Why are they doing this on mass Jow Forums? Explain fembots
Why do young white girls love black guys so much?
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Rebelling against daddy with a touch of (((media))) influence
>even her feet are perfect
Of fucking course. She just gets it all, doesn't she
Because white men are too feminine and weak. Women will always crave someone dominant and strong. This is why you see so many tiny women with Tyrone.
Looks like STPeach.
Isn't she dating a gook?
I wouldn't date black guys but this here is the answer. You guys complain about the lack of traditional & feminine women, but look around and you'll realize the same goes for men, too many betas these days.
damn she has a fat ass, which is the only reason those dudes are there. that looks boring as a mother fucker.
No, you answer this .
Who are you?
I wish this was true so fucking much
>High testosterone/DHT levels are widely attested among sub-Saharan agriculturalists and their New World descendents. Young black men have more circulating testosterone than do young white men whereas young East Asian men, though intermediate in testosterone levels, have less 5?-reductase-an enzyme that converts testosterone into the physiologically more active DHT (Pettaway, 1999; Ross et al., 1992). These three geographic groupings also exhibit analogous differences in androgen receptor receptivity (Kittles et al., 2001).
I'd legit let a girl that qt shit in my mouth.
Because women's loves STDs
i'd fuck her till my balls were empty
>t. Larping white boy
It is true, white girls love black guys
I've never seen that meme true in real life.
we already know through statistics this isnt true. stop running this op, its embaressing to watch.
Cuckold fetishists should be put into the electric chair.
I'm black and no white girls love me, in fact I'm a virgin.
Fuck off with this meme
>tfw male
W-why am I attracted to young black guys??
>R-race isnt real you nazis!
You have either never stepped outside your house or have absolutely no blacks in your country
As a top or bottom? This is important
They don't Your meme doesn't reflect reality. Countless studies have shown this and ''minorities'' always start crying because whites vastly prefer other whites.
No one is crying you faggots. Minorities find their own women attractive and will bang whites for their own pleasure but marry one of their own. Fun to use never to marry.
Black guy here
Can confirm.
They're just whores. Dont worry.
From the looks of the photo behind her she's actually dating an asian dude.
I don't see white girls dating black guys en masse desu
Black guys usually fuck them behind close doors but dating? No.
Why shouldnt they worry?
I'm black so i know that's bs. Where is the white girl that likes me then?
Because it doesn't even matter at the end of the day. Would a white woman that fucked over 30 hillbilly redneck white trash men be less of a whore than a white woman that fucked 7 black guys?
If you believe that, that's just your bigotry getting the best of you. Deep down, they dont give a fuck about blacks in general. They can still sense the hostility they get for being with blacks so they won't get into a serious relationship with a black man. When they actually find a decent white guy, they stick to them. At the mean time, they're on the cock carousel like any other thot.
Boomer dads are bullshit thats why.
>on mass
kek white women treat black men like whores they're too ashamed to be in public with
Anyway, just yesterday I heard a group of girls talking about how gross it was when a black guy tried to hit on them, and I've never seen any girls at my school date them except one known slut. It's not that common
>the only way to be masculine is to be a roid-raging knuckle-dragger who pops off and gets into fights over every perceived slight.
This is the "toxic masculinity" they're referring to. Reinforcing this is why women get the shit kicked out of them by cavemen.
So fucking delusional hahahaha holy shit and I'm a """minority""".. Minorities literally worship white dudes and girls. Hahahahahahaha holy fuck
Why wouldn't you date a black guy?( just asking)
What does exactly women need ?
if you get off the internet i think you'll find its nowhere near as prevalent as you think it is.
I wonder why all other races' women are OBSESSED with white men?
Ive never seen this, white guys are seen as cringy
You might. Don't talk for the majority you white ass kissing faggot.
where the fuck is your chart for your doubt you cuck?
All your saying is that anecdotally your a beta cuck
LOL just look around you dumbass. I wasn't talking about me, I don't personally care much for white girls. Im just saying, minorities love white dick/pussy.
They don't. Nothing more than propaganda by faggots such as yourself.
well, white women will be gone in a few generations and we'll just have brown people so don't worry OP (bonus also no black people!!)
Just wait
Eventually even the most modest girl turns into a whore with enough pressure
The problem with this shit is that dating site figures are not truly representative at all of the general population and trends. And most importantly, dating sites tend to be dominated by older generations, younger generations are FAR more indoctrinated by media and I can guaran-fucking-tee you this is a ticking demographic timebomb
In my country, young girls are obsessed with niggers and Arabs/Muslims, literally fucking obsessed. Despite the mass rape stories, the constant chimpouts in media... they are literally obsessed from puberty onwards.
All the top tier girls, obsessed with niggers. The mid tier are more reserved obsessed and still seem willing to go for kind of cuck-ish relationships where they will drag their boyfriend to see Blck Panther 100 times and so forth.
You have just given zero effort
Even if you don't barely tried you could get one
Yeah maybe but black guys are so ugly and gross they dont add any pressure
If you're going to racebait at least try to make it mildly entertaining
The pic related is from Tinder, literally teens and early 20s
Basically get Tinder swipe stats/figures and rates. Go fucking find them, I triple dog dare you. They don't release them because that paints a VERY different fucking picture and we all fucking know it.
They release this selective dating site BULLSHIT to further cement the idea niggers are being victimized and discriminated against sexually and charitable white women feel compelled to open their wombs to these poor sex peasants.
Tinder is literally the only dating app popular/attractive/normal people use. They use it predominantly for flings and casual sex and I can GUARANTEE you if you make a fake profile with an average or decent looking black guy, you will not believe the fucking swipes you get, and WHO you get them from (Asian girls).
delusional poster making delusional posts
Just wait
The ugliness won't matter after awhile
Just their alpha personality
Arab here, what country bro?
UK. Yeah come over and have your fill, why the fuck not. I hope you are the final spark that ignites the rebellion and subsequent slaughter of all non-whites.
I was already moving to UK this autumn. That's life fuel, thanks brother.
What city are you from btw?
and also what is the attitude of east asian women in regards to arab men?
>posts pick of girl dating a chink
Also, do pics like this serve any other purpose than to show off their ass? What excuses could a girl even use when called out on a pic like this?
She's more fixated on the computer
>and also what is the attitude of east asian women in regards to arab men?
East Asian women will fucking anything not Asian. They seem to prefer white and Arab/Muslim men most though. If you're light skinned Arab, like olive Mediterranean style look, yeah they will love you.
I'm from the Norf.
>This fucking shitty drawing in the background
Oh my gawd, what da fuck.
oh a northerner!
Don't worry I won't go to the north of england, only south and middlands.
Sadly I am not light skinned, I am standard brown (despite being half white half arab).
Glad to hear I have chances with those asian beauties.
Holy kek just noticed.
And when I say fuck I mean fuck. They will fuck you, they won't do a relationship with you. They pick Asians or beta whites for relationships.
Unironically if you're not a doormat, an Asian girl will have nothng to do with you relationship wise. But yeah hit up nightclubs and you should be fairly successful as long as you're actually decent looking/confident/assertive well dressed and above all else, tall/muscular.
YEah the qt Asian waifu meme is absolute cancerous trash. As the most desirable girls, they are absolutely awful people to be around and hypergamous as fuck, and unrepentantly slutty due to lack of religious shaming.
never mind I am retarded Norfolk isn't in north.
excuse my autism
i see your point.
i will keep that in mind.
thanks for the heads up
there aren't even enough black guys to take a quarter of the white women dumb cuck
>Don't worry I won't go to the north of england, only south and middlands.
I don't care where you go, man. I'm just a bitter incel/volcel or whatvever. Too autistic and depressed to make anything work long term. Have had a few sexual encounters with average in the right light girls, one an East Asian gf for a year.
I dunno. I just hope it all crashed and burns. I just hate women and am utterly disgusted by them. They're absolute garbage to the point I don't even want to stick my dick in them anymore.
But yeah good luck to you anyway man. Good you can still get excitement and enjoyment from such things. Hope it works out for you.
I feel you, I wasn't lucky so far either.
Have you considered going MGTOW?
same for you, hope it will work out well for both of us.
she's married to a gook, yet cucks are still obsessed with nigger dicks
Mgtow is a meme. It's just undesireable men coping.
well we can either cope or try to looksmax.
a lot of times looksmaxxing results in the creation of gymcels but who knows.
Have you tried South East Asia? (Vietnam and etc.)?
Nah I don't need that, seems like they just obsess over women their entire free time. I effectively am MGTOW but just without the focus on women.
Like if you're genuinely free of them, you won't think about them. They will barely consume your thoughts, and that's the level I have reached, more or less. Still have sexual urges I've been placating with porn but I'm going to nip that in the bud soon with prolonged nofap.
I just want a traditional, cute, pure, feminine wife like any other guy does deep down. So if I stumble upon a girl like that one day, I'll try, but girls like that are largely myth or just too ugly/undesirable to whore anyway.
I'm not the user you replied to lol.
Also looksmaxxing is a meme too.
What's there to change besides hairstyle and fitness?
>I just want a traditional, cute, pure, feminine wife like any other guy does deep down.
Holy shit good luck looking for that.
It's like a 2 asking for a 10.
>Holy shit good luck looking for that.
Yeah you can see, the exhaustion, fatigue and reasoning for my defeatism then.
Rebell against their own race that constricts them. A new race makes them feel free. It means they hate being human. Or this society is satanic towards human life.
I can already tell you, you'll never find one like that.
Unless she's a 4/10.
Also what makes you think she would like a r9k incel loser like you? Are you good looking?
>Are you good looking?
I'm okay yeah, maybe average to slightly above average, but not close to good looking enough for that, no.
>what makes you think she would like a r9k incel loser like you?
Well she absolutely won't. I'm effectively nigger tier in lifestyle and behavior/mannerisms. But without the aggression and overconfidence, kek.
I know I won't find one like that, hence why I have given up, pic related is me.
Nothing about blacks is inherently masculine, go tot a card shack and you'll see a dude named "Jaques" with a blue red magic deck who talks carlton banks. You're just a knuckle dragger to. And probably mad that some white guy took your crush (probably a beta to lol).
You're not that bad looking, quite good actually.
Why do you want a pure gf?
It doesn't matter wether she had sex before.
if all undesirable men went mgtow the world would be a better place though so why complain?
Mgtow focuses on hating women though.
>posts blacked porn all day to feel superior
>calls others cringy
black people
alright let me rephrase, if all undesirable men went their own way and ignored women the world would be a better place you fucking reactionary inceltears simp
Yeah, I'm okay, fairly handsome/appealing to some segments of women.
I want a pure gf because it's just in my nature to. Same way it's in a girls' nature to need the guy to have a career and certain kind of energy to him. I find sluts repulsive, I find the thought of a girl being corrupted by guys before me sickening and off putting and I am incapable of loving such a girl or wanting her for anything other than casual sex.
I don't need virginal pure, but anything more than 2 sexual partners, 3 at the absolute most as long as they are ALL in committed relationships.
It all depends on the kind of person she is, what she enjoys, her lifestyle etc. too. Really you could say I am just crippled by my own standards like a lot of roasties, which is absolutely true I guess but... it's just the way we are, right.
I'd rather be alone than settle, I don't mind being alone and you have total control over your life.
My apologies white boy
How did I fucking know? You are an overreacting piece of shit with what you said in this post:
>In my country, young girls are obsessed with niggers and Arabs/Muslims, literally fucking obsessed
Clearly you have agenda saying this.
t. UK minority
>Clearly you have agenda saying this.
Yes, I stated my agenda pretty plainly. I want mass bloodshed and destruction, I want this rotten, festering world to be brought to its knees. I want this to get so skewed out of proportion, for this shit to get so blown up and utterly absorb so many girls that it causes their own downfall.
And every single one of them will deserve it, is the beautiful irony.
Yeah, okay cool. All I saw was that damn dirty lie you spewed
how is the experience of a minority in UK?
Your choice is either an tiny uncircumcised overweight neckbeard manchild that plays video games and likes beta cringe shit and drinks onions lattes and uses more product than me or an athletic manly big dicked black guy that is not afraid to put me in my place and treat me like a woman and fuck my brains out and leave me pregnant.
Yeah, big mystery why women choose to be with black men and lust after and masturbate to them. Just look at any school in the Western world. All sports are dominated by black men, porn is dominated by black men, pop culture is dominated by black men. Why the fuck would any woman want to be with a loser white guy who is addicted to porn and faps to tranny NTR BBC porn himself anyway.
Hello Paul, nice LARP you have going, very convincing!
Then explain why K-pop fruitcakes have women at their beckon call
Why not both? Pretty sure they are mutually compatible.
I'm sure this post was made by a woman guys!!! Totally not a shill with a cuck fetish!!#