Let's see how bad you guys really have it.
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Everyone borns straight you faggot
About average I guess.
>everyone borns straight
I guess we know you're lying about being a genious.
I hate being autistic
>being that much of a faggot that you believe the whole you are born with your sexuality bullshit
Back to tumblr with your ass
I love it how everyone here rates themselves as genius.
Dunning Kruger effect.
I hope you're the same guy cause you completely missed the point.
I don't understand your stats, but fuck off, non-virgin scum.
Normally I'd agree with you, but Jow Forums has a way of attracting those who are intelligent enough to see the futility in everything but who don't have the mental stamina to continue living constructively in spite of that.
My depression tells me to kill myself
My anxiety makes me too afraid to try
He wasn't, I'm Also, everyone borns straight. That's a rule by nature.
this made me feel some kind of way
>tfw brainlet with wealthy family
Holy shit there is no reason I should be failing this bad. Im 23 and dont even have to work if I dont want to bc inheritance. Autism is one hell of a drug.
Fucking forgot my picture, I should move my intelligence further toward retard.
My family loves me but it's a very stressing environment and we have a lot of problems. I have close friends, I have a boyfriend but I don't talk to them see them or go out of the house from 5 months because I'm really depressed and I really think it's over, today I spent the whole day crying and I think I'm finally going to kill myself and make everyone's life better
Literal god lol.
Lose sum w8 m8 than ull be k
>Lose sum w8 m8 than ull be k
I know, I think I'm going to lose weight and then kill myself so I will not be fat in my casket
Thats really creative
almost 30+ year old sperg here
I'm about as bland as unseasoned chicken.
I updated it. I suppose choosing the middle of it means i am not in debt or retired. so i have money and i'm not in debt.
Skellington going to the gym + manual labor job, all i'm doing is bulking up straight into muscles, i'm lucky i have it easier than fatasses
Got my first gf at 24 years old, she's psycho but i guess that's normal
I guess i'm smarter than half the braindead normie retards
Money is kinda bleh, my job doesn't give me enough hours and the pay is absolute shit, but the job is mostly easy shit so i just deal with it
Can't afford to take gf anywhere usually, theaters once a month is about it.
I thought getting a gf cured mental illness though, turns out it doesn't kek
maybe go into debt sometimes, the pressure helps motivate me. once i pay my car off though i'll just save some v-bucks for a trailer to live in. if my gf dumps me because trailer life ain't good enough for her, so be it
I guess the best objective measure of luck should be the middle of Wealth and Intellect? I'm not sure how you measure creativity
Forgot to mention that Intellect could reflect mensa.no IQ test (or a certified test) results on a scale of 0-140 IQ points.
whites can't be robots, please leave
could be a lot worse
orignal >:(
a little late but here is mine
nice tyrone larp nigger.
I'd say I'm doing fine, especially given the fact that I'm planning on hitting the gym this summer.
Jow Forums here
original comment
Born in a shithole, dropped out of community college, my family has always hated me, I'm stupid as fuck, literally zero talents, have a long distance girlfriend and friends because I'm nice cause I don't want to be alone again, in afraid I'll kill myself if I end up solo ever again. Too afraid to let people in because in afraid they'll leave. Only thing I have going for me is forced charisma that makes egirls fall for me pretty easily but lose interest just as easily. I'm a fast boring, poor, stupid, talentless, brown, depressed, clingy, have slight PTSD, depression, anxiety, trust issues, anger issues, push people away, take care of people regardless of what it does to me and an over all just scum that's too much of a stupid coward to to even kill himself correctly
I have autism and a luck stat of 9 but other than that i don't have much
Never even hugged a non family member
For the wealth one, I have $0 to my name but I'm not in debt.
I ruined it for myself.
Autist rich famiy guy from other thread
Everything I ever thought I earned was a lot of luck and nepotism.
just your average loser passing by
i started cutting in order to deal with my anxiety
Shit just works out for me most of the time