather than just bang them a few times?

Fuck man. That's gotta be rough.

I never got into trans shit. I always thought it was a mistake. I feel bad for trannies who are self-aware, but resentful of the ones who aren't, because the former just want some shot at life again, and the latter just want to force you to comply with their delusion.

The suicide rate for transexuals is 40%. Like, it almost feels like getting addicted to heroin is a better and safer solution than a sex change.

Like what? Anger and aggression? Because those are very masculine emotions, where controlling them is the complete opposite of manliness.

i said cONTROL not fucking ignore and suppress

>Women bursts in tears for a yes/no

yes...because they are and its bad why? typical dumb bitch filling in to fit her retarded mindset

Because if you've faced any adversity in your life you'd realize it's not easy to control your emotions. Are you happy 100% of the time? Probably not so your not a man either

>man hits women if he's told no
Typical male responding violently and angrily, don't hurt yourself or break anything kek

What kind of 3rd world country do you live in ?

It's not manly to do either. Control, suppress, ignore; none of them are masculine. If you're angry, be angry; if that leads to harm, oh well.

controlling emotions require ignoring/suppressing them in some manner.