I've started to become disgusted by the Wests liberalism, is Russia worth the move and truly becoming more conservative? I hate the hedonism of the west, I hate the family breaking apart due to feminists in the west, I hate our culture being ruined etc
I've started to become disgusted by the Wests liberalism, is Russia worth the move and truly becoming more conservative...
Russia literally blocks all immigration unless you're working from Korea. Even just visiting the country takes a lot of effort.
The social conservatism is just a smokescreen to distract from government oppression and oligarchs looting everything.
America has a better chance at getting through the cancer of feminism and degeneracy than most countries
Choose Poland instead.
It's an upgraded russia.
as if there is no hedonism in russia, their women literally fuck everything that moves
>It's Another cute Anglo-Saxon falling for le based Russia meme
Kawaii but cringe. There's nothing to be found in this shit hole of a country.
>Choose Poland instead.
Do Poles speak english?
Russia is just degenerate in its own ways, you're trading liberals for violent gopniks.
>the west is degenerate
>wants to move to another degenerate shithole
Why are people on Jow Forums like this? What's next your going to go get an Asian wife because she is based and conservative to only get cheated on and treated like a wallet?
>Why are people on Jow Forums like this? What's next your going to go get an Asian wife because she is based and conservative to only get cheated on and treated like a wallet?
Russia or Poland is way better compared to the US desu, where would you move?
If you are such a traditionalist why can't you just live a traditional lifestyle in your own country? You sound like one of these weeaboos who thinks they would fit in better to Japanese society and idealizes the culture, only with Russia. There is hedonism everywhere. If you are such a conservative Christian that you get triggered even living around people who have a different worldview then go live in the country. It is really an urban vs. rural thing, you don't have to move to a different country.
>is Russia worth the move and truly becoming more conservative
No, certainly not worth moving and it's becoming less conservative. Maybe if it wasn't for soviets pushing for equality and atheism things would be somewhat better now. Same can be said for most ex-soviet countries and really the world is moving in this direction, only religious communities can you provide you with conservative environment these days.
What? That's bullshit, it's easy to visit and migrate.
get your gay ass outta the house homeboy
SHHHH no guys shutup I really want to see OP get murdered for trying to pull a Ken-sama but in Russian
OP yeah Russia is the bastion of true Western traditionalism untainted by Jewish cuckoldry you should totally move there. I hope you've been training your calves to squat, because that posture comes from folding your legs over a thousand times and is superior to any other leaning on earth. I wish you luck in Moscow!
if you are not planning to chat with elderly
most should know at least entry lvl english
It's basically like the US, but slightly less feminist. There are still fat people, druggies (more so than the west actually), "hedonist", etc. Just because blonde women in dirndls exist there doesn't mean shit.
Russia is one of the most immigrant hosting countries on the planet. It's stricter on refugees, but practically anyone who works there for ~5 years and speaks the language is granted full citizenship
imagine moving to a 2nd world, broken and corrupt state because of "muh culture"
go to Russia, we don't want you here.
What are you even on about. You're going to a nation that has a higher HIV infection rate than some African nations, full of drunkards and moslems. You will have a better time moving to Utah than Russia or Poland.
Live your life with your head up how you believe you should. Moving anywhere doesn't change anything other than what chunk of clay you stand on.
Eastern Europe is a shithole
no, anthony. stop watching rt
whom is this originally
forgot pic original123
south america is better
Stop reading Sputnik News you retard.
Russia is not a first world country unless you're an oligarch living in Moscow.
No one speaks English there, so you'll have to learn Russian.
You will face discrimination if you have any sort of ethnic surname. Especially don't go there if you have Georgian or Armenian ancestry.
The government is corrupt and useless. Healthcare lags behind the Western world. I hope you like tuberculosis.
>SHHHH no guys shutup I really want to see OP get murdered for trying to pull a Ken-sama but in Russian
Slavic girls are hot as hell though
Poland, Utah, Hungary or Russia seems like heaven imo
How come all the dumb incels missed the memo on globalization? Why do they think there's anything but a massive monoculture now?
>How come all the dumb incels missed the memo on globalization? Why do they think there's anything but a massive monoculture now?
I hate how globalism has destroyed national identity
How has it done that?
Globalism wants markets to be the same to effectively market to different countries
>rampant alcoholism
>drug addicts that make it Africa-tier HIV infested
>life expectancy for men is around 65
>corruption literally everywhere
>all media is 100% controlled by the government
>women are all gold-digging whores
>fetishization of war
>full of Muslims
>they hate on faggots
Yeah, OP, it's a paradise. Move there.
I mean they're improving unlike America and becoming less degenerate for every year. Sadly the Soviets spread degeneracy which the current gov is trying to fix
>becoming less degenerate for every year
Sure, deluded user, sure.
Uninformed post. The Soviet Union was a lot more traditional in the way it treated the family and vices like alcoholism and drug use than the Russia of today. Homosexuals had fewer rights than they do no and they will have when the young liberal Russians take over.
The Soviets did a great job of keeping the corrupt Orthodox Church in check. Nowadays you have Bishops living like oligarchs across the Eastern Block.
>The Soviet Union was a lot more traditional in the way it treated the family and vices like alcoholism and drug use than the Russia of today
lol no, the Soviets Union was an atheist state that didn't give a shit about culture just look at the ugly ass art and buildings that they made
All high-ranking priests were KGB agents/assets.
If your idea of "culture" is union domes then you'll do just fine in Russia. Just don't look down and you won't see the drunks and drug addicts, corruption, gold digging women and broken families.
The USSR kept families intact and encouraged children and traditional values because they wanted a big population to keep them strong. They brought back the Church after WWII but neutered it to prevent the usual corruption.
>higher rate of crime
>extremely high rate of AIDs
>largest user of heroin
>literal muslim terrorist controlled warzones
nice country
Those buildings were designed to be disposable as they wanted to switch over to communism in a few decades after it was built
Soviet art is patrician-tier
Name a better national anthem than the Soviet one
Name any movie that's better than Stalker or Come and See
Moscow is nice than most Western cities, but yes big parts of Siberia is shitholes that sink the statistics down
>Those buildings were designed to be disposable as they wanted to switch over to communism in a few decades after it was built
Sure dude that's totally why they made shit tier buildings
>Soviet art is patrician-tier
Stiff faceless art is better than Renaissance art now?
Russia is just a shit tier oligarchy
>I'm disgusted that all people are starting to have a right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness
This is what the average NGIGER CATTLE thinks
I'm from Russia and whatever societal issues the west is going through are trifled by the issues Russia has. If you are genuinely considering moving to Russia from a first world country, you are a naive idiot. I understand the grass is greener meme, but in this context Russia has no grass. Do yourself a favour and never go there (except for tourism, maybe, some cities might be worth checking out).
But Moscow is really nice to live in though right?
lol, don't do it OP. I was like you once and honestly believed in the Russia meme. But the more I learned about it the more horrified I got at how awful russian society is. It's not quite North Korea-tier but it's still a massive shithole, if you're a westerner you're going to go insane in how little freedom russians have in their lives.
I thought russian IPs were banned on Jow Forums? Proofs?
Exactly. They're happy to allow themselves as much sex and drugs as they can get online, but when there are actual consequences, they just want Daddy to make it all better for them.
Fun fact - Fascist and women have the same relationship to the government.
>Fun fact - Fascist and women have the same relationship to the government.
I don't know if Russian IPs are banned here, I've been living in another country since early 2018 (international student).
Define "nice". If you are filthy rich, then sure. It's about as nice as any other place. But if you're a poorfag, then it's a shithole. Also, unless you know Russian, you won't be able to make it there (in my opinion). The vast majority of the population has beginner knowledge of English (or none at all).
>Define "nice". If you are filthy rich, then sure. It's about as nice as any other place
I'd say it's nicer than any other European city if you're rich
> But if you're a poorfag, then it's a shithole.
Well no shit all megacities are shit tier if you're a poorfag
In what way is it nicer? Public healthcare in Russia is completely useless with queues going for many months, national postage service is absolutely atrocious and infuriating to the point where its name is synonymous with "slow". Police is corrupt to the core, you can't rely on them for anything. Public transportation is a joke (low quality, old and filthy buses etc). Everything is poorly run and you will really notice that when you start living there. I never lived in Moscow, so I can't say how it is there, but judging by what my friends from Moscow have told me, it's not much better.
>In what way is it nicer?
Not a ton of graffiti, cleaner, more luxury etc
>Public transportation is a joke
The Moscow subway system is amazing looking
Cleaner and less graffiti on pretty pictures you see on the internet, maybe. As for the subway, I do have to say that subway in Russia tends to be pretty great. Very intuitive, clean and good looking. Definitely superior to NYC and London subway. However, you can't get everywhere you go by subway and all other public transportation sucks balls.
>you can't get everywhere you go by subway
You know you're talking to people who rarely even leave the house right?
20 minutes of walking have never hurt anyone
How would you do that in Russia? If you're living on neetbux, you won't be able to do that there. WW2 veterans get laughable pension, your neet ass won't get shit. You will have to work when there, period. And with the alleged cutoff of Russia from the internet, working online would be troublesome.
>I do have to say that subway in Russia tends to be pretty great. Very intuitive, clean and good looking. Definitely superior to NYC and London subway. However, you can't get everywhere you go by subway and all other public transportation sucks balls.
Lucky America has no good public transportation system just a good subway would be amazing
Getting NEETbux from your birth country obviously, or working on the internet. Even your camwhores can figure it out, so why can't you.
I don't think welfare works when you are abroad. Just like how I don't have to pay as much tax when I spent the majority of the year away from Russia, I would imagine neetbux would stop as soon as you go away.
>I don't think welfare works when you are abroad
Lol of course it does, why wouldn't it?
>other public transportation suck balls
Depends on the city
>Depends on the city
Norilsk is the best city in russia
oh... oh, user, you sweet summer child...
>The Soviet Union was a lot more traditional in the way it treated the family and vices like alcoholism and drug use than the Russia of today
The soviet union pushed for gender equality and it's economy largely depended on it's own population drinking themselves away. Also, homosexuality was made legal during early days. I agree that it's even worse now, but vodka economy and Marxist liberation of women didn't help.
>The Soviets did a great job of keeping the corrupt Orthodox Church in check
Orthodoxy is not corrupt per se, any church is corrupt when it's not separated from a state which is what we have now. And compared to all other religions like say Protestantism Orthodox were given huge privileges(again, relatively speaking) and hardly suppressed, if it weren't for that, orthodox church could be a lot weaker now, when religious freedom was allowed in Tsarist times it really started losing ground.
You're an absolute retard. Soviets were really focused on family life and maintaining societal values. The only way they really differed culturally was that political religion was kept in check.
They even tried to get people to stop drinking alcohol (in Russia!) for fucks sake.
newfags dont know this pasta
go watch nfkrz videos on youtube if you want to know what russia is like
place is a fucking hellhole if you're not a billionaire
hmm, looks like disneyland but without happiness
would heterosexually cuddle with/10
no you wouldn't, I'm obese :^)
Apparently it's also pretty degen desu user. I can't be fucked to find the source but it's like the aids, teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancy, drug abuse etc etc capital of the world.
Basically half orthodox completely upstanding rural village peoples and half completely fucking fucked.
>Basically half orthodox completely upstanding rural village peoples
Haha, you wish, I had a rural gf and most out of town youth worship vodka and sex.
Overall there are only 3 million of somewhat pious orthodox Christians(that's how much goes to church on Easter), the rest just call themselves orthodox out of tradition more than anything, the church is lazy and corrupt, if it weren't for government gibs protestants, catholics and Jehovah's witnesses would take over, but because they are not trusted by the state, it's Islam that takes over.
98% of Russia is poverty because Putin and the ones in power take all the money for themselves and other rich people. Away from the palatial touristy buildings, it's like medieval peasantry but with more government control and spying.
You don't like liberalism and feminism, try Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Burqas sound like they would suit you fine desu
>Russia or Poland is way better compared to the US
Are you serious nigger? Maybe Moscow or Saint Petersburg are at least comparable to 1st world, but the rest is just one giant shithole, filled with drunkards, depressed abortions, barely literate tards and overly agressive wastes of space. Add on top Detroit-tier economy, chinks slowly carving the resources, and just Stalker-esque atmosphere, and you'll get how 75% of Russia looks like.