Have you ever made a girI hate you?
Have you ever made a girI hate you?
Yep! None too proud of it either, but I've come to grips with the fact that it was a defining moment in my life!
I don't have the screenshots to prove it, but I, uh...I had a hard time, letting go of a girl back in sophomore year of HS.
>4 months between those messages
lol she must have just snapped one day
>I have literal ptsd
>you are the most disgusting person
Why do women say shit like this after a break up?
>be extremely ugly and autistic
I don't doubt that I have, since everybody finds me repulsive and subconsciously move away from me
What did you do?
Not original
some crazy girl I used to know is tsun because I ghosted her for being tiring to deal with. tells anyone who will listen how much she hates me
Got nudes from her, then she ghosted me, so I pretended I was suicidal and faked my death, then I felt bad about faking it and told her I was joking. I tried to reconcile with her but she was being a bitch
>then she ghosted me,
She deserved it.
Wow you're both at fault really.
Agreed. Sick of hearing these stories only to find out both people should have been aborted.
I dont know. I would say she is at fault. We had a good thing going sending nudes and sexting then all of a sudden she stops responding to me. She caused it and therefore dealt with the consequences
Yes she ghosted you but that doesn't mean you should go all crazy and fake your death and telling her she's the cause of it, that's actually more fucked then ghosting someone now that I'm thinking about it. What she did was at most childish but damn bro you actually told a person that they're the reason for their death. Do you know how you can fuck a person up by that? Did you honestly care about her wel being or so do you just want some nudes to fap of to? Jeez fuck dude she is better of without someone this crazy she must've smelled your craziness or something and then decided to ghost you.
Not a whiteknight btw but seriously doing this over ghosting?
lol you could be more insecure pls kys
I don't even know what I did wrong and she hated me so much she blocked me.
All I wanted to do was talk. What's wrong with wanting to talk to someone?
I found what he did funny. Seems like something from a sitcom
Message was probably for someone else
I honestly don't even care about this anymore and feel like an idiot trying to reach someone like you. If you actually want to talk on what you did tell me
>then I felt bad about faking it and told her I was joking
How long was there between faking it and telling her you were joking?
good shit my man, that was funny as fuck and the bitch deserved that anyway.
Well I just wanted nudes and someone who would sext with me. It just pissed me off how she ghosted me and said she did do because she was digusted with what she did. Maybe I did overreact but in the heat of the moment I felt so excited and powerful that nothing could stop me. Hearing about how bad it fucked her up gave me such an adrenaline rush. But after thinking about it when I was calm I felt bad and decided to tell her the truth. I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like she did deserve it because of what she did but I also feel like I went too far
If your name doesn't start with an N you've got the wrong guy.
It was about 2 weeks. I really wanted her feelings to sink in and eat at her until I revealed it.
So you are tormenting a nice girl who doesn't send lewds because wanted a nice bf who doesn't ask for them? What a piece of shit. This is the kind of thing you do to a Stacey whore, not a nice girl.
You're both abysmally terrible people. Just stop talking and posting and shitting up everyone's life who you come into contact with
>said she did do because she was digusted with what she did
>tfw no girl to comfort and reassure after doing something she feels shame over
Oh wait she did send the nudes, nevermind carry on.
It's op right? I'm the guy that told him he fked up
No I'm not OP. I don't ask people for nudes.
Ow nvm then
I will never stop. It is so easy attracting these decent lonely girls with my looks. All I have to do is send a picture of my face and they will do anything to get my attention. Its so easy
definitely, undeniably based!
Then whyd she ignore you for 4 months retard. You still have a tiny dick and your not getting it wet are you. Pathetic
She started asking me about my fetish, I think I told her about a few mild ones in a really half-assed manner then she got super ass blasted when I wouldn't ask about her fetish in return.
So she started calling me an asshole, etc etc. then she went offline and removed me the next time.
I wasn't even interested in her and I got a really heavy feeling it was catfish so of course I never actually engaged.
Because she realized what she was doing was wrong. I got her to send them for while and my request initially
>All I wanted to do was talk. What's wrong with wanting to talk to someone?
My girlfriend is like this. I'll say something that gets her mad, ask what's wrong, then she ignores me. Sometimes I don't even know what I did wrong, and I cant even ask her what I did. I tried having a talk with her about it. Tried to say, "hey, maybe we should try and talk about the problems so we can fix them" instead of ignoring them, because that has led to me making some wrong assumptions that just led to more fights. She didn't seem to understand what I was saying though, said I was "not letting things go". That's her whole thing. Just don't talk about it, let it go. I mean, I guess it works in the long run. But it just makes me confused sometimes because she doesn't talk. But at least she does let it go and not get mad.
>If i see you in real life
So this is an online girl? Yawn. Doesnt count.
Yes and I think its some sort of fetish for me. Since girls have never given me their love I need some other form of feeling. And hate is just as strong feeling as love is. I have done something similiar to that pic and I just love when the girls is throwing insults at me while mentioning that she cried because of me. Its like I am feeding on her pain, tears and hate.
The worst a girl can do to me at this point is to ignore my texts.
>inb4 edgy
The way snapchat works is the messages get automatically deleted. Exception is when you click on the messages - they get saved.
Well I made my sister hate me my merely existing
Literally laughed out loud at this, that's hilarious
She sounds like a total brain dead retard to believe it was real and then magically the sister or whoever snaps them. She deserved it, thanks for a good laugh op, what a silly cunt lmao
You're missing the best part fucktard
Yes, and I basically did literally nothing
>start work at supermarket at 25, first job
>not even a supermarket really, relatively small compared to other asda's
>usually put on late shifts and weekend shifts because I mentioned that I was flexible during the interview
>most of the time get paired up with a woman in her 30's that had apparently been working there for about six years
>was really chatty all the time, even though I usually gave short answers, and would keep trying to chat to me even when I was serving customers
>didn't really mind because she seemed friendly enough and didn't start any drama
>about 8 months in we have a small unofficial new years party that I reluctantly went to because I was told that I needed to be more sociable a week before
>coworker apparently has a history of getting really drunk, and as expected gets totally bladdered and refuses to leave me alone
>have to leave half way through because my dad fell over and ended up in A&E
>show up at work a few days later and she just starts incoherently screeching and throwing mince pies everywhere
>from what little I could make out she was calling me a coward for not fucking her and because I didn't fuck her she fucked Dave, a fat older guy who she hates, and somehow that was my fault
>she ended up getting fired over it but would still come into asda to screech once a week for four weeks straight before she got banned from the store for throwing two cheesecakes at the tills
>still shows up every so often even though she should be banned just to glare at me and buy wine on the self-checkout that she still had the code for
>stopped showing up after something on the machines was changed so she couldn't buy alcohol without staff giving permission anymore
What did you do? I'm very interested.
was posted a month ago
was OP's response
This fucking thread.
AbsoluteIy based and redpilled.
Fuck roasties.
Wow, yeah. That'll fucking do it.
Whoa, your dad did you a solid by destroying your chances of doing something stupid.
yeah. got involved with a bpd girl because im retarded. when I busted her cheating and she tried to play it off like she didnt know me and I was making shit up about us ever being involved, i sent around all the intimate stuff she'd texted me over the years to her friends and family as a sort of insurance policy in the event I had a fake rape or stalking claim thrown at me. Didnt need a bunch of beta orbiters helping her to destroy my life.
basically it was just a lot of "I hate friend X for Y reasons", "i miss you soooooooooo much, you should come over teehee", or "my dad hits me." but yeah, i posted it in places where it was guaranteed to get back to her social circle. and it did.
so all her friends ended up finding out she shit talked all of them behind their backs. also, multiple guys/girls (lel) found out she was cheating on them with me. Her parents also found out she was telling lies about being abused by them.
destroyed her reputation long term. she was angry for YEARS. i would literally have old roommates Id lived with like a year prior being like "hey she messaged me again and started asking a bunch of weird questions about you", then id go on twitter and see a bunch of passive aggressive statuses about me.
Yes, I said something which was apparently mean to poor people and then this middle-class girl told everyone I'm Hitler.
Godspeed you magnificent bastard of a person user.
If this is real, your gf is immature as fuck or a retard. I suggest you either stand up for yourself. If she throws a tantrum you should leave her. It's immoral to date underaged people, even if in this case it's mentally.
that's fucking based hahahahahah
>Eat my ass, you didn't know?
You lucky bastard.
Not really magnificent.
I've been on Jow Forums since my teens and have read every last viral greentext in relation to women fucking over an innocent guy. And over the years I've learned with women there are basically two rules to bail yourself out of a bad situation.
>Never delete anything.
>Always arrange shit over text, and after spending time with them, talk to them about how much fun you had.
If a girl ends up going crazy and either spreads lies about you or has a full blown mental breakdown, you've now got raw evidence to counter her story. She can't tell her friends you're a crackhead making up stories about sleeping with her if you've got timestamped messages and even IP logs of her inviting you to come over for the evening.
When shit hits the fan, printscreen and send. Easy. Unless all of her friends are also mentally unstable, the rational people in their social group will basically dip out because surprise, the crazy abusive ex she's trying to smear ended up being the sane one and he proved it in 30 seconds.
Well post some of the texts, easily the more interesting post in the thread tbqhwy.
im proud of you OP
Plenty OP. Once they realize you won't bend over backwards for them or give them favors they will hate you. I hate the cunts that I manage at work and they hate me too because I won't be their little tote bitch. I don't give a flying fuck your missing boyfriend's kid has the sniffles, show the fuck up or get the strike. Guys busting their ass on the job can't get away with that shit so neither can they.
praying i censored all identifying information but eh
>year one
>"hey can you come over so we could "talk"? teehee"
>timestamp proves I showed up just before midnight
>at her house
>gee I wonder what happened afterwards
one year later
>has mental breakdown
>tells all her friends I made everything up
She uh, didn't count on me not deleting any of my text, like ever lol.
got the messages before the "don't talk to me"?
im pretty sure its just her going on about me supposedly making up "crackhead stories" or whatever.
Ah, your story is cathartic as fuck, had a BPD girl who claimed we were never dating and I had 0 way to prove it since we only talked over phone, you are smarter than I.
its kind of a pain in the ass to compile these due to personal info, but as you can see, it serves a purpose.
if you're dumb enough to hook up with a crazy bitch and she starts telling her friends a bunch of horseshit about you, with a text message history you can both show that 1) she's lying to them and 2) she's crazy and flip-flops on her feelings about you.
at first
>"yes user, Im sorry, it was my fault, I messed up our relationship, pls forgive me"
literally a month later
>"actually user youre making up crackhead stories and im not even into guys so fuck off and stop talking to me"
rational people in their social group get their eyes on this and immediately dont want to touch the situation with a ten foot pole, and also question their friend's sanity. you, in turn, have saved yourself from a fake rape claim or something equally life altering.
It's not too difficult, just being born ugly and you're half way there
Every single day of my existence of course.
Damn, this is relatable. I had a hard time letting go. It's been two years since I've seen her and we haven't spoken in over a year. I actually just got out of a relationship a few weeks ago due to unrelated reasons, but I still love that bitch from before in some form. I'm not sure how she feels at THIS point in time, but I hope we can be on talking terms at some point. And if you really love someone, let em be happy and leave em be. While you're uninvolved. Its a sad, sad fuckin thing hahaha. She kinda resembled pic related.
Man you're straight-up evil.
Yeah honestly it's pretty rad and besides ya might as well since unless you're a tax paying cuck boi they'll never stop giving you shit anyways.
>he blames her
>he faked his suicide
wow OP idk what to say but its both your faults. just bc u got angry doesnt mean u should go that far.
>whore tries to be my gf
>say no I do not like sluts
>she gets angry
This had happened maybe 5 or so times. Other than that a lot of e-girls hate me flr ghosting them and a few others hate me because I am autistic.
>you will never be Chad and leave a trail of mentally broken roasties in your wake
I made Ciara hate me:((
accidentally texted some girl i really like while i was fucked on xanax and booze
>but yeah, i posted it in places where it was guaranteed to get back to her social circle
what places would this be; like your social media or something? or you just sent everything directly to them?
>talk to them about how much fun you had
presumably over text too, right?
Correct. Just normiebook, or send it to some mutual friends. You KNOW people will share it as gossip.
And yes, always shoot a text along the lines of "hey, last night was pretty fun, we should do it again sometime :)". Any response back and youve now got an airtight seal over any potential false allegations.
>first job at 25
did they know that? did they at all ask what you've been doing since high school? i need to get a job but i'm also 25, never had one. i'm so afraid but i need to make the change for myself and others. i have no answer to this question if asked though.
>And yes, always shoot a text along the lines of "hey, last night was pretty fun, we should do it again sometime :)". Any response back and youve now got an airtight seal over any potential false allegations.
Wow you're right, it's basically getting her signature to an online contract saying that all of these things happened. I guess this is what all of those "in 2019 you're probably gonna have to have the girl sign a contract demonstrating consent before she has sex with you" jokes would look like in practice
brilliant stuff bro, I'll keep these things in mind
Yes, three girls over the course of a year
>First girl, ugly Japanese girl. Went out a bunch with her, lunch, movies, hiking over the course of two weeks. Later asked her if she wanted to go on a date, she didn't take it well and now completely ignores me when we see each other (we go to the same club so we see each other every other week)
>Second girl, was at coworkers leaving party. We get drunk and I hook up with coworker's best friend, later confess that I wanted to bang coworker but settled for her, she hates me now
>Third girl, be dating her for a bit after ex breaks my heart. End up cheating with ex, she finds out, we break up. Later get back together, but cheat on her again with ex. Got back with ex now. Third girl start's dating my house mate who's like 30 years older than her, weird feel.