Boyfriend watches porn

>boyfriend watches porn

low-key feels like it's making him less aroused around me, feels bad man

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I have gf and I don't watch porn.

Sometimes I'll look at anime porn, but I only like looking at it together with her.

Tough shit. I'm a fucking feminist, but if you think that guys shouldn't be watching porn, you're a shitty girlfriend to have.

I'm a real feminist and think it's sad you've resigned yourself to pornsick men

What's a good girlfriend do user? subject herself to getting cucked?

Maybe tell him that porn is bad for him in the long run.

I mean as a guy it makes sense with my gf. Why bother masturbating to porn (and wasting my nut) when I can just cum in/on my gf instead, and have a happier sexual relationship with her? Also, a guy who is addicted to porn may have lost this thought process.

>resigned yourself to pornsick men
I'm a guy, lol. Just cause I think that women deserve the same treatment as men doesn't mean I think that porn is cheating or anything. I will watch porn and I don't want to hide it from the person closest to me, in the same way that I'm ok with my gf watching porn and masturbating as much as she wants.

Depends on the person. Personally, I think that a good girlfriend for me is understanding and reasonable. We don't have to agree on every point, but that mutual respect for each other and the understanding that we're ultimately two people living their lives together is vital to me. For instance, I don't like tattoos, and my gf mentioned that she was considering getting some. While I wouldn't do that in her shoes, I told her to go for it cause she wanted them, and it'll make her happier.

>I'm a guy, lol
opinion discarded lol
Of course you wouldn't care about the reasons for a feminist being against porn, makes your dick feel good and that's all you care about

>tfw no bf like you

All I care about is if he uses a condom so I don't have to worry about getting AIDS awareness month shoved into my fucking face

>gf hypes herself up as loving to suck dick and being a freak in bed who's almost always horny
>there was no phase at the start where we fuck 4 times per day, it started off at once every week or two and got worse since
>get dick sucked maybe once every 2 months if lucky, she always finishes with her hand
>the only word she knows is no
>tells me she finds me hot and enjoys every moment of fucking when we do it

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Honestly, yeah. I still hold my own interests as my primary concern, and I feel that other people do the same. It's necessary and only natural to watch out for yourself, since no-one else is really going to do that for you. Ultimately it boils down to "I don't think other people should be telling me what to do, and in return I will do the same for them".

I just go for long-term relationships so I can avoid using a condom for a while.

Im a guy, dont have a girlfriend and dont watch porn, tho I look at stuff posted here, just because I like looking at it and its in front of me

my ex used to not let me watch porn, wtf is with women

Mention it to her if it means that much to you, just make sure you've considered her position first, otherwise you'll come off as selfish. Otherwise, keep in mind that, as relationships progress, women lose a significant portion of their sex-drive. It actually gets really bad in lesbian relationships, cause the lack of drive from both girls really compounds.

I don't understand why you'd watch porn in a relationship anyway. Wouldn't it be better to just go have sex?

she cheating on you senpai

>I don't give a fuck about the girls and women exploited and abused to make my porn because my peepee feels good, gotta look out for #1 hyuk
>most men are like this

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Nah, it's normal for relationships to slow down. Female sex drive is much lower than a male's. It's a common complaint amongst married couples.

I used to practically force feed her compliments and tell her how much I want her and how much I enjoy it. It didn't do shit, so I stopped. Nothing changed. One time she was horny as shit and it was obvious in how not only was she participating in initiating, she didn't have enough until we fucked 3 times. I asked her what got into her, and she said it's because it's been weeks. Made me feel like I got laid only because I'm the only dick in the room.

>implying a live-and-let-live strategy is morally wrong
Okie dokie.

Are you kidding me? The porn where women gets raped is the best type of porn

Close his laptop and jump on his dick right then and there.

Your actions have consequences. Viewing or buying porn, increasing the viewcount or profit, increasing the demand and exploitation, negatively shaping your view towards women and violence towards them, the negative impacts go on
But sure live and let live, man's gotta jack off at the expense of a woman and his own mental/physical health

I'm sorry to hear, dude. Again, if it's a major enough problem, you should sit down with her and say that the lack of sex making you feel really shitty. Talk through it, keep reassuring her that you're not attacking her, you're just trying to solve this problem as a couple, and be ready to accept some compromise and see if that works or not. She MIGHT get really defensive or antagonistic or whatever, in which case you might have to start considering whether this relationship is worth and and what you're getting out of it.

Have you tried not beeing boring sexually?

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Are you a real girl or one of them trannies.

Watching porn is cheating. It obviously isn't as bad as having sex with another woman but, it is still adultery. Almost everyone would have understood this before the omnipresence of internet pornography. Just because it is everywhere does not make it okay for him to use. You should tell him he either needs to stop or you will break up with him.

90% of porn these days consists of couples or women uploading their videos to xhamster or whatever. Or the instagram/patreon thots making a living off their bodies. So exploitation isn't a big factor anymore aside from the evil big porn businesses.

Porn is still not worth wasting one's time/energy/sex drive on however.

It's not worth shit. She's incredibly high maintenance and is apparently the only BPD feminigger on the continent that has no sex drive.

>I don't give a fuck about the girls and women exploited and abused
I only watch femdom.

Maybe, but I'm not going to stop watching porn, in the same way that I won't stop buying phones or cheap clothes to save those children in sweatshops. I don't intend to be a martyr for every noble cause, and if you don't agree with that point of view, well, good thing we're never going to meet, cause I suspect we wouldn't be able to stand each.

I guess the real question then is why are you still together?
Also, in that case, just say what you want, cause if she says no, then you can feel completely justified in trying your best and putting in the effort, and that this relationship just wasn't meant to be.

Then why are you still with her. Dump her ass.

How's it any different from girls watching porn/reading erotica? Unless you're against both, in which case, I don't know why but you're entitled to your own beliefs.

Are you that naive? You know that most of the "amateur" porn isn't actually amateur, right? You do know that self-employed camwhores aren't the only sex work that exists, right? Have you ever heard of the shit that goes on in the porn industry, looked into it at all? Shit like Facialabuse or even just normal porn, how often porn actresses are pressured and coerced into scenes or acts that they didn't agree to before, threatened with career blacklisting or other shit if they don't conform, at the expense of their sexual health and body autonomy

Erotica and drawn hentai harms nobody (except psychologically), I'm talking about porn of real women and girls (and some men as well, but to a lesser extent)

id find it pretty hot if i got a gf and she told me porn isn't allowed. if femanons want to do that with their bf they'd probably like it but you have to make up for it and fuck+suck a lot

Talk to him, tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable.

I know my gf watches porn and so do I.
Knowing she does feels kinda bad at times but at the same time i realize my hypocrisy and just respect her freedom to watch porn.

Talking to him about it might not make him stop watching it but maybe it will help you feel better about it.

I don't understand this at all.

If I had a gf I feel like watching porn would make me want to fuck her even more. It'd definitely make me more aroused around her not less.

>women know that they're going to be roughed up and potentially fuck their bodies irreversibly if they do porn
>do it anyway because greed/drugs/debt/stupidity
>Wow, fuck you guys that passively watch it when you're having a quick wank, you should feel responsible this
>sent from my Apple iDroid (slave labour), wearing mass produced clothes (slave labour), and using high amounts of energy (environmentally hazardous, and possibly even obtained from killing middle easterners)
Keep on shaming, retard. I only fap to 2D porn myself, which is literally victimless, and I'm sure you'd have some shit to say about that as well.

I don't see the problem as long as they're consenting adults, I mean, maybe it's not the best career choice, but it's their choice to make. They can also stop doing it anytime they want to and try something else in life so, let them make their own choices.

Is your gf mexican by chance?

>be male
>don't like porn and feel no desire to pressure women into sex
>women don't like me because surprise surprise, they want to be pressured into sex
I hate this shit so much bros.

You're right, but you're also wrong. Porn actresses are a thing of the past. The girls that want to go into sex work know that there's more money in being a self-employed camwhore, twitch thot, or escort rather that working for some exploitative porn production company.


girls just don't understand what libido is and they're fine with masturbating every month or so, if you're so mad about your bf watching porn how about you start putting out then?

A lot of women don't want to be pressured. It's actually really scary. Don't get memed into thinking women like rapey guys.

>I'm someone with common sense
>I'm fat and angry

we watch porn and masturbate to regulate our sexual desires. controlling our sexuality and releasing that frustration on our own terms is very important for high libido people.

Surprise surprise, a man agreeing with another man about porn and insulting a woman that disagrees. Really breaking new ground here opie

Women's can't win an argument without shaming lmao

The average man thinks of sex 20 times per day, according to modern psychological research. It only takes 15 seconds for a man to be ready for sex on average as well. Simply put, you can't keep up.

Don't feel bad. It's biology.

I didn't say anything about shame but yeah, you should feel that if you're consuming porn

Fucking faggot not even a girl. Love how you just have to post a pic of an anime girl and everyone thinks your a girl and thread gets tons of replies

women spend decades sexualizing themselves for self gain. decades later internet comes out and they lose their stock due to men having access to millions of more attractive women who can do anything you can think of with just a few clicks.

omg I hate men who are into porn why are they like this. proceeds to dress half naked to the club. what do you expect in a sex centered society?

You're not female. I can tell. Stop trolling.
No one is so fascistic as to care what total strangers do in their free time when they aren't harming anyone in any possible way. Nobody seriously thinks that there is anything inherently immoral about pornography. If they do, it's purely emotional outburst; no moral philosopher in the field of normative ethics or even metaethics has ever made a decent argument about porn being immoral. The only argument I've ever seen is "I was raised to think it's immoral" or "My dogma says it's immoral". Absolutely baseless.

>Use sex as a weapon and withhold it
>Get mad he uses porn instead to get off
Stop being a cunt

100% pure concentrate cancer. No wonder there aren't anymore greentext stories here anymore.

>get bf who watches porn
>bf says he started watching porn with women who look exclusively like me
>am upset he's still watching but try to hide it
>bf stops watching porn because he could tell it hurt my feelings

Feels pretty good. Find someone better, OP.

Your a fucking retard and porn is a negative to a person's life and general society.

What stops them from unionizing or from employing themselves?
I know America's capitalistic as fuck but unions exist precisely because of this kind of reasons.
If they're being treated shitty, then they should stand up for themselves.
Besides, nowadays there's a lot more options in the sex industry, not to mention contracts exist.
If you try to encourage people to stop watching porn or try to stop production, you'll only push it into the black market and inflate it's value, making porn business people even richer and harder to fight.
Besides, porn is an offshoot of the world's oldest profession, good luck fighting that.
Honestly, as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I do not see the issue, besides you act as if male porn actors don't get exploited as well.
Legal porn actors and actresses are all adults, they can stand up for themselves.

>You're a fucking retard
Ad hominem fallacy
>Porn is a negative to a person's life
Arguably, though you don't argue for your point at all, you present no evidence. The only evidence I've seen is that some people with porn addiction can see detriments to their relationships and changes to sexual preference -- but that's a problem of addiction, not pornography. A person could be addicted to donuts and face health issues, too. Doesn't mean you should be ashamed for spending $1 on one at a gas station checkout.
>and general society.
There is no evidence whatsoever to support this claim; you don't even attempt to present any.
As I said, purely emotional outburst.

He didn't stop, he just hide it

Normalfags everywhere. More and more supposed fembot threads. More newfags chiming in about their gfs and relationships. Its over.

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2D porn doesn't have that problem you little faggot.

Fuck off propagandist.

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>Ad hominem fallacy
I haven't participated in this thread at all so far, I just wanted to post that you're an absolute retard and if I had fed, sheltered and raised and otherwise put effort into someone for 18 or more years and they called out ad homs on an anonymous internet imageboard, I would fucking kill myself on the spot

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He did stop, he spends all of his free time with me so unless he jerks it at work I think he's telling the truth. I never asked him to stop and said I was okay with it. There's no reason to lie. The consequence is that I am expected to be more lewd more often but it seems like a fair trade.

Being against pr0n just makes your vagene feel good. It's okay though, if he can't get a peak at different vagenes every now and then, I'm sure he'll just go get some of the real thing since you don't put out.

>Don't get memed into thinking women like rapey guys.
I'm sorry, but I'm too r/redpilled at this point to believe you.

>spelling on Jow Forums
Want to know why i know you are a newfag?

But you really are retarded. There's really nothing to argue. Porn isn't good for you. There are no studies on the psychological impact of frequent pornography use. There is no real evidence porn isn't harmful either.

Prove to me porn is not harmful
>inb4 burden of proof
You actually have the burden of proof as you are making the initial claim.
>inb4 some porn funded leftist sociology study
Porn is a multi billion dollar industry. There is a rise in young male impotence. Many here have watched so much degenerate porn that they couldn't even stay hard when they finally got a prostitute or girl. There is a reason cuckold porn has been spammed here for the past 3 years straight and its not le epic trolling.

Bullshit its the number one fetish of women in america. Every romance directed towards women involves men taking her. The vast majority of actual rape victims actually see psychologists for years after becuase they are conflicted with the fact that they had an orgasm during the act. That's actually the most traumatic thing for rape victims is that they deep down enjoyed it when society tells them they shouldn't.

Not at all actually that's just an excuse. Its a waste of energy.

Porn is like cocaine in its effects on the brain. Do something exciting for him and when the time is right bring up that it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Go back to redit and fucking stay there forever

>there's no proof for what I'm saying, but there isn't any for what I'm against either so I must be right

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After you have been sexually assaulted you generally don't want anyone to be rough or force themselves on you. A large number of women have been assaulted, trust me it's not bad to be patient and caring when trying to have sex with a woman.

Are you gonna get him off literally every time he wants? Of course you're not. Then are you gonna do all sorts of weird fetishy kinky new stuff to keep things exciting and interesting? Usually the answer is no, people usually stick to relatively standard non weird stuff. If yes to both of those, sure, only reason to watch porn would be together to find new things to try.

i wish i had a gf so i could quit porn desu

>watch porn would be together to find new things to try
You know porn is made to get the viewer off, right? Imitating porn sex really isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's designed to look good, not to feel good.

Not him, but studies have generally found that this isn't true. There doesn't appear to be any relationship between interest or a lack of interest in rape fantasies and bring a victim of sexual assault.

>It's designed to look good, not to feel good.
Sex very much isn't only a physical thing m8, it's hugely mental, and that's why porn works. The weird, fetishy, kinky or whatever else stuff isn't super hot because it feels good, hell most people haven't even done half the stuff that turns them on, it's super hot because of the mental aspect.

You are doing the exact same thing faggot. My evidence is personal experience with porn and many anonymous people on the internet with the same experiences.

Say hot one more time you stupid normal nigger

Introduce him to NoFap, find some stories about it and challenge him to not fap for a month or two.
Can confirm it works well and make your life better and there are many stories about it, show him some.

If he's used to wanking every day he will be weirdly horny at first but after a while his mind will become normal. Porn fucks your head up

You don't understand. Doing porno positions means they are made to look hot to a third party. It really doesn't look like that when you are fucking. Porn shots are mostly uncomfortable and pointless and aren't made with the visual pleasure of the two people fucking in mind.

Nobody is talking about positions, I'm talking about sexual acts m8.

Dont do this, it's retarded
Spice up your game.

Porn is not adultery c'mon but it is true that watching porn every day negatively affects the psyche. I believe that looking at it in moderation, even in a relationship, is normal.

Foreplay? Wearing lingerie? Porn is mostly fucking unless it's fetish shit. When men watch porn it's fucking.

How is porn not adultery?
How is sexually relieving yourself to other women (or men) not a form of infidelity?
Would you feel comfortable with a girl watching BBC porn and fucking herself instead of being intimate with you?

You're either a faggot or a roastnigger, and neither belong here. Screw off.

I mean, if that's her fetish, who am I to judge, we can just fuck on a later date. I'm no so insecure as to believe she can replace me with porn.

*not I forgot the t

Exactly, there's a thousand things like that, humiliation, bdsm, smells, slavery, pegging, armpits, hairy, pissing, who the fuck knows.
If all you watch porn for is straight fucking with nothing else, then there's no need to watch it at all if your partner will get you off anytime you want. If you watch it for the mental stimulation and excitement of weird or new things, then even if your partner is willing to fuck at the drop of a hat anytime you want then porn is still gonna be necessary for you.

Porn for me is not "reality", I do not find it true and I feel it is very far from me.
I find no difference between porn and hentai, they are both fiction, even amateur ones.
There is no real interaction, you look at it in a passive way, so I do not see it as a betrayal. Among other things, these are the reasons why watching too much porn hurts, I think.
This is why I do not feel threatened, no sane person would replace his partner with porn, it's just a short-term stimulus to empty himself.

watch it with him. see what you're both into. make it fun instead of being a judgmental whore.

>I'm a real feminist

If you need all of that degenerate shit to get off then it seems like the problem is you.

Try actually having sex with him. I know it's hard to lay on your back for five or ten minutes a day, but it'll be worth it in the long run.

Kind of crude to say that. Maybe he fucks him daily. Maybe he wants to fuck him but he's spent himself on porn. You don't know.

The only reason men watch porn when they have a gf is because their gf is ugly as shit (which means they want to break up) or their gf is unavailable or unwilling to have sex. If she's already fucking him daily and he's still needing more, she needs to either match it or leave.
>he's spent himself on porn
Also lmao at this, thinking a man can't get his dick hard for a pussy that he wants just because he's been beating his meat.